I just can't trust doctors any longer.
Basset health care in ny. I can't trust their Drs. any longer
1st. i laid on the floor for three days with such pain in guts i couldn't move , finally got enough energy to go to their emergency room.
I was told i have a pulled core muscle and sent me home with a bottle of muscle relaxers , guess what ? My pancreas failed.
I got in touch with a gut specialist , they prescribed a lethal dose of creon , 36000 units per meal , the pharmacist called me aside and said if i take it , it will kill me , my enzymes were normal .
took my 95 yr. old mother there because the side of her went numb , went for the mri and a month later we got the results (carpel tunnel )
they did her hand instead of head .
Took her down for a rash on her head ,they made an appointment with another dr. we get there (plastic surgeon )
Took her again for pneumonia, prescribed anti biotics , they set up a follow up the next day we went and he said nothing i can do , you haven't been on the meds long enough .
Me , cancer spot on my chest , again they sent me to a plastic surgeon , they wanted 3 visits . I called a general surgeon outside of basset
15 minutes removed and on my way home.
I rush my closest friend to the emergency room for a pain in the groin they said he had a pulled groin muscle , dead 10 days latter (soft tissue carcinoma)
Went for my hip (torn cartilage ,cyst and fluid sack in the joint , they said i needed physical therapy , they told me i have to walk 3 mi. a day and it will get better.
I have a lot more but i'll stop now.