Not a thing, I was born in 1960
Well, I was born in 1956.
I don't remember much from before age 5.
Burned into my brain, was my mom taking me into the downtown building in Huntsville, AL to get iron-shots in my hiney because I was anemic. They hurt like hell and left a huge blue bruise on my butcheek.
The smell of old wood and cigar smoke was overwhelming.
And I remember the black 'elevator operator' closing the 2 metal scissor doors before moving the brass lever to make it go up.
Also remember us kids (that were too young for school) sitting in that big black Dodge with the windows down while she went shopping.
Oh, and my dad (NASA engineer) actually coming into our room when mom told him that I had built an outboard motor out of tinkertoys and hung it on the end of the bed. You could wrap a string on the pulley on top, pull it, and the prop down below would spin.
He never smoked, but everyday when he came in from work, he stank of smoke because he worked in an office that everyone smoked in.