Guns, knives, baseball bats, electrical cords, beer steins, trucks, bombs, battery acid, weaponized virus, road bricks, glass shards, human fists and feet, poisons, fire, electrical shocks, pointy sticks, candlestick holders, pots and pans...
People have been killing each other since day one.
It's a choice. Once the choice is made, and the mindset is there and a course of action is set... the tool used really doesn't matter.
No place can be made "weapon free", it's just not possible. Humans are all about using tools, and inventing tools to make tools for a specific purpose whether the purpose is pounding a nail, or ending a life.
London, Chicago, Detroit, Mumbai, Cairo, Paris... As long as a culture exists that produces youth desensitized to killing, or who glorify the act of killing, for whatever reason whether the reasons are economic, racial, criminal organizations, religious... then no weapon ban can ever be effective. You can only ever change the weapon of choice.
I don't blame Britain, or any country for banning certain guns. I blame the Governments for failing to admit that the bans only potentially victimize those law abiding citizens who cannot physically defend themselves with other means at hand. I'm not saying it could never happen, but I don't expect a 65 year old woman to defend her life with a beer stein, or a road brick, or a pen knife. And Governments know this, they must. So "weapon bans" IMO, are never about the safety of society. They are about the peace of mind of a Government. A box to check off. Weapons banned? Check. A block of voters convinced something has been done to protect them and make them safe? Check. That's all it is to me. If I wanted someone to be safe, in a bad area, would I take a gun away from them? Of course not. I would gift them with a gun they could best carry, and best use with a minimum of training. Because that's the best, easiest, defense among many self defense choices for many people.
If those segments of British society who are happily busy stabbing each other over drugs or criminal enterprises or "their patch", were suddenly to decide to go out, en masse, and stab members of polite society, who would stop them? The police, but only eventually. Not immediately. Gun bans are a ban on immediate defense, the only recourse being justice after the fact, it is hoped.
And oh yeah, hammers...