wal mart kmart and sears stores

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
has anyone heard of wal mart kmart and sears stores planing on closing any stores in the u.s.?
Kmart and Sears have been closeing stores for years . They merged and still closed stores . Walmart has some stores closed for the first time that was not a relocation . plumbing/sewage issues is the given reason . Some sugest there is political/labor issues .
Kmart and Sears have been closeing stores for years . They merged and still closed stores . Walmart has some stores closed for the first time that was not a relocation . plumbing/sewage issues is the given reason . Some sugest there is political/labor issues

WalMart's closing of those few stores is all about thwarting attempts to unionize.

a) The company didn't file for any plumbing related permits in the places being closed.
b) Even putting in a new main line wouldn't take 6 months.
c) You really think so many stores would have the SAME issue at the same time?

Kmart simply can't compete in that market anymore, and Sears has been on life-support for decades.
WalMart's closing of those few stores is all about thwarting attempts to unionize.

a) The company didn't file for any plumbing related permits in the places being closed.
b) Even putting in a new main line wouldn't take 6 months.
c) You really think so many stores would have the SAME issue at the same time?

Kmart simply can't compete in that market anymore, and Sears has been on life-support for decades.
I don't know why Walmart would even care about closing a handful of stores, they make zillions allready. It does hurt the expectations of walstreet though, and most CEOs only care about stock prices. Nowadays a company can't just be profitable, it needs to be expanding for walstreet to love it. A while back lowes closed several stores that were just not doing well, and the stock took a dive. Even though it made the company more profitable, image means more it seems.
Speaking of Kmart, I went in one recently and it was almost deserted. It's sad, but it is going the way of the dinosaurs.
The problem with growth, it that doing so, at the expense of profits, looks great on paper to Wall Street, and gives the CEO all kinds of big bonuses, until he then leaves the company to do it all over again for some other dumb company who wants "growth". Meanwhile, the company is stuck closing these growth only stores, and paying the bill...yet, they are all too eager to get yet another CEO in to do the same damn thing all over again.

It's really weird.

I'd love to see it go back to working for ONE company for years, getting a pension, etc.
yeah.there's a kmart in the town where i do my primary shopping.i remember back when you could walk into the store.and there'd be lots of customers..nowadays.i be lucky to see 20 or more in there...now it's good profit,or we close it down..only reason why wal mart would close some of their doors,that i can think of.is if they make a good profit from that in some way or another.in which that might include tax write off as welll..
Closing for 6 months pretty much guarantees the vast majority of the laid off workers will have new jobs when they reopen, pretty much nixing any union recruiting.

Or, you can always go the Conspiracy Theorist route, and assume they are closing them temporarily to help outfit them as distribution centers when Martial Law takes over.
The problem with growth, it that doing so, at the expense of profits, looks great on paper to Wall Street, and gives the CEO all kinds of big bonuses, until he then leaves the company to do it all over again for some other dumb company who wants "growth". Meanwhile, the company is stuck closing these growth only stores, and paying the bill...yet, they are all too eager to get yet another CEO in to do the same damn thing all over again.

It's really weird.

I'd love to see it go back to working for ONE company for years, getting a pension, etc.
Did you see that company where the owner just gave everyone a raise recently, to 70k a year minimum! You don't find rich people like that very often. He was making a million plus, but lowered his salary to 70k as well. Of course he does still own the company and allready has everything he wants, but still pretty damned impressive. Fat chance of any of the Walmart family doing something like that.
Iv never cared what the guys at the top make . Just give me my paycheck . If I start to envy the movers and shakers then I need to do what it takes to become one .
I agree. I've never understood jealousy, I've always been happy for anyone who worked hard to get what they want. If you really want something, you usually have to pay some kind of price for it. It may be long hours, missing your kids growing up, or early onset arthritis from working hard physically. I guess the most important thing in life is to decide what you really want, and then see if it's worth the cost.
On the other side, I don't think any one person at the top is worth the millions they get. Sure they deserve good salaries, but is anyone worth 16 million a year, with unlimited personal use of a corporate jet, and all the other perks? (Lowes ceo).
Iv never cared what the guys at the top make . Just give me my paycheck . If I start to envy the movers and shakers then I need to do what it takes to become one .

Yes and no.

There is a point where it's just too ridiculous though. I'm not saying it should be redistributed evenly, but when CEOs get a massive bonus, especially when the company did worse that quarter, it's a bit on the ridiculous side. Also, this mentality of enticing a CEO in, they "grow" the company making it look good on paper, collect their big bonus from the "growth", then split, and now leave the company with the bill of maintaining the "growth"...which then forces layoffs, etc. That's the crap that needs to go.
Yes and no.

There is a point where it's just too ridiculous though. I'm not saying it should be redistributed evenly, but when CEOs get a massive bonus, especially when the company did worse that quarter, it's a bit on the ridiculous side. Also, this mentality of enticing a CEO in, they "grow" the company making it look good on paper, collect their big bonus from the "growth", then split, and now leave the company with the bill of maintaining the "growth"...which then forces layoffs, etc. That's the crap that needs to go.
I agree that they don't need to share all the profits equally, but no one is worth tens of millions a year. I read an article about CEOs willing to do things that were harmful to the company to keep the stock price up. Nine out of ten said that was their priority. Somewhere along the way people lost sight of what makes sense.
Exactly my point. The focus is on the stock price, not the actual "success" of the company. Problem is though, investors want to get in, make money, then get out, and that's the end goal.

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