Water contamination

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Awesome Friend
Nov 1, 2013
This may apply to several situations but I am especially concerned about the aftermath of a nuke. How long will ground water be safe? Please feel free to post links about this topic.
Ground water will probably be safer than other sources...but that's not the same as saying that it's safe.

If you're concerned about radioactive contaminants--there are several options that may be useful.

Taking iodine tablets may help to protect you from thyroid cancer, and distillation will produce almost pure water.

I hesitate to claim that distillation will remove all risks from radiation, however, since only miniscule traces of radioactive substances may be enough to kill you. As an example, 3/8 of an ounce (less than 10 grams) of plutonium 239 divided up equally would be enough to kill every single human being on the face of the Earth from leukemia in less that two years. Take this into consideration when we consider that a typical nuclear weapon may utilize as much as thirty pounds of plutonium.

As another point of interest, cobalt 60 is almost as bad.

At one point, a cobalt bomb was planned but (thankfully) never tested.

Given these issues, I think stored water and distilled water may be your best bet, but I don't think it will help much.

One last point (optimistic, this time): the longer you wait to consume the water, the more that radiation has a chance to die down. If you stockpile three months of drinking water, most of the radiation will have subsided and your odds will be better.

I hope this helps.