What Are You Having For Dinner

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Fathers Day here yesterday, I went to visit my Dad and left a turkey crown in the slow cooker.Eldest took care of everything else, and it was ready when we got home. She needs to up her game on her stuffing 😂 but damn she does a good roastie! Even had the whit to make extra veg so I don't have to cook tonight. She made mash also, roasted sweet potato done in a herb/spice mix, broccoli, cauliflower, yorkshire puddings and gravy. Looking forward to the leftovers!
You're up late, @Pearl
I didn't go crabbing much but enjoyed going to my favorite bar for all you can eat crabs for $12 per person, cheap cheap cheap, plus something else, was it beer? LOL
It's that time of the year!! Nice outside so we don't come in until late! Bear and his sidekick Tiger are sleeping until 5am lately, so I'm on the midnight 'til 5 shift for sleep! In the winter it's 9pm to 3:30am, lol!!
Tonight, BBQ. My wife will have ribs or brisket & I'll have sausage. We have an OK BBQ place less than a mile from our house & I'm in the mood for BBQ. It's not great but it's pretty good. The beans also are a letdown because they don't put brisket trimmings in them but I'll take care of that with some hot peppers from my garden. Make that 1 hot pepper because I tried one the other night & that sucker will ear through steel in 10 minutes.
Happy dance!!! First ear of sweet corn from the garden!!! And pulled pork. The corn was sooooo good!!! Butter from a friend's cow and a little old bay seasoning... doesn't get any better! Wish the peas were ready too... it'll be a few more days though.

I am feeling lazy today, pulled a pack of Kirkland hot dogs out of the freezer. Will grill them later on the gas grill. I have a bag of broccoli slaw in the fridge so I will whip up some dressing this morning for that. Then off to town to get a bag of baked Lays and some glass bottle Coca Cola.
Sounds like a great picnic.