We're in a giant insane asylum

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Awesome Friend
Jan 15, 2024
I was reading the news last night and I just shook my head. I recalled something a fellow junior-high girl who sat at our lunch table said many many years ago: "Did you ever feel like your parents sent you to an insane asylum and called it school?" Out of all the things that I learned in junior high that's the one thing that I remember!

We're trapped on the Titanic and can't get off and here we sit watching ourselves sink. I just wonder how one keeps their sanity amidst it. Do you just not read the news?
I read the news, I just don't believe all of it and I know it's an extremely limited and controlled glimpse of the world around us.

Just a few days ago I went to an old school arcade and fun center with the lady. The place was packed and everyone was having a great time. I am confident we all had very different views on a variety of social, political, and other topics, but we all occupied the same basic space and we all had fun. That's closer to the real world, in this part of the US anyway.

The "news" is the world they want us to have or the world they are trying to trick is into believing we already do have. The world has always been chock full of danger, death and disagreement we have just never been beaten down with the "news" of it every minute of every day.
I watch or read very little news. Most it is lies. I listen to very little talk radio too. And completely stay away from negative people and the doom and gloom sad sacks. I look around my area and see the real world; mountains, forests, clean water, wildlife etc. The people around here are hard working and honest. The whole world is nothing like what is portrayed on the 24/7 news shows. I prefer to be optimistic and think that life is pretty good.
“Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning.”

- Investigative journalist Annette Fuentes
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I have to cope by not watching the news. I will read a few different sources, but have completely given up listening to anything from the bought and paid for mainstream media, with all it's spin and bias. I was cured of them very emphatically during my years in emergency services - I have too many horror stories of news reporters traipsing into a scene and interfering with patient care, and the number of times I got home after a run and saw the report of what supposedly happened on the evening news being so completely wrong and false - to ever believe anyone in journalism ever again. An interesting side note to that, if I happen to be somewhere and someone has the news on, the "this is what you're supposed to believe" part of it comes through so loud and clear! If folks would look away and think for themselves for a while, I think they'd be amazed at what they're placidly swallowing as they sit there watching the performances.
And I have enough going on here on my homestead, and in my job, to cope with and accomplish without making myself scared and maudlin over the myriad evil events of the day, reported with such glee by the talking heads.
Thirdly and most importantly, I strive to remember that God is always in control, no matter what. That's so very hard, especially when I'm so angry and hurt that He allowed my Beloved Husband to die. But it's true, the war is already won, Christ paid the debt for all. We are living in the end times of a fallen and sinful world but there is truth to hold on to and guide us. Someone once said "The only heaven an unbeliever will ever know is here on earth. The only hell a believer will ever experience is here on earth." I find that a helpful reminder.
I was reading the news last night and I just shook my head. I recalled something a fellow junior-high girl who sat at our lunch table said many many years ago: "Did you ever feel like your parents sent you to an insane asylum and called it school?" Out of all the things that I learned in junior high that's the one thing that I remember!

We're trapped on the Titanic and can't get off and here we sit watching ourselves sink. I just wonder how one keeps their sanity amidst it. Do you just not read the news?
Just imagine being in my position. The ONE PLANET without dilithium crystals. The only thing keeping me from going insane is hope of rescue. And vodka. ;)
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I read the news, I just don't believe all of it and I know it's an extremely limited and controlled glimpse of the world around us.

Just a few days ago I went to an old school arcade and fun center with the lady. The place was packed and everyone was having a great time. I am confident we all had very different views on a variety of social, political, and other topics, but we all occupied the same basic space and we all had fun. That's closer to the real world, in this part of the US anyway.

The "news" is the world they want us to have or the world they are trying to trick is into believing we already do have. The world has always been chock full of danger, death and disagreement we have just never been beaten down with the "news" of it every minute of every day.
That's pretty profound. I don't believe most of the news either but still it's disturbing if even some of it is true - but going out more is a good idea because that's close to the truth of what's really going on. That's a good reality check.
I watch or read very little news. Most it is lies. I listen to very little talk radio too. And completely stay away from negative people and the doom and gloom sad sacks. I look around my area and see the real world; mountains, forests, clean water, wildlife etc. The people around here are hard working and honest. The whole world is nothing like what is portrayed on the 24/7 news shows. I prefer to be optimistic and think that life is pretty good.
I've been trying to limit reading the news because of its effects but I'm also concerned about not knowing what is going on. But you have a sound point.
“Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning.”

- Investigative journalist Annette Fuentes
I saw two side-by-side photos of a school and a jail and there was no difference between them.
I have to cope by not watching the news. I will read a few different sources, but have completely given up listening to anything from the bought and paid for mainstream media, with all it's spin and bias. I was cured of them very emphatically during my years in emergency services - I have too many horror stories of news reporters traipsing into a scene and interfering with patient care, and the number of times I got home after a run and saw the report of what supposedly happened on the evening news being so completely wrong and false - to ever believe anyone in journalism ever again. An interesting side note to that, if I happen to be somewhere and someone has the news on, the "this is what you're supposed to believe" part of it comes through so loud and clear! If folks would look away and think for themselves for a while, I think they'd be amazed at what they're placidly swallowing as they sit there watching the performances.
And I have enough going on here on my homestead, and in my job, to cope with and accomplish without making myself scared and maudlin over the myriad evil events of the day, reported with such glee by the talking heads.
Thirdly and most importantly, I strive to remember that God is always in control, no matter what. That's so very hard, especially when I'm so angry and hurt that He allowed my Beloved Husband to die. But it's true, the war is already won, Christ paid the debt for all. We are living in the end times of a fallen and sinful world but there is truth to hold on to and guide us. Someone once said "The only heaven an unbeliever will ever know is here on earth. The only hell a believer will ever experience is here on earth." I find that a helpful reminder.
That's awful if they interfered with patient care. I agree that much of the news is scripted. I have a hard time believing that God is in control however - because I saw so much and endured so much in my life. I recall watching a story of a young Guatemalan woman who was promised work in the US by a Mexican grandmother, no less. When the young woman arrived she was locked in a house and forced to be a prostitute - serving upwards of 100 men a day. She was formerly very religious and couldn't understand why God allowed that. So I do have many questions. I know that we can sequester ourselves away from the evil of this world but I wonder if more of us were active in fighting it, if we'd have a better world right now.

I am sorry about your husband. My sister became a young widow and completely rebuilt her life - marrying a good man. She now is raising her grandson. I hope that you find someone new. There are good people around.
That's pretty profound. I don't believe most of the news either but still it's disturbing if even some of it is true - but going out more is a good idea because that's close to the truth of what's really going on. That's a good reality check.

When I spent most of my time at the compound listening to right wing radio and avoiding humans, I was far more militant and annoyed than I became when I started going out and about on dates and social events all the time. This does not mean the world doesn't have darkness and danger, it just made me realize that there are a lot of good people just out living life too. Even some of the weirdos and abnormals are good people, maybe even some democrats.
When I spent most of my time at the compound listening to right wing radio and avoiding humans, I was far more militant and annoyed than I became when I started going out and about on dates and social events all the time. This does not mean the world doesn't have darkness and danger, it just made me realize that there are a lot of good people just out living life too. Even some of the weirdos and abnormals are good people, maybe even some democrats.
That's good wisdom right there.
Mark Twain

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”​

― Mark Twain
I have learned to not take it personally unless it has a direct effect on me. Be aware. Be prepared that it will get worse. Say your prayers and buckle down, or is knuckle down? No matter. Carry on.
I'm afraid you're right - it will get worse. I have a sense of impending doom - does anyone else feel this? I don't really know how else to describe it - it's like a nagging feeling that something is going to happen but I don't know what.
I was reading the news last night and I just shook my head. I recalled something a fellow junior-high girl who sat at our lunch table said many many years ago: "Did you ever feel like your parents sent you to an insane asylum and called it school?" Out of all the things that I learned in junior high that's the one thing that I remember!

We're trapped on the Titanic and can't get off and here we sit watching ourselves sink. I just wonder how one keeps their sanity amidst it. Do you just not read the news?
Just stack up ammo and prep. You can't fix stupid, but you sure as hell can keep it off your lawn. Most of the time. I just try to let the rude folks and ignorant folks go their own ways. People try to be intentionally hurtful to others these days. I never will understand the mean spirited stuff.
It's downright scary whose in control.
George Soros and his ilk, along with corporations and the lobbyists. The WEF and the Davos crowd...all of whom need to be removed from their ability to influence us and plan what they have in store for us (which is never good). Nobody cares a damn for any of us. Which is fine...we just need to be honest about that fact.
“Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning.”

- Investigative journalist Annette Fuentes
Public school was prison/daycare 35 years ago when I went through high school. Other kids' discipline issues in class made it impossible to learn. The shot across the bow was when my parents yanked me out of public school after sophomore year and put me in private prep school for my last two years of high school. Let's just say I had a lot of catching up to do. My youngest herd of kids will never go to public school. Private or homeschool for them, and we'll be paying very close attention to the influences they encounter. The world has gone nutty and our kids are being turned crazy by bad influences everywhere.
RFK is an Independent, and RBG was an old time Democrat ... no relation to the current crop of Communists, useless idiots, and morons.

I don't care if RFK Jr is a transgendered liberal bisexual vegan NFL watching draft-dodging French man from Seattle. If he helps keep Kamala out of office then he's all right with me. I just won't be sleeping in the same tent with him/her.
Just stack up ammo and prep. You can't fix stupid, but you sure as hell can keep it off your lawn. Most of the time. I just try to let the rude folks and ignorant folks go their own ways. People try to be intentionally hurtful to others these days. I never will understand the mean spirited stuff.

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