Water Water Everywhere not a drop to drink?

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Retired Army

Jan 22, 2013
Corpus Christi Texas,Austin Texas
Ok I live way down South TX on the Laguna Madre lots of salt water and fish need to know inexpensive ways to do water desalinization any preferred ways that require little or no power. I know I can boil it and capture the steam and fresh water better ways you know of let me know
For high volume, copper coils are the way to go. Any way you can boil the water and get it though the coils. Not rocket science, but it DOES require copper coils.:rolleyes:

There are some simple low volume distillation contraptions. One of the simplest is to put a bowl inside a large stainless steel stock pot with convex lid. Put some salt water (or any water you want to distill) in the pot, invert the lid, put cool water in the inverted lid (ice water if available), and boil gently. Water will condense on the bottom of the lid and drip into the bowl. I have even distilled vinegar this way.

Make sure you keep the cooling water in the inverted lid cool by changing it out frequently.
one thing comes to mind.is a small still ,like the one made for moonshine..(BUT) use it for stlling water only..just put the water into the vat.then lite a fire under it as if you were makeing shine..a 5 to 10 gallon vat might be large enough
one thing comes to mind.is a small still ,like the one made for moonshine..(BUT) use it for stlling water only..just put the water into the vat.then lite a fire under it as if you were makeing shine..a 5 to 10 gallon vat might be large enough
I was actually looking to set up a water distillation that could double as a shine setup. Haven't done anything with that idea yet but thought some shine maybe something to hobby with and possible bartering goods.
i know extremely little about stills n all..but one hing i've heard..is you dont use the same still for distilling water that you use for shine.on acount the yeast and/or what ever has a effect on the quality of the water in some way or another
i know extremely little about stills n all..but one hing i've heard..is you dont use the same still for distilling water that you use for shine.on acount the yeast and/or what ever has a effect on the quality of the water in some way or another
True true didn't really mean to use the same cooker. Really meant like the same area of my shed where I can swap cookers over the fire. One for whiskey, one for water.
Concentrating on water first. But since alcohol dist. is illegal merely having the knowledge and gear to convert to whiskey post shtf. My grandfather is rather experienced first hand with shine so I will pick his brain.
So much awesome information here I can barely contain it all. SOoooo many things I just never thought about that would have been detrimental to lethal. So very happy I came here. Absolutely invaluable.