I just found this brilliant excel file (from IceAgeFarmers via Telegram), and I couldn't find it on this site, so here it is for everyone who wants it. It has many tabs so you probably need to read it on a computer rather than a phone. There are many lists:
Barter and Charity List
Book List
Communications/Monitoring List
Farm Animals List
Financial Preparations List
Firearms List
Firefighting List
First Aid /Minor Surgery List
Food Preparation List
Food Storage List
Fuels & Petroleums List
Gardening List
Home Businesses List
Home Info List
Household, Shop, Sundries List
Hunting/Fishing/Trapping List
Hygiene List/Sanitation List
Medicinal Herbs and Plants List
Personal List
Power Light Heat Batteries List
Ruck Sack Bug Out Bag List
Security General List
Shortwave Frequencies List
Tactical Living List
Tools List
Training Courses List
Vehicle Bug Out Bag List
Water List
It's an excel file, so you can edit it to suit your own specific needs. You will find it at: https://iceagefarmer.com/docs/rawles-listoflists.xls
The original is from here: https://survivalblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/listoflists.xls
Barter and Charity List
Book List
Communications/Monitoring List
Farm Animals List
Financial Preparations List
Firearms List
Firefighting List
First Aid /Minor Surgery List
Food Preparation List
Food Storage List
Fuels & Petroleums List
Gardening List
Home Businesses List
Home Info List
Household, Shop, Sundries List
Hunting/Fishing/Trapping List
Hygiene List/Sanitation List
Medicinal Herbs and Plants List
Personal List
Power Light Heat Batteries List
Ruck Sack Bug Out Bag List
Security General List
Shortwave Frequencies List
Tactical Living List
Tools List
Training Courses List
Vehicle Bug Out Bag List
Water List
It's an excel file, so you can edit it to suit your own specific needs. You will find it at: https://iceagefarmer.com/docs/rawles-listoflists.xls
The original is from here: https://survivalblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/listoflists.xls
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