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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
Okay, folks... this could be VERY important for you to know.
> Please watch the video below to really understand why I'm
> sending this,
> and then PASS it on to everyone you know.
> Check all your newer credit cards for the Wi-Fi icon on
> them.
> I'd read this before and checked my cards for this icon
> right afterwards.
> Initially, I found none with that icon, but I was determined
> to watch
> for it when my new cards came in on renewals.
> Well, yesterday I got my CHASE SLATE card AND THERE IT WAS!
> My first time to ever see it.
> I'll not activate that card after seeing this video. I
> guess I'll go to the
> bank
> and try getting it replaced with a non-Wi-Fi Radio Frequency
> ID Card.
> Spread this around PLEASE and watch the video.

It does not matter if you activate the card or not, all of the cards in the near future is going to have a RFID tag embedded in them.
I worked on that project at Penn State last year and I advised them that I could in fact make a card reader that would read the tag while walking past a person.
They were not very receptive to my idea, even when I showed them how to do it!
Their own idea was not to tell anyone and to hope that no one would think of it!

RFID is not a new idea, it has been around since at least World War II...
The little pills that they made the soldiers swallow - were the exact same thing as the chip the size of a grain of sand on your credit card today.

Once something has been transmitted, there is no way to get it back.
Once something has been put in the air, it is in a public domain.

Lets use a programmable scanner radio for an example.
If you program a scanner for a old analog cordless telephone and you hear something,
You are not allowed to record what you hear and play it back for others to listen to.
But you can turn it on and if you happen to hear something - you can say to the others in the room, hey! listen to this!!

I lived in a small town full of cordless phones - 20 years ago, and I didn't need a television. There was more entertainment on the scanner then there ever was on the television. My mistake was to show this to a girlfriend of mine. She blabber mouthed it to everyone in the neighborhood. The next time I went into the bar, there was a note on the wall that said - do not say anything on your cordless telephone that you don't want - Potter County Man to hear!

It was a lot harder to get a date after that!
Last month VISA bill had a $235.00 charge from an out of state sporting good store , wife called VISA who stated $235.00 had already been credited to my account and gave her the store information. She called the store manager in ( Florida) who said " When we see suspicious internet charges , a large purchase from a customer we don't know or especially from out of the country , we just cancel the order and credit the account..................apparently this happens all the time. Wife cancelled the cards and new ones are coming...thanks for the heads up.
DAMN! This is crazy stuff. Thanks Potter County Man and realisticdude for the info, too.

I can't stress how sick I am of hearing "Technology" that's supposed to be helpful and is instead causing MORE headaches for people. Time to rewind and go back a few hundred years in my opinion.
Yes, very scary, but let's get something straight...

RFID is NOT Wi-Fi.

There is a two way communications technology that builds on RFID called NFC (Near Field Communications). It is the technology behind Android Beam that allows two phones to share information by touching the backs of the phones together. Those phones can also be used to make purchases through Google Wallet on the same equipment as the RFID cards. Needless to say, I don't have Google Wallet set up on my phone to use NFC.

It's NOT Wi-Fi. It has a very short range (the Near of "Near Field Communications") and has a very low data rate.

But presumably, any Android phone with Android Beam capability could be used to snoop RFID cards!

It's NOT Wi-Fi, so your aren't going to be able to hack RFID enabled cards with your laptop unless you have a NFC adapter.

Find the RFID chip and destroy it!
Yes, very scary, but let's get something straight...

RFID is NOT Wi-Fi.

There is a two way communications technology that builds on RFID called NFC (Near Field Communications). It is the technology behind Android Beam that allows two phones to share information by touching the backs of the phones together. Those phones can also be used to make purchases through Google Wallet on the same equipment as the RFID cards. Needless to say, I don't have Google Wallet set up on my phone to use NFC.

It's NOT Wi-Fi. It has a very short range (the Near of "Near Field Communications") and has a very low data rate.

But presumably, any Android phone with Android Beam capability could be used to snoop RFID cards!

It's NOT Wi-Fi, so your aren't going to be able to hack RFID enabled cards with your laptop unless you have a NFC adapter.

Find the RFID chip and destroy it!
DrHenley, don't be a retard.
No one said it was WI FI but you.
Go away!

I said I can read the data on the chip.
Maybe you didn't read what I wrote.
You can't destroy the RFID chip, that is how the card is going to work in the future.
The plastic swipe magnetic strip is going to go away!
DrHenley, don't be a retard.
No one said it was WI FI but you.
Go away!

OK so perhaps I was overly dramatic. No need to call names.

I was not responding to your post. This thread is entitled: "WATCH FOR THIS WI-FI SYMBOL ON YOUR NEW CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS"

And the OP said: "Check all your newer credit cards for the Wi-Fi icon on them."

Somebody just skimming this thread and not reading it carefully (I did read it carefully) might come away with the idea that the cards use Wi-Fi. Those are the people I was targeting with the bold red letters. I'm just making sure people understand the cards don't actually use Wi-Fi. If they did, anyone with a laptop or any other Wi-Fi enabled tablet or smartphone could hack their cards from 100 feet away or more. It only has a range of a few inches. It's still dangerous though.
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It's Not wi-fi.................after I posted I thought to myself, if it were wi-fi then the guy in the video could have done what he did from a much further distance and, you could use a laptop and additional objects to hack in right? My original post is incorrect because the info is not correct. It isn't wi-fi, it's an RFID chip using NFC technology.
I can only say wow,never knew it was that easy,thank god we seem to get some tech **** little later here,but did check my cards,no chip yet
So glad I don't use or have any debit/credit cards. I use checks to pay my bills, but I am sure that privilege will go away before too long. . . there has been some gas stations around the city here that no longer accept them, and they are the ones that tend to have the cheaper gas so need to carry cash to them. I have a sis and mom who pays all their bills paid by credit card. . . my sis has already had her identity stolen three times and her hubby once. I'll stick to the 'old' ways
i like this idea, i like wireless technology. it is the future of the way we will use almost everything that uses cables and wires. but like everything else, i have to worry about aother thing. if you have a credit card, identification, work card, or any kind of card with rfid chip inside, you can buy a wallet or sleeve made for it.
i like this idea, i like wireless technology. it is the future of the way we will use almost everything that uses cables and wires

Think about it this way. Sending sensitive information over the airwaves and relying on safety protocols to protect it, is like pointing a gun at your head and pulling the trigger, and relying on your safety catch to keep it from firing.
i like this idea, i like wireless technology. it is the future of the way we will use almost everything that uses cables and wires. but like everything else, i have to worry about aother thing. if you have a credit card, identification, work card, or any kind of card with rfid chip inside, you can buy a wallet or sleeve made for it. blocker wallet wallet

i've been thinking of getting a rfid wallet/billfold..been doing a lil bit of window shopping for one..but not enough for deciding which one i want..

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