US super rich Preppers

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Last I heard NZ doesn't want these rich American and I think they are trying to pass laws to thort this new found land grab.
I think any country would rather have "rich" people emigrating than poor thirld worlders. It wouldn't make sense to try and keep the "rich" out. Back in the late '90's I was looking at buying land in NZ and foreigners couldn't buy over 10 acres.
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I think any country would rather have "rich" people emigrating than poor thirld worlders. It wouldn't make sense to try and keep the "rich" out. Back in the late '90's I was looking at buying land in NZ and foreigners couldn't buy over 10 acres.

Think twice about that. Would you want Soros and other wacko lefties buying big chunks of land? I think NZ has a good strategy to keep land ownership 'local'. How do you keep out the 'bad' foreigners and allow the 'good' foreigners?
Think twice about that. Would you want Soros and other wacko lefties buying big chunks of land? I think NZ has a good strategy to keep land ownership 'local'. How do you keep out the 'bad' foreigners and allow the 'good' foreigners?
No. I don't think commies like Soros should be allowed anywhere. But countries like NZ have a good immigration policy. Between '96 to around '03 I used to spend 2-3 months a year in NZ. At that time their policy for immigration was that a working age person could be considered for entrance only IF they had a job skill that was in demand, and IF it couldn't be filled by a Kiwi. For retired people to be considered they would need to have at least $1,000,000 NZD in a NZ bank. Their reasoning was that they didn't want to allow anyone in to their country that could possibly become a burden on the NZ taxpayer. Sounds reasonable. Maybe we should adopt a similar policy?
No. I don't think commies like Soros should be allowed anywhere. But countries like NZ have a good immigration policy. Between '96 to around '03 I used to spend 2-3 months a year in NZ. At that time their policy for immigration was that a working age person could be considered for entrance only IF they had a job skill that was in demand, and IF it couldn't be filled by a Kiwi. For retired people to be considered they would need to have at least $1,000,000 NZD in a NZ bank. Their reasoning was that they didn't want to allow anyone in to their country that could possibly become a burden on the NZ taxpayer. Sounds reasonable. Maybe we should adopt a similar policy?

I think that's a great idea. But could you imagine the outrage if the US did that?

I think at a bare minimum, no immigrant (legal or otherwise) should get 1 penny of any form of welfare for at least a decade if not 2. Their children should have no right to a US citizenship regardless of location of birth (unless the parents are legal citizens). They should pay extra for public schooling and everything else. "Not having citizenship" should have its penalties.
Here's the thing.... the super rich are likely under the impression they will have a servant staff waiting on them post SHTF. (no doubt they would move them there, or already have them there, etc.)

I fail to see what would prevent the staff from simply rising up, and taking all of these expensive preps for themselves, and offing the rich guy/gal. After all, it isn't like the patron has any more earning potential, or the potential to pay them in anything more than survival, so what's their incentive to serve?

Oh well.
Wasn't there another thread on this recently? A handful of billionaires paid a professor $100k for a day, and the one key question was how do they ensure the loyalty of their staff if SHTF. The prof said it was to build a relationship with them, a friendship. The rich boys didn't like that answer. Oh well. I think your point is exactly what will happen.
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get to heaven. You don't see selfless rich people very often so I don't care what they do or buy for the most part. Especially if it has nothing to do with me.
Wasn't there another thread on this recently? A handful of billionaires paid a professor $100k for a day, and the one key question was how do they ensure the loyalty of their staff if SHTF. The prof said it was to build a relationship with them, a friendship. The rich boys didn't like that answer. Oh well. I think your point is exactly what will happen.

I would have given them a REAL answer for half that.

You make all systems contingent on a security check in each day (at random times known only to you) that requires your voiceprint and biometrics. And make all staff aware of this. If this isn't done one day, then the whole place goes on lockdown. If a cancellation voice command isn't given, all support systems shutdown, effectively making the place a tomb for all of them.

For any that act up, you simply convince them that they have been treated with a pathogen, and that unless they get a staying treatment from you each day, they will die within a matter of days following not receiving it. (could be true or not, really, perception is everything). Or of course, just terminate any trouble-makers.

So, serve me and live in comparative luxury, or be entombed along with me. Your choice. Professor my ass.

Did I mention that I'm a devious little bastard?

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