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Brent S

Awesome Friend
Oct 10, 2013
South East US
I spent the day volunteering for a community project today. Six of us put in a deck and benches at a elementary school. It is for an outdoor classroom for the kids. The benches are built on a slope and the deck at the bottom looks like a theatre setting. All the materials were donated so they just needed some guidance and Manuel labor. Me and one other guy had some carpentry experience, but the others were a lot of help just holding and carrying things. I'm beat, but it's a good kind of tired.
Is anyone else involved in any volunteer activities currently, or in the past. I don't have a lot of free time with a disabled spouse and a small farm here, but it's good to give some to the community.
I spent the day volunteering for a community project today. Six of us put in a deck and benches at a elementary school. It is for an outdoor classroom for the kids. The benches are built on a slope and the deck at the bottom looks like a theatre setting. All the materials were donated so they just needed some guidance and Manuel labor. Me and one other guy had some carpentry experience, but the others were a lot of help just holding and carrying things. I'm beat, but it's a good kind of tired.
Is anyone else involved in any volunteer activities currently, or in the past. I don't have a lot of free time with a disabled spouse and a small farm here, but it's good to give some to the community.
About 20+ years ago I was hurt in a logging accident and was laid up for a several months. Our only heat at that time was wood and I wasn't able to get all the wood in before my accident. One day in November a man and his wife drove up with a truck load of wood for us, all cut and split. They even stacked it by the cabin too. I never met these people and had no idea who they were or how they heard about my accident. They wouldn't accept any payment, and were somewhat insulted that I offered. I'll never forget their kindness to a complete stranger. Many times over the years I've tried to repay their generosity by helping other people in need.
Only in out reach church activities, but have also been talking to a guy at an orphanage over in Africa. No, I can not go overseas, but I can help out in the local.
About 20+ years ago I was hurt in a logging accident and was laid up for a several months. Our only heat at that time was wood and I wasn't able to get all the wood in before my accident. One day in November a man and his wife drove up with a truck load of wood for us, all cut and split. They even stacked it by the cabin too. I never met these people and had no idea who they were or how they heard about my accident. They wouldn't accept any payment, and were somewhat insulted that I offered. I'll never forget their kindness to a complete stranger. Many times over the years I've tried to repay their generosity by helping other people in need.
I like the idea of helping anonymously, It would be hard for my pride to accept 'charity' and the whole point is to help someone, not make them uncomfortable. I am far from rich, but never go to bed hungry. It's hard to not feel for anyone that does. Two years ago I helped renovate an old building that we turned into a soup kitchen. I don't think there's much more direct help you can do for another person than provide food. I think the volunteers that run the place are amazing people. I still rotate cans in the pantry, and donate some of the stuff before it expires.
The reason for this thread is twofold. First, I hope to inspire some to do something for others. Second, I hope to get new ideas of things/ways to help locally.
Only in out reach church activities, but have also been talking to a guy at an orphanage over in Africa. No, I can not go overseas, but I can help out in the local.
Good to hear from you! I'm not religious, but im sure a church is one of the best places to learn the needs in your community. I am cynical however, and advise caution on the overseas donations. While I know there is need beyond our comprehension, there is also rampant fraud. I don't personally believe in a hell, but hope there is for anyone who would steal from a hungry child.
I am very cautious if sending money oversees, only when I know a person who has personally gone and can verify. . . and that person is one I know personally and trust. Not just from high school or whatever else. My Umcle and Aunt were missionaries in Africa for years.

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