WannaCry - the gift that keeps on giving

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Sep 7, 2013
This morning as East Asia began their work week, the WannaCry ransomware has manifested itself in over 29,000 institutions in China. (they were mostly at home in bed when it hit on Friday).


Seeing how disruptive this ransomware is, I think that when they locate the perpetrators, Seal Team Six should be in charge of the "extraction."
The whole system we rely on, financial, electrical, communications, etc. really is way too fragile. We could all be sent back to the dark ages much too easily. I'm really Think they should teach prepping and self reliance in public schools.
think those who did it,have dug for them a very,very deep hole and pray to all possible deities that they will not be found ;)

but we are way to vulnerable,hate to think if something like this happens in winter,it takes out the power grid,heating..there will be deaths.
And now...

North Korea is suspected of being behind WannaCry. Security experts say that kill switches such as the one in WannaCry, are unheard of in attacks by financially motivated criminal groups. Governments care far more about collateral damage than criminals, so they are more likely to have some sort of failsafe.

well if N.K. is behind it and China figures it out we will not have to worry about them any longer China will over run them and kill fat boy
China supplies the internet to NK, everything internet based runs through china first. If NK released this and china didn't detect it or noticed it that's got to be very concerning to them or china knew? No one is going to tell me china doesn't monitor it's network unless NK released this outside china's network, this could have been in partners with iran using the middle east to originate from, speculating is one thing but proving is totally different, if it is a state sponsor or multiple state player, is the world willing to go to war over it? or is it going to be the same-o same-o and that is sanctions, we all know how the world loves the UN... and we all know how well sanctions have worked. NK the most heavily sanctioned country on earth and it's still researching, building and testing nuclear weapons all the while expanding it's arsenal!

This is the UN resolve regarding NK!

Report: U.N. agency was assisting North Korea file nerve gas patent request