what concerns Bill Gates

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Airborn and /eye/nose/mouth fluid contact from sneezing to coughing than touching objects that comes in contact with the unsuspecting. Influenza is initialized from birds and pigs.


Would face masks help prevent?
View attachment 8238

Would face masks help prevent?

When ever I go to the doctor or hospital, I use mask, surgical gloves and carry a small sanitize gel with me, I see too many sick people at these facilities. In fact, most medical facilities here have sanitizing islands before entering, they ask people to wear the masks but hardly anyone in the waiting room ever does all the while sneezing and coughing :(
If u haven't given this video a go I recommend you do before it fades into the abyss. This thread even has the Maverick Seal of Approval which increases it's value 23.4%. :D Warranty not included.

All kidding aside...a worthy vid.
People should just use common sense and not take my word for it, folks really need to study up on these things themselves even if they aren't preppers. History is a very good teaching tool, complacency is death!

I don't think anyone on this forum is complacent Maverick. I value your opinion...at least as it relates to all things preparedness related. You're more knowledgeable than myself at least. I will continue to flaunt your endorsements with pride, honor and dignity.

I have a quirky sense of humor Maverick if u haven't noticed.

But hey at least I'm not attempting to insult your home every other day like others do to me and considering that "humor".

I have no intention to offend anyone here...unless they offend me first.

Have a great weekend.
flu is a dirty bastard,in old people it can easily turn into pneumonia,also a killer,come a misshap and no meds available,you dig a lot of holes.
People here are a head of the wave unfortunately the10s of millions ain’t :( I was referencing those that don’t prepare for anything not even for the simplest of situations ;)

Unfortunately the preparedness industry is becoming increasingly commercialized and security focused. People are more concerned with their knives, guns and defenses rather than on much more likely concerns right in front of their noses.
A small town near here, a lot bigger during the Spanish flu times, got hit hard. Brought in by troops returning home.

It got so bad that they didn’t have funerals. They’d spend the days digging graves and put the bodies in them at night so nobody would show up for the funeral.