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Rick - Mexico City

Super Friend
Oct 17, 2021
Mexico City
I have to say to the world... "We Are Sorry" for having the dumbest Mexican president in history (I personaly did not vote for him). He has beeing draging our country to its worst economic disaster.

The thing is that he has being messing up with international trade agreements with the USA and Canada. That means we mexicans have to be worried about what its coming in our economic situation (also frienship situation with our neighbors).

In a very short time inflation has rised. Soon will be very dificult to buy regular goods (I hope not me, Ia am getting ready), but it could start riots in some country areas.

In my opinion having good international relations is as important as the intern relations with its own people. Mexico has never been more divided as it is now... You are with the goverment or you are a traitor... this is the way Mexico's president thinks about its own citizens... this is not going good...

I soon will let you know about what its coming here...

Thanks for reading.
I have to say to the world... "We Are Sorry" for having the dumbest American president in history (I personaly did not vote for him). He has beeing draging our country to its worst economic disaster.

The thing is that he has being messing up with international trade agreements with China, giving them everything. That means we Americans have to be worried about what is coming in our economic situation (also frienship situation with our neighbors).

In a very short time inflation has rised. Soon will be very dificult to buy regular goods (I hope not me, Ia am getting ready), but it could start riots in some country areas.

In my opinion having good international relations is as important as the intern relations with its own people. America has never been more divided as it is now... You are with the goverment or you are a traitor... this is the way America's president thinks about its own citizens... this is not going good...

I soon will let you know about what its coming here...

Thanks for reading.

FIFY, the US version
@Rick - Mexico City

No worries about, nothing to say sorry about.
It's not only an mexican problem...
It seems to be an world wide problem those days (pandemic of incompetent politicians?) that the politicans promise and don't keep or remember their own words after (OK, not really new).
In nearly every country in this world you only have the choosing between plague and cholera. And if accidently there's really an good person around she is forced to be an a**hole by the state communities. So far the WEF plan for "The Great Reset" is in progress.
I'm seriously unhappy to say we may need really an revolution by citizens to return to an clear thinking.
I'd say its working out very good for your country. Ship the unskilled and low intelligent people north so they can suck off the US government tit, aka taxpayers. And in turn they send their cash back to Mexico. Thats a brilliant plan.
Well, let me tell you somehting... Where are you from?... You should know MF ignorant... that half the country you live was Mexico... try to read and learn about histoty a little more... By the way... I spaeak three lauguages... How about you?
I'd say its working out very good for your country. Ship the unskilled and low intelligent people north so they can suck off the US government tit, aka taxpayers. And in turn they send their cash back to Mexico. Thats a brilliant plan.

Amazing coincidence or what? We in the UK shipped the low skilled, unintelligent and criminals in the 1700s to the US as well. :)
Well, let me tell you somehting... Where are you from?... You should know MF ignorant... that half the country you live was Mexico... try to read and learn about histoty a little more... By the way... I spaeak three lauguages... How about you?

Is that the Mexico that was originally owned by SPAIN and Before that belonged to the Mayans? .
It's a simple plan -- make the people as dependent on government as possible.

They want a royalty class and peasants. In other words, the "upper-class" criminals want to go back to a time when they ran roughshod over everyone, all the time, and answered to no laws.
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Bill Masen,,,many coming to America from the UK in the 1700's may of been considered UK's rejects, but actually were coming to America for religious freedom. It was very expensive to "ship rejects" across the sea in the 1700's, easier to just hang them. My relatives came over in a boat in the 1700's. They came for religious freedom. The amish were being beheaded in Switzerland during those years. They traveled through Europe, and then boarded a boat from the UK. Glad they had the nerve to leave. Another boat came in the 1800's and that is all there was. Anyone who stayed behind were killed.
Everyone in every country blames some bad president or in my case, prime Minister, like these leaders could open the flood gates and let the good times roll but refuse to. The simple truth is these people are just puppets, front men and women whose job it is to distract people from the truth. And the truth is they work not for you but for the corporations that are looting the planet's resources (what's left of them). Democracy is the biggest sham of our age, it's totally captured now and totally corrupt but everyone still turns up to vote for a liar in the hope that their lies will come true.

Well there are no more good times, except the ones you make for yourself. We have clearly reached the limits to growth the team at MIT foretold of back in the 1970's and it's all downhill form here folks. Your pensions are technically worthless and within a decade will have vanished. Social security will go along with it for the most part as will most government spending on infrastructure. This is the Great Reset, the You will own nothing but be Happy plan.

Your future has already been mapped out for you, by the World Economic Forum,

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation based in Cologny, canton of Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded on 24 January 1971 by Klaus Schwab. The foundation, which is mostly funded by its 1,000 member companies – typically global enterprises with more than five billion US dollars in turnover – as well as public subsidies, views its own mission as "improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas".
World Economic Forum - Wikipedia

They are behind the push for mass vaccinations.
From their own website:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by extraordinary technology advances commensurate with those of the first, second and third industrial revolutions. These advances are merging the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that create both huge promise and potential peril. The speed, breadth and depth of this revolution is forcing us to rethink how countries develop, how organisations create value and even what it means to be human.
You are human resources in their minds, you are commodities. As individuals you and your "rights" are meaningless.

Our research began in 2020 before the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus.... The COVID-19 crisis represents a threat to both lives and livelihoods, but it also serves as a market-shaping force. While the report on which this article is based does not focus solely on the impact of the pandemic, that impact has been acting as a catalyst for the deployment of IoT solutions
So vote to your hearts content, it will change nothing of importance, and never has.