This should be a wake up call to all serious preppers to ensure that have sufficient suitable emergency power , heat and light supplies. I don't for one minute think it was a foreign attack on the US, the domestic gun culture within the US is far more likely to be the cause. But causal factors are not something preppers can focus much time on, its how to react to a newly perceived threat that is important.
If your in the UK and the floods or idiot vandals or cable thieves take out the sub stations, or your in the US and this weeks current nutjob shoots up a sub station instead of a school or unarmed black kid, you need to have a contingency plan in place.
Maybe a back up genny, but at least candles and lanterns, light sticks, off grid cooking and heating gear etc.
If your in the UK and the floods or idiot vandals or cable thieves take out the sub stations, or your in the US and this weeks current nutjob shoots up a sub station instead of a school or unarmed black kid, you need to have a contingency plan in place.
Maybe a back up genny, but at least candles and lanterns, light sticks, off grid cooking and heating gear etc.