ULTIMATE Terrorist Weapon

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Uncle Albert

Awesome Friend
Apr 16, 2013
Louisiana USA
This could be it folks. How ISIS could destroy the world as we know it. What if they swept into Africa grabbed a bunch of these poor souls, extracted their fluids, infected bunches of brained washed suicidal volunteers and put them on planes around the world? What as Preppers could we possibly do to run from that? You know that they have already thought of this so it is up to us to come up with a plan or many plans. Get back to me and give me something that will give me some hope.
Not a pleasant thought but sometimes I wonder if these type viruses are found in hot climates because they cannot thrive in cooler climates wich would make it a shorter term desasster .
Now if ISIS had the cure for Ebola.......................... that might be a world domination plan...................... I will consult Alexander Joseph Luthor.
This could be it folks. How ISIS could destroy the world as we know it. What if they swept into Africa grabbed a bunch of these poor souls, extracted their fluids, infected bunches of brained washed suicidal volunteers and put them on planes around the world? What as Preppers could we possibly do to run from that? You know that they have already thought of this so it is up to us to come up with a plan or many plans. Get back to me and give me something that will give me some hope.
If they aren't allready in action to do just that I would be amazed. If someone is willing to strap a bomb on themselves to blow up 1 building, this weapon is thousands of times more devastating. The best I can tell you is to get as prepared as you can now. Stock up on supplies so you don't have to go out in crowded places. Good luck to us all. Also remember, it's about a 50 to 60 percent mortality rate. Those aren't the worst odds I've ever seen. The world won't end even if this is worst case scenario. Just protect yourself and your loved ones as well as you can.
As a blood-born disease, Ebola really isn't an ideal terrorism biologic. A weaponized airborne version though, sure, but otherwise, I'd have to think that we'd be able to put the kabosh on it pretty well, unless it was a multi-pronged attack, and even then, we'd still likely contain it. The other problem with it, is that it is really only highly contagious once showing symptoms, and even then, still requires close contact to become infected.

I fear a terrorist EMP weapon more than anything else, as this could be handled with ONE attack, and knock us back to pre-industrial times.
only things that come to mind right off,when it comes to preparing for something like this.is,first get the well needed protective gear.mask suit gloves mask,and what ever else is needed..and if you don't already have a very remote area in which to live.then find like minded people to live with.and when i say remote.i mean so remote..chances of seeing 2 other ppl in a month are slim to none.
only things that come to mind right off,when it comes to preparing for something like this.is,first get the well needed protective gear.mask suit gloves mask,and what ever else is needed..and if you don't already have a very remote area in which to live.then find like minded people to live with.and when i say remote.i mean so remote..chances of seeing 2 other ppl in a month are slim to none.
That's a really good point Jim, now is a good time to consider where you would go if you live in a large city or 'hot spot'. Having a real plan ahead of time beats the hell out of jumping in a car and saying "now what". Realistic dude mentioned how strong a weapon fear is, and I couldn't agree more, but it's a total waste of time and energy. Don't worry uselessly over something that may not even happen, but have a plan in case it does.
Yea its always best to have a back up plan.even if its not needed...fear dubt and the mind can be used to keep ppl at bay..by makeing sutle hints n suggestons about ebola..
Yea its always best to have a back up plan.even if its not needed...fear dubt and the mind can be used to keep ppl at bay..by makeing sutle hints n suggestons about ebola..
As far as I can tell the ISIS isn't paying attention. Good! But I really wish that Obama would and get off his dead ass.
If they aren't allready in action to do just that I would be amazed. If someone is willing to strap a bomb on themselves to blow up 1 building, this weapon is thousands of times more devastating. The best I can tell you is to get as prepared as you can now. Stock up on supplies so you don't have to go out in crowded places. Good luck to us all. Also remember, it's about a 50 to 60 percent mortality rate. Those aren't the worst odds I've ever seen. The world won't end even if this is worst case scenario. Just protect yourself and your loved ones as well as you can.
Yes, it may not end Man's rule as we know it, but it will be greatly diminished. We'll go back to life in the 1800's, and live off the land.
As a blood-born disease, Ebola really isn't an ideal terrorism biologic. A weaponized airborne version though, sure, but otherwise, I'd have to think that we'd be able to put the kabosh on it pretty well, unless it was a multi-pronged attack, and even then, we'd still likely contain it. The other problem with it, is that it is really only highly contagious once showing symptoms, and even then, still requires close contact to become infected.

I fear a terrorist EMP weapon more than anything else, as this could be handled with ONE attack, and knock us back to pre-industrial times.
Think a thousand contaminated individuals put on planes to every country in the world. So inexpensive. So leathal, no bombs required. All the contaminated idiots have to do is spit on their hands and shake yours. How many times do you put your hands in your mouth, eyes, nose during the day. Or eat a piece of anything without washing first. And they will be delivered it to us all in the name of a religion. As I recall Christians did the same thing, "You will convert to the beliefs of my God or I will kill you".
Religion has killed more humans than anything else on this planet. I think we ought to stamp out religion! What do you think?
You seem to think that humans need a religious reason to kill people. They don't. Sometimes they use religion as an excuse. The problem lies with human nature, not with religion.

Some of the most brutal regimes in history were atheist.
You seem to think that humans need a religious reason to kill people. They don't. Sometimes they use religion as an excuse. The problem lies with human nature, not with religion.

Some of the most brutal regimes in history were atheist.
I think youre right doc, religion is just the excuse to rally young impressionable men into doing what the leader wants, which is power.
Religion may have been used as a reason, but typically, at the root of it, it always comes down to control of land and resources....and ISIS is really no different in that regard. They simply sell the religious justifications better. You can bet their leadership is after power and territory, just as all others have been throughout history. They are not unique.
As a blood-born disease, Ebola really isn't an ideal terrorism biologic. A weaponized airborne version though, sure, but otherwise, I'd have to think that we'd be able to put the kabosh on it pretty well, unless it was a multi-pronged attack, and even then, we'd still likely contain it. The other problem with it, is that it is really only highly contagious once showing symptoms, and even then, still requires close contact to become infected.

I fear a terrorist EMP weapon more than anything else, as this could be handled with ONE attack, and knock us back to pre-industrial times.

IMO... We need for men like Nicolas Cage ( The Rock ) who will make a stand against these types of threats ( Foreign and Domestic ) for the betterment of man kind!

I am BAD, that was a movie! :(
We need the citizens of the United States of America to make a stand aginst threats both forien and domestic . Thoes of us that are will be painted as extremist and criminals . There are people living in this Country that would like to see what is happening in Iraq and sirya happen here . As far as the Religous question I'm a Fundamintalist Christian . The only one I have seen post about stamping out others or grabbing a bunch of sick Africains and extracting their fluids is I guess a athiest .
I agree 100% " We need the citizens of the United States of America to make a stand aginst threats both forien and domestic .!"

I feel the big problem with this is...... Until someone or Americans are effected personally, no one will rise to the cause! It will take more then overnight Hypocrites to make the difference. Why should it have to take human tragedy to rally American Patriotism, then question who was really behind the devastation?

I am not trying to start any friction, I think it's sad people should have to worry about prepping for other reasons than Mother Nature.
1/2 the U.S population aprove or atleast are not concerned with the direction our Country is going . Nearly 1/2 the citizens that should be in the U.S work force are on the Government free stuff wagon with the rest of us carrying the load . Why should they care ?
Your preaching to the choir brother! I also don't think its right I should have to be random UA tested to work, I am all about work safety.

I feel anyone within our Government or anyone receiving these benefits from my hard earned Tax Dollars, should also have to pass a UA.

What's good for one, should be good for the other! Maybe this would shine some light onto why things are so messed up? Just Saying :)
Your preaching to the choir brother! I also don't think its right I should have to be random UA tested to work, I am all about work safety.

I feel anyone within our Government or anyone receiving these benefits from my hard earned Tax Dollars, should also have to pass a UA.

What's good for one, should be good for the other! Maybe this would shine some light onto why things are so messed up? Just Saying :)
Personally I think pot should be legal, but as long as it's not, I agree with you. If you can afford pot, you don't need govt assistance!
Personally I think pot should be legal, but as long as it's not, I agree with you. If you can afford pot, you don't need govt assistance!

I agree with you on the left handed cigarettes, alcohol has caused way more problems in society then pot ever has.

If all the other states followed Colorado and had a state tax on the sale of it, guess what? No different then Prohibition of alcohol back in the 1930's until the Government could put a tax on the sale of it to the public.
I agree with you on the left handed cigarettes, alcohol has caused way more problems in society then pot ever has.

If all the other states followed Colorado and had a state tax on the sale of it, guess what? No different then Prohibition of alcohol back in the 1930's until the Government could put a tax on the sale of it to the public.
Hey, the old saying if you can't beat em join em has some truth to it. Why would we pay to lock someone up for it when they could tax the heck out of it. Seriously, I believe it's a lot less problematic than alcohol, I smoked more than my share as a teen, and I still have a few brain cells left.:). Other than lack of ambition and over eating lays potatoe chips, I never lost control of common sense like alcohol can do. Now, as an adult, I see it as a waste of time, but spending billions of dollars to ineffectively try and stop it is just stupid. Just my 2cents.

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