What Does Self Reliant Mean

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What Does Self Reliant Mean
by Ken Jorgustin | Updated Dec 27, 2019 | SURVIVAL SKILLS |


You’ve heard the term, but wonder what does self reliant mean?

In my view, the shortest simplest general definition for “what does self reliant mean” – is – the following…

Relying on one’s self.
Self Reliant | What Does It Really Mean?
Okay, relying on one’s self. But is it that simple?

Pretty much, yes. It’s a combination of this… Having the natural instinctive attitude and behavior of taking responsibility upon one’s self, a can-do attitude of doing it yourself, and that of depending on yourself.

Taking Responsibility
What do I mean by responsibility? Well, it might be an obligation. Or a burden. Duty. Being answerable. Accountable. That’s part of it…

Do it yourself
An instinct to get it done, perhaps with one’s own resources. While there’s plenty that we as individuals cannot do ourselves without assistance or help… a self reliant person will not firstly or instinctively put off something onto others.

Depending on yourself
Making your own decisions. Confidence to exercise one’s power of judgement. As opposed to relying upon or depending on others.

Another way to address the question of “what does self reliant mean” is to look at the opposite. There are those who rely on others first, before they rely on themselves. Someone who is NOT self reliant is more likely to be intuitively or naturally dependent. Dependent on others or other systems (for whatever). In other words, they count on it.

It doesn’t take me long to discover through conversation with another — whether or not that person has the attribute of being self reliant versus dependent. Though ultimately, ‘the proof is in the pudding’ — actions speak louder than words.

Sure, we’re all dependent on other people and other systems to an extent. But what I’m getting at is the natural resolve of depending on yourself versus a reliance upon another (as one example).

Self reliant is an attribute. A good trait in my estimation. I believe it reflects a core desire for freedom and independence. Liberty.

It’s a measure of one’s character.

It involves conviction, dedication, determination, fortitude, and skills in order to reach or aspire towards a goal (or result).

A self reliant individual aspires towards non-dependence.

Natural or Learned?
That’s a good question. I believe it’s both.

Some have a built-in desire to be independent, self reliant. It seems to come naturally. Perhaps attributed to their upbringing and/or accumulated life experiences. Or maybe built in to their DNA sequencing…

I also believe that it can be learned. When an individual takes on a challenge, a task or goal, the resulting feeling of accomplishment afterwards is a learning and rewarding experience. This leads towards being less fearful or apprehensive about doing it again. Becoming more self reliant.

It’s an Attitude
The takeaway is that it’s basically an attitude. A personal characteristic. It doesn’t mean that you’ve got lots of stuff or that you’re self-sufficient. It simply describes a desire. The gumption. Resourcefulness. The acumen and get-up-and-go to be — self reliant.
Recently I saw a woman request help on Facebook for someone to come change a tire for her. She is not self reliant. And she has never driven somewhere where she might not see another person or a service station for many miles. I really think that anyone who drives needs to know how to change a tire. It was part of my Driver's Ed. training. Women probably call for their knight in shining armor to come save them now, but what happens if cell phone service is down, or something else? Sure, they can usually get help, but just in case they can't, they need to know how, IMHO.
Very few people are truly self-reliant, if they believe they are or otherwise. You can work toward self reliance and improve your mindset & skillset as you go, but you can also lose it along the way. While I am confident in my ability to be self reliant, I am hopefully that I never truly have to be. I have so many loved ones around me that I would much rather rely on each other for all our wants & needs.
Self reliance does not require that you are alone. It does require that you have a desire to learn what you need to know to do things yourself. When I needed help to build the benches for my shop my brother taught me how to work with the wood and make it work for me. When he wanted a 20 gauge adapter for his 12 gauge shotgun I taught him what to do to make it work. We helped each other with the projects and in doing so learned and taught the skills we have. When he wanted a draw knife and a spoke shave I made them for him as a gift. When my wife wanted a linen closet he made it for her as a gift. I helped so I could learn because I know very little about wood working. I know enough now that I can design and make complete drawings and then I can make the pieces and put it all together. I taught him to weld and how to heat treat some basic metals and where to find the information for others. He now has his own lathe and milling machine that he uses at the cabin to go along with all his wood working tools. I have accumulated wood working tools so I am able to do my own stuff - like putting shelves foe my wife's sewing room. She liked them so much she wants another set for the closet in that room so I am doomed to work with wood for a while.
self reliance does not mean someone has to be alone, but if someone is relying on others to do some task or skill that they themselves cannot do then they are not self reliant.
maybe not during the here and now, but post collapse we will all have to be, there will be no food deliveries then.
I was off grid and self reliant for many years, and will return to that lifestyle post SHTF.
Different forum I visit and shake my head at too many non-self reliant posters. They post a mechanical or electrical problem. Their basic troubleshooting is, "It doesn't work". No they don't know if it ever work, no they don't know the model and no they didn't contact the manufacture/contractor. They expect a "magic bullet" reply to their post and someone else to do all the research for them to solve their problem. And then there are the lazy folks who do the same thing.
The Fact is that we are all a little Self Reliant, and a little Dependent. Nobody is completely Self Reliant, take for Example those Masters of Survival, the Primitive Peoples around the World, they live in a "Tribe" for a reason, and Banishment from the Tribe is with few Exceptions, a Death Sentence. The Reality is that if anyone lives alone in the Bush, and off the Grid in a Remote Location your chances of Long Term Survival is Drastically Reduced. All it takes is One serious Accident, a serious Infection or Illness, or any Number of Mishaps, and you are Toast. Living in a Small Community of like Minded People, or asking for Help with something does not mean you are not Self Reliant, it just means we are Human, and we have limitations.
one serious accident, one illness or infection will probably kill someone whether they are alone or in a group without modern medical assistance, but that's another subject.
having spent 12 years off grid and alone I know it is possible, but not to everyone's taste, post shtf it will be a case of circumstances not preference.
The Fact is that we are all a little Self Reliant, and a little Dependent. Nobody is completely Self Reliant, take for Example those Masters of Survival, the Primitive Peoples around the World, they live in a "Tribe" for a reason, and Banishment from the Tribe is with few Exceptions, a Death Sentence. The Reality is that if anyone lives alone in the Bush, and off the Grid in a Remote Location your chances of Long Term Survival is Drastically Reduced. All it takes is One serious Accident, a serious Infection or Illness, or any Number of Mishaps, and you are Toast. Living in a Small Community of like Minded People, or asking for Help with something does not mean you are not Self Reliant, it just means we are Human, and we have limitations.
Yep. The root of 'reliant' is 'rely'. The word doesn't indicate successful reliance. When I confirm to a close friend that I 'have his back', it only means effort, not successful effort. Same deal when you are attempting to cover your own back - as in self-reliant.
time wont matter much post SHTF. its not like we will be punching a time clock or filling in timesheets, stuff just will take as long as it takes.
I have a self-reliant spirit. I am actually self-reliant in many ways, but I'm lacking in more ways. It's all about context, as is everything.
Nobody knows how to do a thing until you successfully try it. If you try to do everything, you won't accomplish anything.
I think the real question to ask yourself is, Are you self-reliant enough?
I have seen this quote attributed to both Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison. " I haven't failed. I have just found 100 ways that won't work."

Thomas Edison made that remark when a reporter asked if he had failed to make a working light bulb. It was shortly after the interview that he bought the rights to somebody else electric light and improved upon it slightly, he added a screw-on base which we used in the USA until the advent of the LED lamps. They are configured with the Tesla two prong clip base.