What is the most helpful thing you've learned from this site?

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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013
I haven't been here long, but I'm no stranger to survival and prepper forums. However, in the short time I've been here so far, I've learned something I've never really had hit me all this time....


I know, right? But, this single tactical point has been missing from a lot of discussions. I mean, I always had them in my prep plan, but never really understood before how important they will be in my particular tactical situation for defense. One of our group is even a former Marine rifle specialist, but I suppose we never really discussed tactics that much.

So, what is the most helpful lesson you've learned from here?
Well, first off, I don't think I would have put this in Off-Topic... It's pretty pertinent info to prepping, IMO.... Although, there are about 500 places this would fit, so let's leave it be for now at least...

Back on topic, sorry about that. I am a firearms instructor(Not to give you my resume, but to let you know I'm not just taking a shot in the dark), and I can tell you for a fact that rifles/shotguns- Long guns if you will, are without question a MUST HAVE if at all possible. If someone lives somewhere that won't allow it, or there are extenuating circumstances, then I guess they have no choice. It would be wise to link up with someone who DOES have access to them though.

I am a firm believer that a handgun on your person is FAR better than a rifle in the cabinet, but it's not always possible. Self preservation pretty much trumps all, so IMO firearms are the most important tools you can have in general. I know sometimes there are extreme climates and what not that will change up the order of importance, but there will almost ALWAYS be predators around, whether 2 or 4 legged. That being almost without exception, it's easy to think in terms of firepower. The more effective cartridge and the more ammo the better. You can obviously see the point in having a pistol over NO gun at all, but unless there are situational reasons to dictate a pistol over a rifle, I would agree.

I think the most important thing I've learned from here is that not all preppers are kind. The majority of the people I have met here aer indeed good folks and are planning to get as far ahead as they can, and are willing to help others as much as they can, so long as it doesn't cot them their lives or loved ones. I have spoken to(As I know you have, Gazrok) to a couple people that are NOT well intentioned. Their idea of prepping is to stock up on arms and tactical goods to be able to literally TAKE AS MUCH AS THEY CAN from others.... This is sickening to me. I have always thought that like-minded people should look out for each other... I have intended to try and help out those who haven't been financially able, or who don't have the mental awareness to think that natural disasters, etc WILL HAPPEN. Regardless of "Possible" scenarios, those things are going to happen regardless of what humans do to or for each other. Some people just don't care, some think we will step up and take care of them(Family members and close associates), and some want to be involved and can't for one reason or another. Ultimately, NONE of this matters to me. I think we have a humanitarian responsibility to help others, PERIOD. I am absolutely stunned that some people can willingly, openly, and without regret, plan to do harm to other human beings with no other reason than that they intend to be the "Last man standing"... Sad state of affairs if you ask me...
Their idea of prepping is to stock up on arms and tactical goods to be able to literally TAKE AS MUCH AS THEY CAN from others.... This is sickening to me

But, it's important we consider these folks in our preps...because they represent the biggest threat to our families. It is why many of my preps are also tactical from a military standpoint.
I always have the worst-case scenario (attack be well-armed and tactical group) in mind, so try and do as much as I can (within budget, means, and practicality) as I can to mitigate this threat.
And, long guns are a primary component of this (I see now). Keeping such an enemy at a distance (and from a fortified position) is the key to either eliminating them, or driving them off to look for easier targets.

Stocking food and water is just another day at the ranch. But dealing with these kinds of people, is just going to be a real nightmare.
That''s what I mean. Knowing these people are out there and knowing their intentions are nothing but bad, it makes a HUGE difference in the way I prep, and the way I think of folks and how much I can open up to them. I don't want to just open up to the world knowing there are people that are not only willing, but actually HOPING to do harm to others. It's as if they WANT things to go bad so they have an "Excuse" to do these evil things....
That''s what I mean. Knowing these people are out there and knowing their intentions are nothing but bad, it makes a HUGE difference in the way I prep, and the way I think of folks and how much I can open up to them. I don't want to just open up to the world knowing there are people that are not only willing, but actually HOPING to do harm to others. It's as if they WANT things to go bad so they have an "Excuse" to do these evil things....
They don't need an excuse to do evil things. . . That is how those people live. We just need to be careful and learn how to protect our families and love ones as much as possible. With you being a firearms instructor, you have an upper hand there, but you have a soft heart. You want to help people, which is awesome, but when it comes down to it, you will need to be careful on who you bring into your home. I will help if I see fit, but they will have to prove themselves. I will not just hand out. Unfortunately there are way too many people out there who will do harm to you just "for the fun of it" or because they were "board", just look at the College student from Australia who was gunned down while out jogging. If something major was to happen, even honest people will get desperate and will do anything to supply food and water for their family.
Don't get me wrong because I do believe in God, but all these people who think God will protect me in whatever, I think about a parable. A flood was coming and a man said God will protect me. Many messengers came by and ask why he was not leaving. The man said God would protect him. Well the waters came thru and he drowned. When he got to heaven, he asked why did you let this happen. God told the man, what else could I have done? I sent you many messages. Come down to it, God has also said to prepare yourself.
I have said it many times here. "A handgun is used to keep you in the fight until you can get to your rifle". It is not always practical to pack a rifle but when available the long gun is the weapon to have.

I have been prepping for many years. I would have to agree with Alabaster and everything he said. I have never seen as many "in it for themselves" as I have seen here. Thankfully they also don't last here very long either. I will admit I tend to take on these types. They show themselves quickly and tend to go on the offensive towards members. They are nothing but a cancer to society. They will take from anyone no matter if times are good or when the SHTF.

What I have learned here is what I already have known but just further reinforced. The vast majority of people (90%) are good hearted willing to help. The next group (7%) will come off as good but are opportunists and will take if they can but also will be a good person generally most of the time. The last group (3%) are the wolves of society and will take when ever and however they can. They have no conscience.
I have to agree with Roninsensei, knowing so many good folks are prepping, and generally feel the same way I do about this govt. gives me some peace of mind............... concerning the above comments ,Pistol in pocket / rifle at the house for the evil -doers...One MUST believe in evil and prep for those that would do harm.
Mr has always focused on making sure no one can take from us. In the past, I've accused him of being overly paranoid and anti-social. He has accused me of being too trusting. We balance each other well. I hope, if the SHTF, that some of us here will be able to find each other as I believe we are all going to be safer in groups than alone. But if Mr and I are alone out there, I am 100% confident he will keep me safe.

But what I have learned in my short time of being a member here is that even if we are alone, I know that there will be other good people out there making do as best they can and one day we'll all come together to make a new, healthier, happier life for us all. Those thoughts in dark times will always give me hope.
New food prep techniques and other factors to consider in my current location and my BOL

And Above All, there are friends out there willing to help a co-prepper!

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