Utilization Aspects of Paint Thinners

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New Friend
Sep 27, 2013
Paint thinner is a chemical substance that is often used as a cleaning agent for tools splashed with paint. It is a common phenomenon that paint often loses moisture becoming too thick to be used for painting. We can make paint thinner at home using very simple methods. If you are using oil based paints, then you will have to definitely deal with paint thinners of various forms. Paint thinners can dissolve paint and reduce viscosity of paint in sprayer applications. Paint that is left open will begin to harden and become very thick. Lot of chemical solvents are used to dissolve paints and some of this includes acetone, turpentine and denatured alcohol. While using paint thinner, you should wear all protective equipments like gloves, safety glasses and respirator. As solvents are extremely flammable, it is better to keep away from containers or from the room itself.

Acetone is a paint thinner solvent that is strong enough to dissolve paint after it becomes dry. It is advised that paint thinners should not be used with latex paints, shellac, or lacquers. Choosing an appropriate thinner, using the right amount of thinner and testing the mix are the steps involved in the preparation of paint thinners. Three container method is frequently used to clean brushes and applicators. Chemical suppliers located in major cities supply a great deal of paint thinner chemical solutions. Paint thinners are made using high quality chemicals as well as mixing agents. Some paint thinner solutions are used for cleaning and polishing wood surfaces. Best quality and effective results make paint thinner chemical solutions dependent chemical compounds.
Odorless mineral spirits have most of the toxic compounds removed. It is primarily used by artists to thin oil based paint and clean art brushes indoors. I keep a can handy for all sorts of things. It's not truly "odorless" but the smell is not nearly so objectionable as regular mineral spirits. It's a little more expensive, but to me it's well worth it.

I also keep a bottle of 190 proof Everclear handy.

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