washington Gun rally...........

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
At the end of the rally, gun owners burned their concealed weapons permits and signed a petition vowing to refuse to follow the new gun control law. The petition ended with the text, “We pledge our blood. We will not comply.”

This certainly isn’t the first large scale act of civil disobedience by gun owners in defiance of gun laws. Earlier this year in Connecticut hundreds of thousands of gun owners refused to send in their gun registration forms, also becoming felons. Similar numbers of gun owners in New Yorke have also refused to send in their registration paperwork and some even video taped themselves burning the forms.

Fed up with the passage of an 18½-page incoherent, rambling, unconstitutional gun control initiative that was bankrolled by billionaires, gun owners across Washington state held the largest felony civil disobedience rally in the nation’s history, brazenly titled “I Will Not Comply.” No one was hurt and no stores were looted. Between 1,000 and 3,000 lawful gun owners showed up openly armed at the state capitol in Olympia, Wash., on Saturday to defy the newly passed gun control law, I-594.

Organizer Gavin Seim made the extraordinary nature of the rally very clear, “This isn’t just a protest. We are here to openly violate the law.” Attendees publicly transferred their guns to each other in violation of I-591’s background check provisions, and some even bought and sold guns just a few feet away from law enforcement. A fire pit blazed throughout the rally, and at the conclusion, gun owners lined up to burn their concealed weapons permits. A petitionwas circulated affirming gun owners’ refusal to follow I-594, which ended with, “We pledge our blood. We will not comply.”

As the RSVPs in advance of the rally grew to over 6,000, the police – most who probably detest I-594 – decided not to enforce the law. The Washington State Patrol announced there would be no arrests for exchanging guns – not even for selling guns. Seim refused to obtain a permit to hold the rally, citing the right of people to WA GUN OWNERS STAGE THE LARGEST FELONY CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE RALLY IN AMERICA’S HISTORY

Around 1,000 gun owners rallied at the state capitol in Olympia, WA, openly armed, this past Saturday in defiance of the newly passed gun control law, I-594.

“This isn’t just a protest. We are here to openly violate the law,” stated Gavin Seim, organizer of the event, named ‘I Will Not Comply’.peaceably assemble.


The rally could not be dismissed as fringe elements. Several lawmakers and lawmen spoke, including former Graham County Sheriff Richard Mack of Arizona, Washington State Rep. Elizabeth Scott (R-Monroe) and Rep. Graham Hunt (R-Orting), who sported an AR-15 during his speech. Mack advised gun owners engaging in civil disobedience to “put your sheriff next to you to keep it peaceful.” Scott defiantly explained in her speech, “I will not comply with I-594 because it is unconstitutional, unenforceable and unjust. It is impossible to enforce this law unless there is a police officer on every back porch and in every living room. So it will be enforced selectively.” She noted that Founding Father Alexander Hamilton said any law that violates the Constitution is not valid, and there is a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws.

Seim, a political activist and congressional candidate, wrote on his website, “Today I become an OUTLAW! Arrest me! I will NOT comply.” He led the rally peacefully, and at one point asked everyone attending to kneel with him in prayer. As he led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance, he stressed, “I am not pledging obedience to the government, it is to the Republic. We don’t ask for our rights, and we don’t negotiate for our rights. We will take America back.”

Another speaker explained what was happening this way, “We no longer consent nor comply.” Mike Vanderboegh, whose Three Percenter movement is modeled after the three percent of the colonists who fought in the American War of Independence, said that those at the rally are the resistance behind enemy lines. The resistance is also taking place in a handful of other states with strict gun control laws, where patriots are now smuggling in weapons illegally. Vanderboegh told attendees, “This is the tyranny the Founding Fathers warned us about. Tyranny can be voted into existence by a majority. We will not fire the first shot, but if need be, we will fire the last.”

Gun control zealots have finally gone too far. Gun owners are now discovering that the police in New York are using gun control laws to confiscate guns from family members within days after their owners pass away. Hundreds of thousands of gun owners in Connecticut and New York who failed to register their AR-15s earlier this year are nowfelons. Requiring the registration of guns or requiring background checks, as I-594 does, allows the government to compile a list of gun owners, which can be used later for confiscation.

If guns cause crime, then why wasn’t there a single mishap, considering there were 1,000 or so guns present and hundreds of violations of felony law taking place? Tellingly, Washington State Trooper Guy Gill predicted beforehand, “”Most of these folks are responsible gun owners. We probably will not have an issue.” The truth is, the state capitol was probably the safest place in the state last Saturday.

Patriots have had enough. The Second Amendment is gradually being eroded, state by state, and gun owners are not going to lie down and give up their arms. A handful of billionaires and elitists in blue cities like Seattle do not respect the Constitution nor represent the vast majority of Americans. Another rally in Olympia is planned for January 15, and another one in Spokane on December 20. The Second Amendment Foundation, headquartered in Bellevue, intends to sue the state over I-594, and will be lobbying the legislature to get the law changed or repealed. Washington state is now ground zero for patriotic gun owners resisting tyranny, which is at a tipping point since law enforcement does not intend to enforce I-594. What happens next?
“We pledge our blood. We will not comply.....................................................” Remember these words.

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty".......... Thomas Jefferson.
"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God".........Thomas Jefferson.
"If the American People ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."........... Thomas Jefferson
"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it".......... Thomas Jefferson.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

" To ignore evil is to be an accomplice to it".........Martin Luther King Jr.
" The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it"..........Albert Einstein
" They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety, and will lose both"...........Benjamin Franklin

What did these American Presidents know back then that many today can't see? They saw how evil works and what corrupts. We should all pay close attention to our founding fathers and the rest of the American Presidents who shared the truth about Government and corruption and gave us many warnings throughout history on what we should have our eyes on. Stop a minute, put your life in neutral if you can. Be quiet and listen to the silence. If you can do this you'll hear the truth. your mind knows the truth but for many of us, our lives are moving so fast that we don't have the luxery of slowing down so we can read the writing on the wall.
Many of us have fallen into the trap of focusing on the fire so hard that we fail to see the guy who started the fire running away. This is one of the Governments agenda's, to keep us focused on what they want us to see rather than to see the real truth, that's why we have so many things to keep us focused away from what the Government fears we might see.
Don't get me wrong here cause I love football too but if you start the planning of your trip to the playoff game weeks in advance making sure you have enough dogs and beer and can't spend an hour or a few minutes reading about whats going on in our country, you've been suckered into a blurred reality and your head has been turned to see what the Government wants you to be focused on. If we are too busy worrying about having fun we will never see the truth that is coming right at us and it's coming very fast.

I tried to find a good quote by the current guy who occupies the white house. I could not find anything worth posting because there isn't anything worth quoting.
You can't act like an American or talk like an American if your not American and all the teleprompters in the world will not help.
If taking away guns is the answer to preventing mass shootings, is taking away folks' cars the answer to preventing drunk driving deaths?

See how moronic this sounds when you really boil it down?

You have to attack the CAUSE of the problem, not the tool used to carry it out.

What did these American Presidents know back then that many today can't see?

It's very simple. People of today are detached from these concerns of the past. We're too caught up with our own daily lives to give a damn about higher social thinking like how to govern ourselves. The thinking seems to be, as long as my life doesn't change much, could care less. Seriously, even my own kids (who should know better), simply feel it isn't even worth it to vote, and they feel I'm crazy for trying to convince them otherwise. Sad, sad days.... Talking politics just makes their heads hurt....

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