Yes actually the stupid *******.Have the looney green weenies blamed it on fracking yet?
No proven connection.not so stupid, unless you want to set light to your tap water.
In many areas around the world oil and natural gas seep to the surface naturally. And these natural seeps do get in to the ground water. Fracking is done in areas where the oil is trapped in low grade formations rather than in pools or reservoirs of oil or gas. The bore holes are cased in steel and concrete and the fracking process is done well over a mile below the water table. No, there has been no proven connection between fracking and ground water didn't get put in the ground water by the water companies. and it only happens in areas where there is fracking. coincidence I don't think.
I'm with you. I don't like the industry either. Not for the potential contamination but because of the development that goes along with the operations. I've seen areas where it doesn't even get dark at night because of the gas being flared off at the wellheads. Some fields lay out the wells on 40 acre grids. Some well pads have up to 8 wells or more on a single 10-20 acre pad. Then there's the access roads, increased traffic etc, etc. I worked in the oil/gas industry for many years and understand the processes, but I don't want to live anywhere near it.well its not going to happen anywhere near me, wrong sort of rock, so not personally a problem for me. I just don't like it.