what are you going to do when it happens?????

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what im hoping for..and with the well needed preps and all.BUT,i gotta locate a good/great bugout location first..
what im hoping for..and with the well needed preps and all.BUT,i gotta locate a good/great bugout location first..
Just keep your eye on properties that are available for rent in the area you'd like to go. There are always hunter's cabins sitting empty. Chances are good that if it's sitting empty when SHTF, it will be empty when you get to it. :D
majority of the people living in densely populated areas wouldn't survive long in the back country including preppers with the right equipment, unfortunately there is one piece of equipment lacking and that be knowledge, equipment (hardware) is such a small part to survival!
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I'm going to assess the situation and do what's best for the situation at hand. We don't know what the cause will be. It could be an earthquake from the south, a snow storm from the NW, or a hurricane from the east. It may not even be a natural disaster. This will change the plan dramatically.
I will put my prep plan to use . That's what its for . If "it" is the big "it" then I will rise to be with Christ and woe to the inhabbants of earth .


Keep the gate open for me and if you see a tall G.I shouting "Rangers Lead the Way", then tell my old man, I got stuck at the gate trying to convince Saint Pete, why I have my BOB. :) and yes Rangers do Lead the Way...but some prefer to work so "That Others May Live".
CELEBRATE !!! and laugh at all the sheeple chasing their tails!!!;)
sit down, drink a coffee,think about what's happening,if the www is working,contact far away friends and tell them it's time for this dude to act,doing my best to get my loved ones to me and say a silent prayer and wish everybody good luck...no use running around like a madman

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