Not a problem our community needs to worry about YET, BUT they are warning that the Pandemic and the massive economic and employment etc that by the end of 2020 there could be up to 100,million people facing starvation across the world. The main aspect we may need to look at IN TIME is they believe tens of millions of Africans and South American may decide to become refugees and head north to europe and the US.
My concerns are that if one of the after effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic is that many nations could end up reacxting to the hardships and turn SOCIALIST, because most Socialist Politicians believe we should have open borders and let the migrants in enmasse.
My concerns are that if one of the after effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic is that many nations could end up reacxting to the hardships and turn SOCIALIST, because most Socialist Politicians believe we should have open borders and let the migrants in enmasse.