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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013
So, in a SHTF event, it would be nice to hold on to at least some of our heritage, and best entertainment. Movies, music, etc. I'd be curious to see what would be on folks' lists of these...things you'd want to preserve for future generations.

For me, some that come to mind:

All of the Star Wars ones
Slapstick comedies, like Airplane!, Monty Python's Holy Grail, Mel Brooks movies, etc.
Marvel movies and other big summer blockbusters
Speilberg classics, like Jaws, ET, Goonies, etc.
Kids animated movies, Disney, Pixar, etc.

Game of Thrones
True Blood
Classic sitcoms like Seinfeld, Friends, Cheers, etc.

80's hits
50's hits
Classical music
Hair band music

Lots of others, of course, as well as good books in an e-reader format.
Wife is an 80s girl with a lot of music from that period mostly rock music but her largest collection is big band from the 40s, me, all my music is 40s/50s/60s/70s mostly Country & Western and Blue Grass. We have a large movie collection but the biggest collections are in books (mainly from the wife) We have a 8x6 storage room that's nothing but board games, puzzles, crayons/coloring books, card games, dice games, poker chips etc..
Yep, a lot of books are definitely in my collection. Though mostly fantasy, sci-fi, etc. in theme. My wife has a lot of mystery books and what I call "vampire porn", lol....
Gaz,your list is quite nice but I would add M.A.S.H to that list and..
all Star Treks,B5 and all Star Gates...
I am just really not a big TV/movie watcher so that just wont be an issue with me loosing. I do enjoy music, 80s rock and real country, not what they classify country now days. What I do for entertainment is this forum, a little family history, but mainly may new hobby of quilting and crocheting. So I guess instead of storing away movies or dvds of favorite tv shows, mine is stockpiling fabrics and yarns. I do enjoy playing Rummikub when the youngest son and his wife comes over.
I would go a different direction. These things are just entertainment. I would preserve the Constitution and the Federalist Papers. Along with the history of how our Country has grown and failed over the years.

This is the "Heritage" that I would want to pass on to the next re-creation of our nation and the world.

But I wouldn't hold off on a thick stack of patent printouts and books on manufacturing... I wouldn't want them to live too long with power/AC/chainsaws/etc. At some point they will need to make new things, and I'd hate to see them go 100 years to re-invent key parts of society, like the flush toilet.
Well, accumulated knowledge stores are an assumed given, but I see why you'd go there. Even history and the arts, etc. would all be good information to be well as more practical knowledge.

At least NOW, we have the tech means to actually store and retrieve such data, and basically, to do so for quite a while (between a solar charger and e-reader).
I like most of the things that Gazrok mentioned in his list, but I also love, I Love Lucy, Bewitched, and the Flinstones.
Movies, I would add in the Indian Jones Series.
Lord of the Rings trilogy
..and of course Good Fellas.. you gotta have a couple of mob movies, right?:)
We have a collection of well over 500 DVD movies and series, a large library of fiction, American history, reference books (no E books), magazines and a fair amount of music. The wife likes country (or at least what passes for country now days), and I like 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and classical music. I also like the old country music before it got hijacked to be the crap it is now. We add books and movies to our collection every couple of weeks, plus we save all of our subscription magazines for future reference. We both prefer real catalogs, over websites, from the companies and products that we're interested in. We do shop online at times, but I still prefer to buy from companies that also print catalogs.
If SHTF, power will be a most valued commodity. Most people will be lucky to have power to run flashlights in evenings/early AM.

Having entertainment that requires substantial power will most likely go unused.

Some power for lights, refrigeration, some fans if it's hot; your power will get consumed quickly. And I'm saying it as someone who has nearly $30k invested in solar at my home.
I was wondering,if something happened here,what use would we have of your federalist papers?
In rebuilding society after a collapse, certain issues concerning the nature of "good government" will arise. It could be helpful to see how others have wrestled with those issues in the past.

From Federalist #1:
It has been frequently remarked, that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend, for their political constitutions, on accident and force.

The Federalist Papers were an attempt to answer that question.
If I were to be rebuilding society, there are just a few papers I would preserve:
*Original Articles of Confederation (they failed, but it showed where failures come in)
*Federalist Papers
*the Original Constitution

If you want to add a book to it, look at "The US Constitution Made Easy" by a fellow named Crockett. I've met the author, it is a brilliant summary looking at the past 200+ years and how the Constitution has been neutered to be nothing like the intentions.

The creation of the US and our Constitution were some of the greatest achievements of man. I think the Constitution is the second greatest writing penned by man.
I think the idea of rebuilding our society based on our original constitutional republic is just a pipe dream. Most people don't even know what the Constitution says, and couldn't care less what it means. Those who do know what the Constitution means only cherry pick the parts that may benefit them and ignore the rest. Long ago we transitioned from a constitutional republic to a democracy/socialist police state. I feel that what would arise out of the ashes would be more like a military dictator/Communist scenario. The vast majority of Americans now truly don't want freedom and liberty. After all, they'd have to think and do for themselves and make their own decisions. We're quickly heading that direction now, SHTF, or a couple more Republican amnesty's, would complete the process.
when SHTF the final straw that will cause Societal Collapse(in the UK anyway) is the loss of power. you cant play music or watch films if you've got no power.
now books are a different matter, they don't need power, I have a ton of them, all non fiction.
So, in a SHTF event, it would be nice to hold on to at least some of our heritage, and best entertainment. Movies, music, etc. I'd be curious to see what would be on folks' lists of these...things you'd want to preserve for future generations.

For me, some that come to mind:

All of the Star Wars ones
Slapstick comedies, like Airplane!, Monty Python's Holy Grail, Mel Brooks movies, etc.
Marvel movies and other big summer blockbusters
Speilberg classics, like Jaws, ET, Goonies, etc.
Kids animated movies, Disney, Pixar, etc.

Game of Thrones
True Blood
Classic sitcoms like Seinfeld, Friends, Cheers, etc.

80's hits
50's hits
Classical music
Hair band music

Lots of others, of course, as well as good books in an e-reader format.

Been a while, your list is pretty much what I'd have but being English, I'll add a few British Classics like Open All Hours, Dad's Army, Wire in the Blood, Being Human, and many more.
I'd also add any number of instructional documentaries. Maybe at the end of it all, someone with a decent brain could use them to put together a method of energy production and practical things that might improve their lot.
If I had the room I would love to save sheet music and a few musical instruments for those who come after me to master and enjoy. For almost as long as we've been on the earth, we've made music and it would be nice to know that legacy continued.
that's a good addition. Always did want to learn the guitar....
One for Gazrok . My Brother Inlaw is a big Sifi fan . I got this from someting He posted elswhere .
Can you imagine it, a band of musicians and entertainers traveling the post SHTF land to basically sing for their supper and lodging? Armed with all of the music, stories, etc. of today? I'd throw in some home canned food for that show. lol.

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