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kevin tordoff

Awesome Friend
Sep 23, 2012
hope everyone has a good productive weekend im doing some gardening and stock pilling logs for the up coming winter
Spent a week camping in lake Powell
That is awesome, I hope I can live long enough to be able to Go West. I often dream of just disapearing on that side of the mississippi. I think one could spend a lifetime exploring out there. From the grand canyon to the deserts, up into the rockies, and Blackhills. Would even make us hillbillys, virtual flatlanders compared to what one can see out there. I am jealous.

I got a taste of the west on a drive through, Took a mobile home for FEMA, to Texas, I was younger then, had 2 boys at home. hadn't seen them in 3 weeks, The 30 minutes to the Alamo, was a thought. But it added up in my mind to 30 min there, a hour while there, 30 minutes to get back to where I was, the sum came up to be 2 more hours away from my family than I wanted. I look back now and wish I had went. I got home after bedtime, and stood in the doorway watching them sleep. Scared if I woke them they might not go back to sleep that night. All I would have lost was 2 hours sleep myself. When your young 2 hrs sleep is optional anyways, LOL

I have daydreamed the rest of my life about those little dust devils I saw on the flattest land I didnt know existed. That roadtrip was one of few highlights of my life, I hope others take advatage of situations as they present themselves.

That is why I join places like this, to share ideas, simple thoughts, and dreams. Look at that pic. My buddy Colt has camped beside those beautifull mts. When he shared that pic, I was there for that instant feeling it. I have now forgiven him for trying to throw me out of here, and talkin smack LOL, like any buddy would.

Alright, thats it for a glimps into my soul, I am still a Ahole, back to the grind.
I work almost every weekend, There is no rest for the self employed. LOL

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