I have an idea how you feel, Liv. It's certainly easy to feel that our efforts are under-appreciated, especially when we make sacrifices of our time trying to help others out of their seeming inactions. Be assured, however, there are lots of people who have benefited from your interactions with them and are glad of it & better off for it.
There are loads of folks who are very serious about their prepping but who's schedules keep them from going to events that put them in contact with other preppers beyond their own social groups. I'm one of those. Also, we have to remember that people progress at their own rates and it's seldom the same as ours. Sometimes I throw my hands up in the air and say "That's it! I'm done trying to help other people! They can figure it out for themselves!", but after a while I find myself doing it again. I guess that's the cycle. Fortunately, every once in a while, I get to see the fruits of my efforts (not just in prepper related things) by seeing a small difference I made in someone's life. And sometimes that difference isn't in the person I was directly trying to help, but in someone who saw us or even heard about us trying to help others. You just never know.
Hang in there. And thanks for the good stuff you do.