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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
first there.doomsday prpper. doomsday bunkers and apocalypse 101..now we have surviving zombies and zombie prppers.and thier both on discovery channal..and to make things worse my mom and me want to watch um some just to see what thier like..lol
did'nt have any intrest in surviving zombies on acount they appeared to be off thier rockers..and they apeared to be going to far with things to me..and as for as zombie preppers goes.thier out look on things when it comes to zombies aint the same as mine.but they did make some good points when it comes to being prepared for worse case situations n all..but yet i dont think it'd be a show i'd watch again thoe.on acount the show did'nt catch my intrest enough to watch it again..
As you may have noticed by this site, prepping has gained mass fame. mass fame equils ratings which is why so many new shows comming out. most people on those shows are some weird people. some arnt, hell we even have a few as members here who seem to be very down to earth people. one in paticular, Brian i think his name is, hes a really cool guy with his head on his shoulders.
so true..there is a lot of down to earth people here..and at least most here know what to watch out for.like economic collapse emp's earthquaks so on so on.and how to prepare for each situation.id be real shocked if one person from here,shows up on any of them shows.and as for the 2 new shows.id be fall out of my chair shocked if they didnt get higher rateings then the other shows.
the reasons i watch um.is because there some good ideas there.in which some will work for me,while other ideas wont work for me.and thier more intresting then lot garbage thats on tv these days...
They couldn't pay me enough to be on one of those shows and keep a straight face. I couldn't do it, I know I couldn't. I'm just not 'that out there' for television.
lmao..i'd prolly laugh in thier faces if they came to me about being on the show.then ask um what kind of fool they take me for..
Me ......I'm known for keeping a straight face...that's why they call me straight faced Bill..HA HA HA
but I've got a friend that they asked him to participate in a reality series and now he thinks its robbed him of his whole life. People at his door, in every restaurant, can't go to town, not even to church. Every where he goes they all want their picture with him or to sign their shoes or to tell him they named three of their kids after him.( no joke)... but it does pay well
I watched surviving zombies over the weekend as well and wasn't that impressed. I didnt even bother to TIVO it either. Some of those guys are on it just for the exposure. I wouldnt want to be on any of those shows, Im trying to get as far off the grid as possible and I don't want people or zombies to know where I am or what I got for em. If stuff HTF, Im going to the woods, I ain't gonna stick around for the zombies to come after me and eat me or my dog.
Me ......I'm known for keeping a straight face...that's why they call me straight faced Bill..HA HA HA
but I've got a friend that they asked him to participate in a reality series and now he thinks its robbed him of his whole life. People at his door, in every restaurant, can't go to town, not even to church. Every where he goes they all want their picture with him or to sign their shoes or to tell him they named three of their kids after him.( no joke)... but it does pay well
You couldn't pay me enough to be on one of those shows. Great example is your friend. If it does happen, everyone who knows him also knows he is prepared and he will most likely be the first person they go to for help.
Me ......I'm known for keeping a straight face...that's why they call me straight faced Bill..HA HA HA
but I've got a friend that they asked him to participate in a reality series and now he thinks its robbed him of his whole life. People at his door, in every restaurant, can't go to town, not even to church. Every where he goes they all want their picture with him or to sign their shoes or to tell him they named three of their kids after him.( no joke)... but it does pay well
I'd start chargin'.
first there.doomsday prpper. doomsday bunkers and apocalypse 101..now we have surviving zombies and zombie prppers.and thier both on discovery channal..and to make things worse my mom and me want to watch um some just to see what thier like..lol
Can I make an admission? I don't watch TV except during the NFL season. Go ahead and call me an outcast, I already know it. I stand in line at the grocery, look at the magazines and I don't recognize anybody who hasn't been on the red carpet. If you haven't watched TV in a couple years and turn it on...you are surprised to see that more minutes are taken by up commercials than by the TV show. I don't know what I'm going to do when the collapse comes and there is no more NFL. I'll miss that more than a electricity.
you dont even watch the news albert? i dont blame ya for not watching tv n all..matter of fact,there's been days where i go from the time get up in tha morning till that evening before i turned the tv on.and in some cases i turned the tv off cause i didnt find any thing intresting enough to put up with..silence is golden at times..
We don't watch it either.we sometimes buy a movie to make the grandkids think they are special, but mostly we read or talk....(she talks , I pretend to listen) but mostly we are busy. I spend more time with y'all than most other people
you dont even watch the news albert? i dont blame ya for not watching tv n all..matter of fact,there's been days where i go from the time get up in tha morning till that evening before i turned the tv on.and in some cases i turned the tv off cause i didnt find any thing intresting enough to put up with..silence is golden at times..
I read the newspaper...please for give me...and I read news online. News on TV is whatever channel you put it on, that will give you your bias for the day. Online I can news from around the world and I think if I concentrate I might get a drift of what's really going on. Don't get me wrong, I like to know what's happening but man you have to have a thick filter.
got that right on the filter.but then some times its hard to decide whats true n what aint when it comes the papers and internet news
We don't have regular tv, don't really miss it. We've got Netflix and that's good enough, we watch what we want when we want.
They approached me to be on a show called "How the hell have you put up with her for so long?" They said they would pay me, but I told them I've been paying for it ever she muttered " I do ".
I cancelled my satellite (the price jumped to 75$ so I decided thats enuf, Netflix and Amazon work well for me) but I'll watch those reality survival TV shows sometimes if they LEAVE OUT THE DRAMA:rolleyes:! Lol it drives me crazy when some wannypants gets his/her feelers hurt or something and stomps off to go pout somewhere, they dont get their way exactly, etc (its like high school all over again). Lol anyway its just something fun to watch and there are occasional good ideas to be had.
first there.doomsday prpper. doomsday bunkers and apocalypse 101..now we have surviving zombies and zombie prppers.and thier both on discovery channal..and to make things worse my mom and me want to watch um some just to see what thier like..lol
zombies are not a possibility ! but crazies are so i figure if u do any type of prepping you are gonna have guns/bows/hand weapons/ammunition which will prepare you for that situation aswell if it were to ever occur.
yeah..with what the sienest and government is doing with the viruse's thats already out.and what i watched on tv the other night how a certain decise can destrot the frontal lob of the brain and another part of the brain as well.they'll be like,or will be zombies..and the only thing they'll have on thier minds (whats left of it) will be to eat..and that can be any one of us they eat.that is if thier not killed or die first..
Thinking the "zombies" will be drug addicts honestly. I read about the new 'krocodile' drug a few days ago. . .that's spme scary stuff as it eats away inside and out.

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