Video's of great interest

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH

Here's some interesting news.......Several militaries from other countries have been landing on the California shores at camp pendleton with munitions and support vehicles and as military officials will only report, they are on a joint military training excersize. Falls right in with all the news around the country of foreign soldiers seen on US soil training with various Law Enforcement agencies.
It is unlawful for our military to be used to fight the american public, thats what law enforcment is for, or in this case they'll use the chinese, russian or many other foreign soldiers.
It has been escalating to a point where I don't really think we have until June of 2014 before martial law is declared. Also at this point as I have always said I cannot pinpoint anything exactly but I will say I'd rather be safe than sorry and will assume my government has bad news and intentions for me.
Here is another video of great importance............Pay close attention to the executive orders list of which most of these orders that affect the country and it's people's freedoms and rights and lives were recently signed by Obama.
Here is another video of great importance............Pay close attention to the executive orders list of which most of these orders that affect the country and it's people's freedoms and rights and lives were recently signed by Obama.

Where do u find all your videos like this?
Hello LGirl07, I find my sources from a number of places including youtube but I find myself up to the neck in searching then I have to validate what is being said by doing more searches. Everything is public info, you just have to know what your looking for and where to find the proof.
In the video you can see most of the time a date and time and the reporting news outlet, so then you look through archives of news footage and search for the individual sources that make up that news portion. It takes alot of work but it's worth it when you are hoping to pass on things that are important to your fellow humans and pass on things that affect every human in this country as well as on this earth. some don't understand or can't imagine the realizim in all this. If it's not the normal it's considered to be sci-fi, unreal or unbelievable and as history has proved, men, and woman who have had information about events coming that affected many peoples of this earth have always been brushed away or discredited as being a nut case and it has laways been very easy because what these folks were trying to convey was to the masses unreal or unbelievable.
This is just the same because i'm trying to let people know that our government is involved in things that to most seem unreal or unbelievable because it is so extreme and far away from what is normal. As humans we are a "resource". We have people up high that decide what we will be taught in school, what we will wear, what entertainments we will enjoy, where we will live and so on. Yes, we have a choice but for the most part it has always been pre-designed for us and ever since I was a child I've always wondered about this and I have always questioned authority and this has been a good thing for me but at the same time it's not such a good thing because it is looked at by our government as a non-conformist, or one who will not jump when told to do so. I am not a sheep and will not act like a sheep therefore i'm sure I am on some list as a person of interest because I can be a hazard or a threat to what is planned for us because I will not jump when told to do so.
Anyway, if you will jump when told to do so you'll probably be ok but may end up in a so called family detention center or "prizon camp", if you will not jump when told to do so you could very well be shot on site. This is also something in executive orders that has been signed into law giving the president the authority to transfer these rights of "shoot-on-site" to DHS, FEMA, TSA, even social security agents and the assisting foriegn soldiers (chinese and russian) who will be assisting federal, state and local law enforcment agencies in controlling the masses under civil unrest. If you don't comply you could die, simple as that.
Be safe and well LGirl, always.
I must say that it is because of Jesse Ventura "Conspiracy Theory" that made me want to find the truth. I kept hearing the name of Alex Jones, and seen him a few times on that show. I finally started listening to Alex, but kept reading comments that he was a conspiracy theorist. So rather than me listening/watching what he was currently talking about, I went further back when he first started. I watched ALL his video's from way back. He exposed alot of things such as The Bilderberg group. Actually there were others trying to expose them, but Alex took it to a whole new level. He also infiltrated Bohemian Grove. But people still call him a nut case or a Government insider. He is very smart. He knows what he is talking about. He has studied history for a very long time. He is the reason I am awake today. So I will always be thankful for his services, and Jesse Ventura as well. It is also because of Alex Jones that Jesse is also awake. I no longer listen to Alex for the simple fact that when he rants about 1 subject he carries it out for way to long, and never accomplishes his goal per segment or show, but I also understand why. It is called passion for what you believe in. He is very passionate for the Freedom of this Country. So my point is - Before anyone starts name calling Alex Jones, take that time to go way back to when he first started reporting on his own. The reason I am posting this is because I know there are some here that thinks AJ is a nut case. That is just your opinion which you are entitled to, but name calling is very childish. I, like savageagle would search, and research further from what I was currently reading or watching which is why today I am very picky about who, and what I read/listen to. Which is what Alex always says. Don't listen to me, or just trust what I (Alex) am saying, do your own research on what I (Alex) am reporting. Draw your own conclusions think for yourself.

By the way here is the video of Alex infiltrating Bohemian Grove which the secret society "Skull and Bones" that Prescott BUSH (George H.W Bush father, George W Bush, Jeb Bush grandfather) also members of founded, that all went to Yale University started.

I do not know if this really happens, but viewer discretion is advised (Human sacrifice is in this video).
Here's some interesting news.......Several militaries from other countries have been landing on the California shores at camp pendleton with munitions and support vehicles and as military officials will only report, they are on a joint military training excersize. Falls right in with all the news around the country of foreign soldiers seen on US soil training with various Law Enforcement agencies.
It is unlawful for our military to be used to fight the american public, thats what law enforcment is for, or in this case they'll use the chinese, russian or many other foreign soldiers.
It has been escalating to a point where I don't really think we have until June of 2014 before martial law is declared. Also at this point as I have always said I cannot pinpoint anything exactly but I will say I'd rather be safe than sorry and will assume my government has bad news and intentions for me.

We have had many friendly countries participate in military training on US soil for years and years, I have worked with the Canadians, Brits and Aussies a number of times in the states, in Southern California much of these participation have been for the sole purpose of desert training and or learning how to use equipment we are supplying these units, we have had Iraqi officers train in the states. Ft Sherman we had practically every friendly nation train their, I see nothing out of the ordinary here ;)
All I saw was a really cheesy over dramatic play. Heck it even had a sound track. When I was a kid at scout camp they did a similar play only with native Americans worshiping the sun and nature. Same dramatic fashion...
Maverick, Yes I know of this type of training going on for years too, but today there is more cover up or lies being put out there about it and usually, to my knowledge, incoming foriegn troops don't land on a beach, they come in through san diego or normal routes instead of trying to hide the fact that they are coming here.
This is my knowledge and I am not x military and can be wrong.
This training is exclussively urban combat with local LE. It may be just routine but to be safe not sorry, i'll assume it's for a darker secret, if i'm wrong, no foul.
They have done many amphibious assault (war games) along the beaches here in the late 70s through the 80s, much of the training today has focused on urban warfare given that has been the setting in the baltic's and middle east. In the 90s we placed more emphasis on urban combat then on jungle warfare, the world has changed as such we see very little of open field combat. We train with much of our allies regarding urban environments. A good number of countries uses state military as law enforcement thus the reason we see a more and more of foreign troops training with law enforcement here. We have several russian officers at norad right now working along side Americans and Canadians counterparts ;)
Not to disrespect you but you seem to be expressing that there is nothing out of the norm going on and what is happening is something that has been going on for many years and there is NO future threat to our country nor the people inside it's borders.
I agree partially with you but there are many things that are NOT right and there are several things that have never taken place on american soil before.
The military industrial complex along with their controllers have an illegal plan that will soon be ignited by a false flag operation that will open the doors for the declaration of martial law and the attempt to control the people and civil unrest. The surprize of uncooperation by several 2, 3 and 4 star generals along with other military leaders who have keys to nuclear launch facilities and who have refused to turn their backs on the people, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights has thrown a curve into things. They were easily fired from office and replaced with leaders who will turn their backs and go against the people by attempting to sieze weapons from innocent american people and/or shoot those who refuse to give up their guns.
Those unusual activities are easily hidden in plain site amongst the usual trainings and activities going on here in america.
I used to be a patriot for the people, my country and government. Today, after many years of hearing lie after lie and watching trajedy after trajedy take place with more lies being told I am only a patriot for my country and it's great people. The government and the military industrial complex along with the rich elite who have the idea that lies and manufactured fear are whats best for national security and this great country can **** and fall back in it. What happened to honesty? , Truth? and caring for the people?
Our government has been committing crimes against it's people and has created laws to make those crimes legal in their eyes because of this manufactured fear that they have created for their own benefit.
BS, BS, BS. when will something be done to make the ones responsible pay?

If God were to give me the power I would get **** done today, not tommorrow.
I was only touching on other nations training with our troops on American soil in my above post's, as far as that goes I see nothing out of the ordinary. As far as everything else, I don't deny the government lies and manipulate the people and the press, Government in fact all Governments do that. I have served in South America and seen a whole lot of underhand deals that goes against diplomatic policy. "What happened to honesty?, Truth? and caring for the people?" When has our government ever met that criteria?

Stripping our Constitution and Bill of Rights that I do see, if you have read some of my post I am in a battle with the State and Feds taking my land! I don't put all the blame on the government, the people are also the blame! As far as a conspiracy against the people, against the Constitution, against the Bill of Rights no, I don't see that, what I do see is a government taking advantage from the lack of voice and resistance (voting booths) from the voters.

"several things that have never taken place on american soil before" can you elaborate on this?

"It is unlawful for our military to be used to fight the american public" Not accurate, the posse comitatus act has a couple of loopholes that give the government the right to use federal troops on our soil ;) Bush during the 92' riots use the 1st Marine Division not just the NG to help law enforcement using the loophole in the posse comitatus act.
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