US soldier's remains found nearly 50 years after plane shot down in Vietnam War

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
As a Vietnam vet I am happy to hear about this. There are so many MIA's from that war. I had friends who simply disappeared and have never been heard from since. I was not in combat per say, I worked on an airbase way down south. But guys who strayed too far from the perimeter came up missing. It was not a popular war for the U.S. so attitudes were different when we all came home. But I am encourged by the people who continue to work to bring our lost soldiers home. And on Veterans Day when I wear my hat I love the people who tell me thank you.
Another Brother comes home. My he rest in Peace.
There have been many men and even some women that have been totally lost in wars. . . bodies never being recovered. So glad that Staff Sgt. Lawrence Woods remains were found. His spirit has gone elsewhere, but it is a closure for his family to know.
As a Vietnam vet I am happy to hear about this. There are so many MIA's from that war. I had friends who simply disappeared and have never been heard from since. I was not in combat per say, I worked on an airbase way down south. But guys who strayed too far from the perimeter came up missing. It was not a popular war for the U.S. so attitudes were different when we all came home. But I am encourged by the people who continue to work to bring our lost soldiers home. And on Veterans Day when I wear my hat I love the people who tell me thank you.

God Bless You Uncle Albert and a sincere "Thank You For Your Service" from our family!

Thank all for their sacrifice, my U.S.M.C. Staff Sgt. uncle was ( in-country ) in Nov. 1965...............arrived home 3 months later............. I never knew him but was told he was a great dude.

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