obama is working on a Summit to gather civic leaders to inspire people to change the world.....the summit will be in Chicago.....LMAO.....I have no words that I can type here to explain the lunacy that is going on in the U.S.....while the muslim in chief was potus he could not be asked about why his beloved Chicago was such a crime infected, corrupt broken city.....and now he will have a summit to inspire, inspire who ? the drug dealers ? corrupt city government ? the sanitation workers ? I would bet he will make a pretty penny running this summit and raise money to elect a few more traitors such as himself.....I am sure he needs to stay busy spending his Iranian money....For the life of me I cannot fathom the lunacy of the people who follow and believe this POS....Jim Jones could be cult ruler of the world if he was around now working with obama.....rant over...