What if . . .

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Awesome Friend
Aug 6, 2013
North Carolina
What if you reach a standoff with your significant other - You know you need to live a certain way, not only to be prepared but to be healthier and more fulfilled in your lifestyle but your mate refuses to have anything to do with it and, in fact, makes it impossible for you to do it? Has anyone else reached the point where part of your preps is ending the relationship you're in?
Gee that's a tough one. I imagine the length of time the two people have been together would have a bearing on any decisions. Leaving a girlfriend of 6 months is one thing, a wife of 30 years quite another.

In the first case I would be off like a shot, in the second I have no idea. My SO is not convinced that we should be prepping despite us doing that in many ways for the last 15 years, but at least I don't think she will get in my way. Where we might have a problem is her level of fitness, I can walk through the bush for ten days or more with a back pack but my missus can barely get to the front gate and back (well it is about 500 metres to the gate) What do I do if we have to bug out on foot? I've got no idea.
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What if you reach a standoff with your significant other - You know you need to live a certain way, not only to be prepared but to be healthier and more fulfilled in your lifestyle but your mate refuses to have anything to do with it and, in fact, makes it impossible for you to do it? Has anyone else reached the point where part of your preps is ending the relationship you're in?

My wife is not a big fan of me investing a large amount of money toward preps, so its a hit or miss as far as preps. However, she does support me to a point, as long as I don't go overboard, so I tend to be very covert about how I go about it. For example stockpiling in front of her is totally out of the questions. The two storage site that I use are owned by friends of mine, so I am pretty off the books on most of my stored preps, other than what is in the Garage, shelters, and what is in the attic. Now mind you, she is not a big fan of seeing, the two years of toilet paper, paper products that are in two large storage boxes, she is not aware of the plastic bins that have them too, but when we run out of T.P. in the bathroom cabinets or in the garage, she is first to point out what is upstairs, which causes us both to take sides on the preps. Another way to subvert preps is to claim, like I do, expiration dates on ammo, food, medical supplies, batteries, etc...I know this might sound very dishonest, but well she also has in the past used some of my preps...example, she had a big group bbq, so I reconstituted some dehydrated foods, fruit, meat and potatoes, etc...then helped cook it all for her...no one never knew when I added my own style of doctoring it up, that the stuff was dehydrated. Also when it comes to the veggie garden and fruit trees...the kids and her enjoy it. Also, when I was playing around with tilapia...she and the kids enjoyed a good meal. I just reinforce when we have discussions about things regarding preps, she's reaped from the experience.

We've had really good discussions on dehydrated food, so a lot of this is stored at my climate controlled storage site that my friend owns and other non-consumable preps. Ammo is typically stored outside of town, in my home, and also in the shelters with an odd assortment of weapons.

Weapons are a totally different issue, she is not a gun enthusiast, despite her family being enjoying the sports from weapons. She knows I have a CHL, and is okay with it, but she is not running out and getting one. She is okay with the mace and I have a Taser in her glove compartment, but she draws the line on a loaded gun. We had a discussion on a machete that led to a blown out fight last year, so I pulled it out of the BOB and have it stored in my weapons kit. This is compromise for me.

As far as discussing preps, she contributes, she attends some training, has learned personal first aid and other prep training in the event we have a tornado here, she wants to be able to contribute and also respond to her family. She understands OPSEC, etc since she was married to me when I was in the military. She understands about not drawing attention/watching what she says. As long as I try not to convert her into a prep, she is okay with what I do. I respect my kids decisions, son is okay, to a point as long as it doesn't interrupt computer stuff, but he doesn't mind going out and firing weapons. I disguise paint ball outings by teaching them basic tactics and fundamentals, I simply don't say anything about SHTF or bring up about prepping, to avoid a fight.

So for me, its all about delivery. I know when to pick and choose the battlefield, and when she's not in a good mood, I stay away from the subject. I know this might not help you in your particular case, but it has helped me avoid the pitfalls of early demise.
My biggest thing is eating healthier. He likes a lot of pork, beef, potatoes and bread. He thinks it would be just as easy for me to fix 2 different meals for us at dinner every night.
We have 2 acres and all but about 1/8 of that is cleared, but I get a 10'x10' space for veggie garden. He doesn't believe me when I tell him about the chemicals and gmo foods, even though he watches the news as much as I do. He thinks he can get all his extra nutrition from vitamin jars and follows a lot of gimmicks that you see on tv. He says I can't can and store food because we don't have the room. Which is bs - we are an older couple living in a 3 bedroom house with no children. Fortunately, I have a son living on a property that I own an hour south of here. It's a small property, but he'd rather turn the sprinkler on my big garden there once a day than mow the lawn once a week. And I'll can everything down there and then sneak it up here, if I stay here. There are plenty of places for me to hide it in this house.
If it came down to SHTF, between the 2 of us, he'd be more likely to survive, at least short term. He's prior military and has plenty of experience at defense. He's also much more physically fit than I am. It really bothers me though when he jokes about leaving me behind because I'd move too slow for him. On the other hand, when I say something about eating the fat squirrels and rabbits that visit our yard every day, he says there's no way he'd eat them. I would have no qualms whatsoever shooting, dressing and eating them.
We have talked extensively about the things that might happen and his bottom line is that he'd rather die early on than live in a world like that. I think his survival instinct would kick in pretty quick though.
The bottom line is that I do not trust him to take care of me - SHTF or no SHTF. And that is a sad thing to think.
My biggest thing is eating healthier. He likes a lot of pork, beef, potatoes and bread. He thinks it would be just as easy for me to fix 2 different meals for us at dinner every night.
We have 2 acres and all but about 1/8 of that is cleared, but I get a 10'x10' space for veggie garden. He doesn't believe me when I tell him about the chemicals and gmo foods, even though he watches the news as much as I do. He thinks he can get all his extra nutrition from vitamin jars and follows a lot of gimmicks that you see on tv. He says I can't can and store food because we don't have the room. Which is bs - we are an older couple living in a 3 bedroom house with no children. Fortunately, I have a son living on a property that I own an hour south of here. It's a small property, but he'd rather turn the sprinkler on my big garden there once a day than mow the lawn once a week. And I'll can everything down there and then sneak it up here, if I stay here. There are plenty of places for me to hide it in this house.
If it came down to SHTF, between the 2 of us, he'd be more likely to survive, at least short term. He's prior military and has plenty of experience at defense. He's also much more physically fit than I am. It really bothers me though when he jokes about leaving me behind because I'd move too slow for him. On the other hand, when I say something about eating the fat squirrels and rabbits that visit our yard every day, he says there's no way he'd eat them. I would have no qualms whatsoever shooting, dressing and eating them.
We have talked extensively about the things that might happen and his bottom line is that he'd rather die early on than live in a world like that. I think his survival instinct would kick in pretty quick though.
The bottom line is that I do not trust him to take care of me - SHTF or no SHTF. And that is a sad thing to think.

LW, how bout a root cellar? Even a small root cellar using a 50 gallon container could be a good start. If he eats veggies from a can...have him eat ones that you can...I am no canning expert, but I've been reading, learning from others here on the web, downloaded tons of PDF's on what is good and bad for canning...I am taking a class this summer on it and bought a really nice pressure cooker. I can still remember my great aunt's cellar...it was full of beans, corn, green beans, pickles (God, my dad when we come home on his military leaves, would just sit there and eat two or three jars of butter pickles). Don't have any answer on why he doesn't get it, but my wife seems to feel the same way about the whole surviving thing, but like I told her, she's not been to Somalia, I've seen starvation there and its not pretty, its downright horrific to see people wasting away because of a lack of food. Your right instincts will kick in, but it might be too late for him to respond, hence why I do everything covert, my wife is not going to starve and with the stuff we have cached, I believe we will have time to kick in the sustainable part of growing, harvesting food, if we can survive the first year from not getting killed by marauding intruders. Anyway, hope things work out for you. As for North Carolina is concerned, root cellars should be great down there because of the soil, unlike North Texas which is full of red clay.
No, we can't do root cellars here at all. The water table is too high. We're only 9 feet above the ocean here on the coast. I really wish I had a root cellar but I just don't grow anything that can't be canned. And just about anything can be canned. My grandma stored all her jars right in the "dining" room on lots and lots of shelves. When you're raising 10 kids on a farm, you want the food handy, I guess! And she taught me how to can any and everything.
No, we can't do root cellars here at all. The water table is too high. We're only 9 feet above the ocean here on the coast. I really wish I had a root cellar but I just don't grow anything that can't be canned. And just about anything can be canned. My grandma stored all her jars right in the "dining" room on lots and lots of shelves. When you're raising 10 kids on a farm, you want the food handy, I guess! And she taught me how to can any and everything.

Well you have the knowledge that is the important thing. Hey, why not try out the 50 gallon water container. The ones that have been cleaned, could be buried deep inside the ground, since they are moisture resistant, they should be able to handle the water table. I wonder if anyone on the coast who's a prepper has tried it. As for the bunnies...well I'd give Gazrock or Danil54grl, they do a lot with rabbits, they might have some ideas. Also give Ginger a PM. She is new on the site, but she's very experienced with farming and growing things, she lives in Georgia, but she's been a wealth of info for me, when it comes to growing stuff. Danil54grl really has a great grip on animal husbandry...I've learned from her too. I think Gazrock as posted a few times about his animals...so another source...also a few others, just right now, can't think of all the threads I've read about chickens and rabbits...possibly Dr. Henley too.

Well have a good night, I need to get back to the real work...writing a convoy response SOP.
bob and i have the same type of missus ...

I've always regarded my wife as my better half and she reminds me not to spend too much on my preps. She doesn't stop me though.

Sadly, I come from a place where guns are illegal so any hunting apparatus would have to be home made. Not a bad thing actually. Preps are also for 2 weeks for food and seeds and fishing gear for long term. Water is storage for a week and water filtration systems in abundance.

But moderation is key, when your significant other does not agree with you.
Hi Myrrph, good to see you're here as well.

Yes there are many weapons that you can make yourself, even projectile weapons, and having done so they are not on any registry. Have you seen this guy?


Some of the designs are just great for a laugh, but he has some really good ideas as well.

It seems that many (most?) people have SO issues to varying degrees, to have someone on the same page WRT prepping would be a real blessing. Personally I will have to push the "homesteading" and "self-sufficiency" aspect, 'er indoors will be OK with that because really it's not much different to what we've been doing for years. That's fine by me as that's what my first stages of prepping are anyway. Then I'll go more covert with other stuff ;)
yes I have. I'm working on a "assassin's creed" style crossbow.

His Zulu launcher is AMAZING
If it was just the prepping aspect I could dealwith it. It's his unwillingness to live healthy and frugal now that's probably my biggest issue. Especially since I am the one who pays for all the groceries. Frankly I'm sick of spending my meager funds on meat when I'm a vegetarian (with the exception of fish and eggs).

Second big issue for me is chemicals. He's always bringing high chemical cleaners and so-called "air fresheners" into the house. And bug sprays and chemical fertilizers for the yard. I have COPD, asthma and allergies. I really feel those chemicals taking a toll on my breathing.

With my health issues I have to live it now. I can't keep waiting for him to come around.

And my son just sort of made the final decision for me this evening. He's been living in my house and paying the mortgage but he's decided to move to Alabama. So effective July 1 I'll be living there alone. Guess partof my preps really is leaving the SO behind.
Maybe make dishes that have progressively less meat in them? Wean him vs. cold turkey. Dishes like stews and soups can contain way less meat, but still satisfy those of us who simply won't bend on it. Stir fry is another good option or meat and sauce over pasta or rice. Like your guy, I'm a meat and potatoes guy. BUT, unlike him, I do realize I need to be healthier. In addition, we're feeding five of us now, and meat for five gets pricey. Much more frugal to make meals that have less meat, but goes further.

As far as prepping goes, sounds like he's assumed that at his age, no need to worry about it. If it happens it happens. A fair point, so maybe prepping for the kids' welfare may be a more successful angle (and yourselves in the process).

Have to just be firm on the chemicals. Maybe even exaggerate the effect, to get his attention and sympathy. Best of luck to you.
My wife is not a big fan of me investing a large amount of money toward preps, so its a hit or miss as far as preps. However, she does support me to a point, as long as I don't go overboard, so I tend to be very covert about how I go about it. For example stockpiling in front of her is totally out of the questions. The two storage site that I use are owned by friends of mine, so I am pretty off the books on most of my stored preps, other than what is in the Garage, shelters, and what is in the attic. Now mind you, she is not a big fan of seeing, the two years of toilet paper, paper products that are in two large storage boxes, she is not aware of the plastic bins that have them too, but when we run out of T.P. in the bathroom cabinets or in the garage, she is first to point out what is upstairs, which causes us both to take sides on the preps. Another way to subvert preps is to claim, like I do, expiration dates on ammo, food, medical supplies, batteries, etc...I know this might sound very dishonest, but well she also has in the past used some of my preps...example, she had a big group bbq, so I reconstituted some dehydrated foods, fruit, meat and potatoes, etc...then helped cook it all for her...no one never knew when I added my own style of doctoring it up, that the stuff was dehydrated. Also when it comes to the veggie garden and fruit trees...the kids and her enjoy it. Also, when I was playing around with tilapia...she and the kids enjoyed a good meal. I just reinforce when we have discussions about things regarding preps, she's reaped from the experience.

We've had really good discussions on dehydrated food, so a lot of this is stored at my climate controlled storage site that my friend owns and other non-consumable preps. Ammo is typically stored outside of town, in my home, and also in the shelters with an odd assortment of weapons.

Weapons are a totally different issue, she is not a gun enthusiast, despite her family being enjoying the sports from weapons. She knows I have a CHL, and is okay with it, but she is not running out and getting one. She is okay with the mace and I have a Taser in her glove compartment, but she draws the line on a loaded gun. We had a discussion on a machete that led to a blown out fight last year, so I pulled it out of the BOB and have it stored in my weapons kit. This is compromise for me.

As far as discussing preps, she contributes, she attends some training, has learned personal first aid and other prep training in the event we have a tornado here, she wants to be able to contribute and also respond to her family. She understands OPSEC, etc since she was married to me when I was in the military. She understands about not drawing attention/watching what she says. As long as I try not to convert her into a prep, she is okay with what I do. I respect my kids decisions, son is okay, to a point as long as it doesn't interrupt computer stuff, but he doesn't mind going out and firing weapons. I disguise paint ball outings by teaching them basic tactics and fundamentals, I simply don't say anything about SHTF or bring up about prepping, to avoid a fight.

So for me, its all about delivery. I know when to pick and choose the battlefield, and when she's not in a good mood, I stay away from the subject. I know this might not help you in your particular case, but it has helped me avoid the pitfalls of early demise.
A wise man knows when to use a little tact!
My biggest thing is eating healthier. He likes a lot of pork, beef, potatoes and bread. He thinks it would be just as easy for me to fix 2 different meals for us at dinner every night.
We have 2 acres and all but about 1/8 of that is cleared, but I get a 10'x10' space for veggie garden. He doesn't believe me when I tell him about the chemicals and gmo foods, even though he watches the news as much as I do. He thinks he can get all his extra nutrition from vitamin jars and follows a lot of gimmicks that you see on tv. He says I can't can and store food because we don't have the room. Which is bs - we are an older couple living in a 3 bedroom house with no children. Fortunately, I have a son living on a property that I own an hour south of here. It's a small property, but he'd rather turn the sprinkler on my big garden there once a day than mow the lawn once a week. And I'll can everything down there and then sneak it up here, if I stay here. There are plenty of places for me to hide it in this house.
If it came down to SHTF, between the 2 of us, he'd be more likely to survive, at least short term. He's prior military and has plenty of experience at defense. He's also much more physically fit than I am. It really bothers me though when he jokes about leaving me behind because I'd move too slow for him. On the other hand, when I say something about eating the fat squirrels and rabbits that visit our yard every day, he says there's no way he'd eat them. I would have no qualms whatsoever shooting, dressing and eating them.
We have talked extensively about the things that might happen and his bottom line is that he'd rather die early on than live in a world like that. I think his survival instinct would kick in pretty quick though.
The bottom line is that I do not trust him to take care of me - SHTF or no SHTF. And that is a sad thing to think.
Sounds like you're pretty capable of taking care of the both of you. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and if ever faced with an emergency some will suprise you with how much they are capable of.