What Flaws

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Awesome Friend
Feb 21, 2014
Hey everyone,

Just out of curiosity, what flaws do you all think you have. Whether it be in your bug out plan or prepping plan?
I think my flaws are the unknown really. like just how many people might frequent my bug out location. just how many animals will be available there. I know there are different varieties, but just how many? if there are many people even somewhat close that don't respect the habitat, how long will those animals last? how many stupid people will fail to "lot clean" and start a forest fire? I have a pellet gun, but not a real gun....cuz im not "allowed" to lol. what don't I know that I SHOULD know come the day? and to top it off their building a power plant in the city 9miles away. how will that effect my WHOLE damn plan (if SHTF doesn't hit before its finished)....tbh way too many things......
Well, don't count on too many to break OPSEC and just spout them all out.
Personally, I'm working on the flaws, but due to economic necessity, it's at least a 5 year plan. I think most realize they have security flaws, power grid dependency flaws, etc.
One of the best issues I have heard so far.

So you have to think this through, I have many great idea that can help you I don't have a lot of time today so if you want to PM me, I will be able to reply here in a little while.

When it comes to security, you have to base it on the layout of your BOL and homestead, there is no generic security plan to use.

However, the more knowledgable your family is toward hand to hand combat and the operation of which ever firearms you have on hand, the higher chance you have of surviving.

The best way to to adapt to no economic necessities is to take your BOB and go camping for the weekend, using only the BOB. No cell phones, no iPads, no lighters ect.

When it comes to security, you have to base it on the layout of your BOL and homestead, there is no generic security plan to use.

However, the more knowledgable your family is toward hand to hand combat and the operation of which ever firearms you have on hand, the higher chance you have of surviving.

The best way to to adapt to no economic necessities is to take your BOB and go camping for the weekend, using only the BOB. No cell phones, no iPads, no lighters ect.
some great way to see where your "holes in security" are, bring it here, I and many others can find holes in your operation, and/or set it up like football. buy some paintball guns, have a offence n defence, and take turns "trying" to bust into the compound. if someone succeeds, fix the "hole" etc.
some great way to see where your "holes in security" are, bring it here, I and many others can find holes in your operation

Did that in another thread. Pretty helpful really. Will have to find the link for you. A couple of us are pretty good shots with firearms. Hand to hand is certainly a weak point. I'm pretty decent there, but not getting any younger (or slimmer). Of course, I fight dirty, and with anything I can get my hands on to use as a weapon.
Did that in another thread. Pretty helpful really. Will have to find the link for you. A couple of us are pretty good shots with firearms. Hand to hand is certainly a weak point. I'm pretty decent there, but not getting any younger (or slimmer). Of course, I fight dirty, and with anything I can get my hands on to use as a weapon.
haha ya I know, it was me n you if im not mistaken lol
My biggest weak point/Flaw is the fact that I live so far from my BOL. When we decided for our land to become our BOL I lived less than 30 miles from the land now it is a greater distance. The good thing is there is an unused railroad track that runs behind my house to about 2 miles from my BOL. I have actually buried 4 pods along the way with mini BOBs in them. Just in case I need to drop my bag.
My personal biggest flaw is probably myself.

Let me explain, I have been prepping for 5 Decades. Started when I was 16, I grew up poor so survival was a way of life. I can go in the woods with a gun and axe and live for weeks at a time. Being in the military for 20 years allows me to neutralize all threats to my family with little remorse. I'm physically fit and I have a strong homestead, I have a 825 square ft bunker 6 feet under ground, I have over 20 weapons with thousands of rounds, years worth of food and water, ways to replenish all of my necessities, I can fix nearly anything g with a motor, I also have a 21 year old grandson who can do the same as me of not better. I have spent my life preparing. BUT all of these things that I have all of the things that will help me will also hurt me.


The ones who aren't scared and are wanting SHTF will die first, the ones who are scared for their life and their loved ones will survive and prosper.

No matter how long you have been preparing, no matter what preps you have, no matter how prepared you think you are. Your not

No one can ever be ready for the "doomsday" so to speak.

My word of advice,

Take notes, be aware, learn at least one thing every day. If your not moving forward, your standing still.
My personal biggest flaw is probably myself.

Let me explain, I have been prepping for 5 Decades. Started when I was 16, I grew up poor so survival was a way of life. I can go in the woods with a gun and axe and live for weeks at a time. Being in the military for 20 years allows me to neutralize all threats to my family with little remorse. I'm physically fit and I have a strong homestead, I have a 825 square ft bunker 6 feet under ground, I have over 20 weapons with thousands of rounds, years worth of food and water, ways to replenish all of my necessities, I can fix nearly anything g with a motor, I also have a 21 year old grandson who can do the same as me of not better. I have spent my life preparing. BUT all of these things that I have all of the things that will help me will also hurt me.


The ones who aren't scared and are wanting SHTF will die first, the ones who are scared for their life and their loved ones will survive and prosper.

No matter how long you have been preparing, no matter what preps you have, no matter how prepared you think you are. Your not

No one can ever be ready for the "doomsday" so to speak.

My word of advice,

Take notes, be aware, learn at least one thing every day. If your not moving forward, your standing still.

Well said !
Even though I have some weapons, a rural homestead and somewhat high ground, I think security is my weakest link. I want to get with a few others to be able to have a group that is capable of keeping watch if need be. I have one really tough problem as well, my hearing is pretty bad. I can function with my hearing aides, but what about when the batteries die? I'm almost done fencing my property and will get two outside dogs to help, but there is no way just a couple people can mount a good defense for very long. It would be nice to put a couple small cabins on the property for some others to live in to help out with all the daily living chores as well. My take on things if there is a bad breakdown of society is it will be pretty rough for the first year, with looters and gangs. But I think (hope) that there are enough good people out there still to get them under control, and eventually things will calm down. So my plan is to do my best to hang on here and wait it out, but have a bug out setup ready if ever needed. With any luck none of us will ever see any of this scenario happen, but I'd rather be as prepared as I can just in case.
Flaws....................We don't need no stinking flaws.
Brent since your hearing is not so well, rely on your sight. Invest in a simple camera system. Also stock up on hearing aid battery's. Look into a solar recharging device, never know what you might find.
My take on things if there is a bad breakdown of society is it will be pretty rough for the first year, with looters and gangs. But I think (hope) that there are enough good people out there still to get them under control, and eventually things will calm down

I fully agree. Also, eventually, the gas will run out, and such gangs will lose their ability to range and pillage successfully, then they'll turn on each other and thin out that way. That's why I think the best strategy for the first year or so is to just try and stay hidden. Those of us living in rural areas are good there, but we're not quite as rural as I'd like to be...still, it is what it is.
Emotions....If I was heartless teotwawki would be easy.
Female....I might get clubbed by a caveman.
I've got a bit of the chiwawa about me....I'd take on any big dog...Foolish or not.
Apart from that I'm Mary poppins.
Emotions....If I was heartless teotwawki would be easy.
Female....I might get clubbed by a caveman.
I've got a bit of the chiwawa about me....I'd take on any big dog...Foolish or not.
Apart from that I'm Mary poppins.
with a name like snowflake I never thought anything other than mary poppins!
Brent since your hearing is not so well, rely on your sight. Invest in a simple camera system. Also stock up on hearing aid battery's. Look into a solar recharging device, never know what you might find.
I haven't looked at rechargeable batteries for the hearing aides, not a bad idea. I saw on harbor freight that they have a selection of driveway alarms and outdoor cameras available, fairly reasonably. I'm still thinking that two good outside dogs are a good bet, as no electricity needed. I have all the fencing and the hot wire to finish fencing my yard now, now I need about ten days to finish putting it up! Once I have a protected area I'll start looking for a couple rescues.
he suggested using your eyes instead of your hearing..might try doing security without the hearing aids time to time..this way you'll become where you'll rely more on your eyesight and less on hearing..and if you do come across rechargeable batteries for the hearing aids.and the charger for them.then you'll have both,eyesight and hearing working for ya.
I think my biggest Flaw ( and I have many! ) is that I don't have the financial capabilities to afford many of the most basic items I would need for my particular situation. I have learned much from reading Posts here, and ordered a copy of "PREPPERS BLUEPRINT" which I found out about here and seemed to get good Reviews from Members with much more experience then I have. I hope having a go to REFERANCE GUIDE and COMMON SENSE will help to gradually expand Knowledge and Prepping capabilities. Starting w one Month Plan based on "NATURAL DISASTER" We had an Ice Storm here in Ct that basically shut down the State in some Areas for up to a Month!
This is the sort of thing I am focusing on for now as the Wife and I went 3 Wks without Power and everything that goes south without that one Utility! Luckily Storm was days before Halloween and Heat was not a real problem. Had it been Jan.? I'm thinking a Generator and Fuel will be at the top of my "TO DO LIST"
Flaw/Weakness, we all have them as humans! We can not truly be prepared for all hypotheticals in adverse conditions. Recognizing the fact that we need to prepare for what ever we are prepping for has no flaw nor do I consider one willing to prep as having a weakness, it's the one's that set's home unconcerned that is flawed with many weaknesses . Prep to best one can that alone puts one in the less then 1% of the worlds population that's not a flaw!

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