wanted for murder survivalist peter keller and the bunker

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that's what I've been wondering...why kill his family?? any notes left behind to explain..
This is what I take from the story,
Media didn't do us any favors 'survivalist', murderer, committed suicide, all true though that type of attention hurts us all
He apparently took pictures of his location that was discovered by LEOs at his home enough info was obtained they knew about where he was at
He didn't cover his tracks, location was easily located, the trackers also smelled smoke
He boxed himself in, in an unfortified wooden makeshift hole in the ground, no escape rout
He built the cave from out under the canvas allowing a helo to be use, small explosive device gives access to the inside

From much of the reports not very much water or food was found in the cave/bunker, if one is on the run post-shtf you certainly don't want to trap/box yourself in, he worked on this for almost 8yrs, it was easily found and penetrated. Lucky for us and the community he didn't plan right and done himself in but we should also learn from his mistakes if we are wanting to conceal ourselves when at our BOL
Very interesting, did they ever find the motive behind the slaying of his family? Any criminal background that led to the event?

He left a video stating it would be exciting to live in the hills and rob banks and pharmacies, he was nuts from the get go, apparently he was 'tired of paying bills' his words!
That is what I would call a douchebag. . . He kills his family cause he doesn't have to worry about them while he is out living in his bunker robbing banks and pharmacies for however long that last. What a complete idiot and not a man at all.
You know, I have known a person or two in my day that were anti-social, negative, law breaking misfits that decided living off the land would suit them better than "Submitting" to society's way of life & law. Those folks never did well in the sticks. They went that route thinking it would be easier or that it would help aid them in a life of crime. It did neither. They suffered greatly and one died of a drug habit that followed him into the woods and back into society. It's just running from problems, and geographical changes never cure real problems. Only facing them down and dealing with them will make anything better. Most of these disgraceful pseudo-preppers didn't even have the guts to commit suicide, they end up dying trying to commit the "Ultimate crime". I would recommend seeking Jesus to anyone that seems to fit this description.
that type of person is definately something I wouldn't wanna have nearby me under any circumstances... don't wanna pay bills,well who want's but we have to anyway

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