what a refreshing change

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Awesome Friend
Feb 9, 2014
Devon, UK
I really like this forum, what a difference from our wishy washy British forums where most suggestions come with a comment of "oh, I couldn't do that because......", or where people seem to have lost all common sense, in fact I think a LACK OF COMMON SENSE is a new disease in the UK!
Well, common sense is certainly stone cold in D.C. and apparently in the Big Apple now too.

Common sense still thrives in what the elites on the coasts call "fly over country" meaning that to them it is a bunch of mostly empty meaningless space that they fly over when going from coast to coast. Much of "fly over country" will do quite well in the SHTF.
seems like most folks world wide got short change on common sense these days..that be from the teens all the way up to the elderly folks..in a town 35 miles from me.several ppl had accidents when the roads were iced over in patches.and that was mainly because they were driving like the roads were dry..
that's one thing I never understood,if its winter why do you drive like its summer,my dad gave me only 1 adv when I got my driverslicence; son its better to be 15min late in this life than 40 years to early to the next one,well so far made it :)
your dad told you good and right when it comes to being 15 minutes late instead of 40 years to soon for the other life.there's been many times when i be driving the speed limit to 5 mph faster then speed limit.and here i am with someone on my tail wanting to go another 20 mph faster..it's like their 2 weeks late to their own funeral or what ever.coming home today.i drove 40 to 45 mph the better part of 6 miles,and sped limit is 60mph on that section of road...simply because i wasn't in any hurry.
I have a strong feeling I have found good people here on this forum. I have never ever liked to be in a hurry,I'd rather go 10min in advace so to have good time and if nice weather able to enjoy it aswell.
yeah,there is lots of good folks here..and i believe there's folks here that'd have another persons back when needed..i prefer getting ready and leaving early not only so i can not be in a hurry and take my time.(BUT) i simply don't like being rushed.especially when it aint needed

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