Veto Omnibus

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user 7704

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Nov 27, 2015
I believe that if Trump doesn't Veto this bill and caves to the Left, all will be lost when the mid-terms come.

The deplorablesthat elected him do so because he went against the norm as far as politics go. I was totally against HRC as most Conservatives are, but the Left is really getting their people (dead, illegals) included, ready.

He needs to make a strong stand to prove to the Right that he isn't going to become another sell out politician.

Nancy and Chucky are thrilled that the bill has made it this far.
Yep. He signed it. Republican's talk tough, but thats all they are is all talk. No spine and no balls. Pathic wimps. The only thing that disappointed Trump was that it wasn't even bigger! Soon Trump will make obumer look like a penny pincher.
There is NO way to fix our budget, it's been too far gone since the last Bush.....there is no way our economy can ever overcome the debt....there has to be a worldwide reset of some kind. China, Russia, GB, Germany are as bad or worse debt wise.....can't be fixed by any budget.....can't be fixed by interest rates, printing money or spending newly printed money on new's been over for years.
There is NO way to fix our budget, it's been too far gone since the last Bush.....there is no way our economy can ever overcome the debt....there has to be a worldwide reset of some kind. China, Russia, GB, Germany are as bad or worse debt wise.....can't be fixed by any budget.....can't be fixed by interest rates, printing money or spending newly printed money on new's been over for years.
The only way to fix our budget is with massive cuts. That will never happen. We have too many losers with their hands out looking for a free ride, and no politician has the balls to say NO.
If we cut the budget enough to fix it, the ensuing chaos would probably destroy would take years of massive cuts to put a dent in it...the Un-funded liabilities alone are 10 times higher than the actual debt we are told my state alone the un-funded liability for just teachers/state employees is over 5 Billion.....the cuts to just get that back to zero would create a war zone....the Takers have already destroyed us, When will the Makers do anything about it ?
And the Makers have allowed it to happen. It took several generations of breeding low life takers and weak politicians to get in to the budget mess we're in now. It'll take several more generations to get out. But we should start somewhere.
Fixing the budget?

How about coming down on our corrupt politicians, and firing ones that don't do their jobs?

I have a really wide liberal streak in me--wider than most posters would think appropriate for this forum--but how about welfare reform?

There are third-generation welfare families that have made it a lifestyle. The concept of a work ethic is alien to these people, and I imagine it seems tempting to others who wonder why they should bother.
What you don't understand is that the "liberals" in Washington DO NOT WANT to fix welfare. The system is designed to maintain a permanent underclass that will consistently vote Democrat because the Democrats are like Santa Claus.
I understand.

Welfare should exist, but it should be used ethically...not abused.

I don't have a problem with welfare, I just have a problem with it being a way of life that enables people to not work.

I also think regular drug testing should be a part of welfare...just like it is for a job.
I understand.

Welfare should exist, but it should be used ethically...not abused.

I don't have a problem with welfare, I just have a problem with it being a way of life that enables people to not work.

I also think regular drug testing should be a part of welfare...just like it is for a job.

Welfare started as an unethical program, Take from the Makers and give it to the Takers, it has done exactly what it was intended to do....There should be nothing free when it comes to taking from anyone. There should be a Committee or something that votes on each individual case for giving to anyone.....Unless you are disabled in some form and I don't mean the usual, My back hurts, my feet hurt, I'm too fat to work.....I mean real disabilities than at least 2 Doctors have to sign off on you should not get anything free....and I agree on the drug testing, I also think the baby factory welfare queens need fixed, If you are on Welfare and have 2 kids, you get no more for having anymore kids.....wanna keep screwing and making babies, you pay for it, not me or anyone else...
I ish everyone could get over the right/left thing. All it is is a tool to polarize people into picking a side. What ever happened to common sense on each issue. Both parties suck at managing our money. We are so far in debt that I don’t even think it’s possible to climb out of this hole anymore. I personally think we should criminally prosecute some of the politicians that got us into this mess, both dems and republicans.
Like a friend of mine said a couple years ago said: the democrats are driving toward a financial meltdown at 100 miles an hour and the republicans are doing it at 80 miles an hour.

Yesterday he changed it: the Democrats are driving toward a financial meltdown at 100 miles an hour and the republicans are doing it at 120 miles an hour just to show the democrats that they can....

And he’s a republican...
I ish everyone could get over the right/left thing. All it is is a tool to polarize people into picking a side. What ever happened to common sense on each issue. Both parties suck at managing our money. We are so far in debt that I don’t even think it’s possible to climb out of this hole anymore. I personally think we should criminally prosecute some of the politicians that got us into this mess, both dems and republicans.
I agree.

I have trouble deciding if I'm a conservative liberal, or a liberal conservative.

I believe in welfare reform (conservative)
I support gay marriage (liberal)
I support 2nd Ammendment (conservative)
I support legalization of weed (liberal)
I tend to be a little anti-union (conservative)
I'm an environmentalist (liberal)
I'm in favor of a strong police presence and a robust military (conservative)

I could go on, but you get my point. These are, simply, my values. I pick and choose the best candidate on election day, and don't usually vote along party lines (although I tend to more Republican lately).
I think most people vote on party lines without even really knowing what the candidates even stand for. Either way, both parties have some good ideas and some bad ones. I think somewhere along the line most Americans forgot the part about “United we stand, divided we fall”.....
I think most people vote on party lines without even really knowing what the candidates even stand for. Either way, both parties have some good ideas and some bad ones. I think somewhere along the line most Americans forgot the part about “United we stand, divided we fall”.....

United we stand, in todays world, how do you do that ? There is no United We Stand anymore, the demise of that started years ago. I don't see it coming back. Divided We Fall is the current agenda. Can you imagine right now if Hillary had been elected ? Division and control would be in full swing....The only thing United would be if the Right fully submitted to the Left, the Left does not want to be United.....
What will term limits fix ? They will just have less time to get rich and be more ruthless in doing so.....they would also pass a bill ensuring they would get full pay and benefits for one term to go along with what the stole and hid while in office...There are no good guys anymore, they just say what will get them what they want.....and deliver only what they tell us we deserve....
What will term limits fix ? They will just have less time to get rich and be more ruthless in doing so.....they would also pass a bill ensuring they would get full pay and benefits for one term to go along with what the stole and hid while in office...There are no good guys anymore, they just say what will get them what they want.....and deliver only what they tell us we deserve....
So don't think so. I believe they will k ow they have a set number of years to accomplish what needs to be done and they will work harder. They want to be remember for doing something.
So don't think so. I believe they will k ow they have a set number of years to accomplish what needs to be done and they will work harder. They want to be remember for doing something.

( set number of years to accomplish what needs to be done ) so why do most of them now after 1 to 5 terms accomplish nothing ? They want to be remembered for doing something ? I think they care more about securing the right friends and financial security versus doing anything good.....I do think a few of them try to do the right thing, but they quickly find out the opposition is far too great to ever really accomplish anything, our current situation proves that...We always hear Congressmen on TV talk about how much they hate the debt and how hard they are working to fix it, BUT they are the ones that made it so bad....
But, with term limits, the opposition would not yield as much power. It has taken them years to get to their powerful level. With limits, there wouldn't be time to acquire the amount of resources used to get the younger, newer members to tow the line.

There is hope. Look at the article I posted under in the politics section. Trumps is saying we could use the military to be the labor to build the wall!

But think about what that opens up. Now first remember how Obama tweaked the whole gov't to do what he wanted, regardless of the group. For example when he told NASA their #1 priority was building relations with muslims or muslim countries. Yes, NASA!

Well, can't Trump do the same thing? Sure, we got a monster budget. Yes, it as $500 million for 'planned parenthood'. Hey, home schooling is related to parenthood. How about diverting $499.5 million of that pieces into home schoolers?

And do the same thing for all the pieces of the budget! Yes, it will take some good lawyers to tweak interpretations. And sure, a few court cases will arise. But that sure beats rolling over.

I'm willing to withhold judgement until I see more... I'm not saying I like the monster budget at all, but I want to see if it can be manipulated into something better (far, far better). Let's see if Trump earns his not-so-big bucks...
I've seen a few tweets that he is letting the Dems think they screwed him, but he has a plan up his sleeve and he's going to put the screws to them.

Also, John Bolton is going to do some major shake ups really soon.

I hope it's all about to come crumbling down for HRC and her minions.

I would love to see Nancy, Chucky and Maxine eat their little smirky grins.

Also, I think Jeff Sessions is just lying low until the correct time and then boom.

Something may have to be dropped tomorrow since Stormy Daniels has her 60 Minutes interview tonight. They will need a diversion.
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