VIRUS (waiting for results )

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Aug 25, 2020
Wife's co-worker tested positive , they work side by side at a desk) . I have some of the symptoms (i feel good though , kinda like sinus infection) Wife can't smell or taste anything and just feels crappy .
Didn't need this this week , just stripped the carpet out of my house and now I have to wait to have them install new , don't want them around until my test come back . :mad:
Wife's co-worker tested positive , they work side by side at a desk) . I have some of the symptoms (i feel good though , kinda like sinus infection) Wife can't smell or taste anything and just feels crappy .
Didn't need this this week , just stripped the carpet out of my house and now I have to wait to have them install new , don't want them around until my test come back . :mad:
Best wishes. When I was finished, I was very fatigued, but started B12 shots and they are helping.
Good luck with the test, hopefully you have a mild case. 5 days is a long time to wait, my daughter had one (she had a cough) and we got it back 36 hours later. Loss of taste and smell seems to be the big indicator.
Florida has made the right move now in recently passing a law requiring labs to now indicate if the PCR tests were run above or below 40 cycles (whatever that means). All states need to do this! A positive result on a test run under 40 cycles is a strong indication of significant virus present. If it takes them over 40 cycles to detect any virus present, the concentration of virus is low, so the person is likely not infectious to others and symptoms are fewer/weaker. That's what I was reading somewhere just yesterday. To be more accurate in their results, the PCR tests should be run for LESS than 40 cycles. Fauci has said as much historically (watched him on a video say it), but he keeps silent on this fact now because it doesn't push his narrative/agenda.
This site has a complete explanation:
Copied from the page:
A PCR test is amplifying samples through repetitive cycles. The lower the virus concentration in the sample, the more cycles are needed to achieve a positive result. Many US labs work with 35 to 45 cycles, while many European labs work with 30 to 40 cycles.

The research group of French professor Didier Raoult has recently shown that at a cycle threshold (ct) of 25, about 70% of samples remained positive in cell culture (i.e. were infectious); at a ct of 30, 20% of samples remained positive; at a ct of 35, 3% of samples remained positive; and at a ct above 35, no sample remained positive (infectious) in cell culture (see diagram).

This means that if a person gets a “positive” PCR test result at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher (as applied in most US labs and many European labs), the chance that the person is infectious is less than 3%. The chance that the person received a “false positive” result is 97% or higher.
Wife's co-worker tested positive , they work side by side at a desk) . I have some of the symptoms (i feel good though , kinda like sinus infection) Wife can't smell or taste anything and just feels crappy .
Didn't need this this week , just stripped the carpet out of my house and now I have to wait to have them install new , don't want them around until my test come back . :mad:
I hope it all works out ok for your wife and your family.
I’ve been taking care of my soon to be daughter in laws mother in the ICU.
No comorbidites and on a vent. She stroked and is dying. I just want to wake up from this nightmare.
Sorry Dr Jenner. That's horrible to have to go through.
Husband just had an infusion, and I'll be picking him up in an hr to come back home. We both got it last Wednesday. How? No clue. We wear masks, use hand sanitizer, stay away from people. We live in a rural community. We both feel crummy, but we'll both get through it.
Sorry Dr Jenner. That's horrible to have to go through.
Husband just had an infusion, and I'll be picking him up in an hr to come back home. We both got it last Wednesday. How? No clue. We wear masks, use hand sanitizer, stay away from people. We live in a rural community. We both feel crummy, but we'll both get through it.
My wife works in health care and she brought the virus home , she said they play it safe at work and clean everything , I asked her how many people touch the coffee pot handle or handled any money or incoming mail. Now my dog has symptoms
Sorry Dr Jenner. That's horrible to have to go through.
Husband just had an infusion, and I'll be picking him up in an hr to come back home. We both got it last Wednesday. How? No clue. We wear masks, use hand sanitizer, stay away from people. We live in a rural community. We both feel crummy, but we'll both get through it.
Community spread. Even going into a store, this virus is airborne for at least 45 mins if someone coughs and doesn't have a mask on. Unfortunately unless you have a N95, your mask won't help much if you're walking into aerosolized virus. I hope all is ok for you. Our cases are on the uptick now - starting to see the Thanksgiving rush. Out of our 20 bed ICU, 17 are COVID+ and on a vent - from COVID. We are turning away patients from outlying facilities and God help them as the smaller facilities don't have the capability to take care of these patients if things go south.
Community spread. Even going into a store, this virus is airborne for at least 45 mins if someone coughs and doesn't have a mask on. Unfortunately unless you have a N95, your mask won't help much if you're walking into aerosolized virus. I hope all is ok for you. Our cases are on the uptick now - starting to see the Thanksgiving rush. Out of our 20 bed ICU, 17 are COVID+ and on a vent - from COVID. We are turning away patients from outlying facilities and God help them as the smaller facilities don't have the capability to take care of these patients if things go south.
It is terrible , but i'm a criminal for wearing a n95 mask and gloves because i took my garbage to the dump that no body works at. Threatened with forcible quarantine for 20 days. This new society has no common sense . I have people telling they still see people in stores with no mask.
Community spread. Even going into a store, this virus is airborne for at least 45 mins if someone coughs and doesn't have a mask on. Unfortunately unless you have a N95, your mask won't help much if you're walking into aerosolized virus. I hope all is ok for you. Our cases are on the uptick now - starting to see the Thanksgiving rush. Out of our 20 bed ICU, 17 are COVID+ and on a vent - from COVID. We are turning away patients from outlying facilities and God help them as the smaller facilities don't have the capability to take care of these patients if things go south.

Hospitals are still putting people with Covid19 on ventilators to kill them? Why not just cure them?
I just can't trust doctors any longer.
Basset health care in ny. I can't trust their Drs. any longer
1st. i laid on the floor for three days with such pain in guts i couldn't move , finally got enough energy to go to their emergency room.
I was told i have a pulled core muscle and sent me home with a bottle of muscle relaxers , guess what ? My pancreas failed.
I got in touch with a gut specialist , they prescribed a lethal dose of creon , 36000 units per meal , the pharmacist called me aside and said if i take it , it will kill me , my enzymes were normal .
took my 95 yr. old mother there because the side of her went numb , went for the mri and a month later we got the results (carpel tunnel )
they did her hand instead of head .
Took her down for a rash on her head ,they made an appointment with another dr. we get there (plastic surgeon )
Took her again for pneumonia, prescribed anti biotics , they set up a follow up the next day we went and he said nothing i can do , you haven't been on the meds long enough .
Me , cancer spot on my chest , again they sent me to a plastic surgeon , they wanted 3 visits . I called a general surgeon outside of basset
15 minutes removed and on my way home.
I rush my closest friend to the emergency room for a pain in the groin they said he had a pulled groin muscle , dead 10 days latter (soft tissue carcinoma)
Went for my hip (torn cartilage ,cyst and fluid sack in the joint , they said i needed physical therapy , they told me i have to walk 3 mi. a day and it will get better.
I have a lot more but i'll stop now.
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That's a lot of bummers, Kenv
We moved to our area in July, and thankfully the hospital was really good. At least ER has been the last few days. And husband found a primary doc he likes, who is doing a phone follow up with him tomorrow. Only complaint I have about it is there's only one switchboard number to call, no direct lines to doc's offices. So it's a very long wait on the phone.

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