Well, another move in the works......

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Ancient AH Pilot, Retired CWO W4.
Dec 31, 2017
Big meeting between all my doctors, the hospice care people, my hospital social worker, and, of course, me, has determined they all want me to move into a private nursing home October 1st, if the insurance companies and VA can get signed off on everything in time. They want me in a more "closely supervised" environment. I have continued to lose weight even though I eat like a starving pig. Doc says they have got to get this weight loss under control and going the other direction, or it's gonna be bad news on down the line. Lose enough weight, and the body's organs begin to become dysfunctional. He has ordered me on a special diet of 4-5 small, high calorie, high protein, high fat, meals a day. He has also ordered a prescription for "Marinol," 5mg twice a day, which is synthetic medical marijuana, as an "appetite enhancer." The Rheumatologist has ordered hydrotherapy for my lower back, hips, and legs. The Pulmonary Specialist has ordered that oxygen be available 24/7, either through a wall line, tank, or oxygen generator. And they have me taking Oxycodone 10mg every 4 hours, and Morphine timed release pills 15mg every 12 hours.

The key words here seem to be "more closely supervised," than at the ALC. The one they are shooting for is an upscale, private nursing home, which provides a ton of "amenities." Wi-Fi, Cable, snacks/coffee room open 24/7, shopping trips, field trips, chess club, bridge club, etc. Except for more limited movement, doesn't seem to be much different than here. I took the grand tour of the place, and it's not bad, except movement is definitely more limited.....you have one private room, rather than an apartment. Place ain't "cheap," either....$5,322 monthly base cost., but that's the insurance company's/VA's headache, not mine, thank Heaven!!

At any rate, if everyone gets signed off in time, I'll be moving there October 1st...or November 1st, if they are a little slow in getting all the signatures on the dotted lines.
I am just glad they included you in the meeting. Healthcare must not be fully socialized yet. ;)

But seriously, I hope all goes well for you and you find as much relief as possible.
Hugs to you, friend. There is no easy way to be comfortable.
Sorry it hurts.
Nothing else matters except keeping you fed, clean, and as comfortable as possible.
Those instructions on prescriptions are suggested guidelines.
That's good they're getting oxygen in to you.
All this fuss and all you really need is a few 20 something Italian women to take good care of you and a couple of 19 year old girls to chase.

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