What am I doing to prep?

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Awesome Friend
Nov 30, 2012
I have food and water stores, medical supplies, toiletries, weapons, gasoline and am growing a small orchard and planting a large garden out of which I can what I harvest. I also keep supplies in the trunk of each vehicle in the even we have to get outta town quick. Any other ideas you can offer?
Oh yeah...and cheekens...gotta have cheekens, right? ;-)
you need to build on your knowledge and skills sets. be able to start a fire procure water fish/hunt, plant identification etc..etc
is you can supplement your supplies by living of the land aswell your stores will last longer just an idea...lol
Oh...we're quite good in that arena...LOL We used to own a bow company until 2 years ago when we closed due to the economy. Me and my husband and 2 boys shoot VERY well. I actually get ribbed at leagues cuz none of the guys want to shoot against me. Same thing with hand guns. Apparently I am a bit of a "natural" according to them and they say it isn't fair...haha They're OK with losing to another guy but seem to have an issue with losing to a girl!! haha Plus we own several rifles and shotguns and handguns and such. No issue with the skills of hunting and gutting and preserving an animal in our house. ;-)
Oh...we also have a fishing boat and gear needed there as well. We never did fish but my youngest really likes it so we ended up buying a boat. Never thought I'd be buying a fishing boat...LOL And I have several different fire starting apparatuses...LOL
well i think at this point the only thing you seem to be having a problem with was the issue with the kiddos at school, so i would suggest P.O.A's (Plans of Action) and continue with the supply building, Now allot of people talk about this but i have a feeling few actually due it but maybe if you can do it put in to place some caches. I have 5 three day caches stashed in case of a bug out scenario playing out. Just an idea lol
Here is a site that packages food for SHTF Day. www.wisefoodsupply.com I ordered quite a bit from them and got it stock piled in my bunker. I also have a green room in my bunker so I can grow my own food as well. If you would like some more sites that offer things such as this or for most anything for that matter let me know and I probally have one I've ordered from. Oh, and The food is actually pretty good. Not crap like I used to eat in the Army. Not a WHOLE bunch of variety but still pretty good.