My great grandmother saved buttons and every time we'd visit that was the first place I would go to look and fondle all the pretties. I loved the ones with sparkles (rhinestones) and those with the oyster shell look to them??? I don't remember the proper name at the moment. Currently I have a small collection of buttons since most of our clothes don't have them to save from.
I wash & reuse ziplocs for nearly everything. If I find a good sale on bulk meat or larger package than we'd need for a meal, or when I buy whole chickens & cut them up myself......and repack in the ziplocs and put in the freezer. Most of it can fit in the quart sized bags, then I'll put as many as will fit into a gallon bag just to double bag them.
Plastic containers for margarine, cottage cheese or sour cream can be used to store leftovers in the fridge. When I used to use alot of margarine and could buy the larger container (5lb) it was cheaper to buy that, then refill the small containers from it and keep the extras in the freezer.
I have about 3 boxes full of different type containers I've washed & saved.. Peanut butter jars, spice containers, mayo jars, etc. The spice containers I keep in part in the hopes I can grow enough of whatever to refill them with the same. Another plan for them is that one day I hope to find a good spot to store them filled with garden seed, but until I find the right spot my seeds will have to stay in the baggies in the tote.
I love getting the 1 gallon jugs of whatever, and refill them with stuff like powdered & brown sugar, cornmeal, even my egg powder
Speaking of dumpster ex MIL did that for years. She had a regular route of places, apartments, bars/taverns, even grocery stores where the store would give her the stuff they were going to dump.... and yes, we'd eat it. Perfectly good food that couldn't be sold. Mainly she'd go for bottles & cans that she took to the recycler for $$$, but so many times she'd find other stuff, like brand new clothes with tags still on them, tv's, microwaves, you name it, she'd find it. I went with her once. I didn't mind what she did or that I'd be crawling around in there........but when I lifted the lid on one dumpster, the smell of rotten fish sent me reeling. I didn't know it at the time, but I was pregnant so that just added to the situation,........but I never went again after that.