Well, first off, I don't think I would have put this in Off-Topic... It's pretty pertinent info to prepping, IMO.... Although, there are about 500 places this would fit, so let's leave it be for now at least...
Back on topic, sorry about that. I am a firearms instructor(Not to give you my resume, but to let you know I'm not just taking a shot in the dark), and I can tell you for a fact that rifles/shotguns- Long guns if you will, are without question a MUST HAVE if at all possible. If someone lives somewhere that won't allow it, or there are extenuating circumstances, then I guess they have no choice. It would be wise to link up with someone who DOES have access to them though.
I am a firm believer that a handgun on your person is FAR better than a rifle in the cabinet, but it's not always possible. Self preservation pretty much trumps all, so IMO firearms are the most important tools you can have in general. I know sometimes there are extreme climates and what not that will change up the order of importance, but there will almost ALWAYS be predators around, whether 2 or 4 legged. That being almost without exception, it's easy to think in terms of firepower. The more effective cartridge and the more ammo the better. You can obviously see the point in having a pistol over NO gun at all, but unless there are situational reasons to dictate a pistol over a rifle, I would agree.
I think the most important thing I've learned from here is that not all preppers are kind. The majority of the people I have met here aer indeed good folks and are planning to get as far ahead as they can, and are willing to help others as much as they can, so long as it doesn't cot them their lives or loved ones. I have spoken to(As I know you have, Gazrok) to a couple people that are NOT well intentioned. Their idea of prepping is to stock up on arms and tactical goods to be able to literally TAKE AS MUCH AS THEY CAN from others.... This is sickening to me. I have always thought that like-minded people should look out for each other... I have intended to try and help out those who haven't been financially able, or who don't have the mental awareness to think that natural disasters, etc WILL HAPPEN. Regardless of "Possible" scenarios, those things are going to happen regardless of what humans do to or for each other. Some people just don't care, some think we will step up and take care of them(Family members and close associates), and some want to be involved and can't for one reason or another. Ultimately, NONE of this matters to me. I think we have a humanitarian responsibility to help others, PERIOD. I am absolutely stunned that some people can willingly, openly, and without regret, plan to do harm to other human beings with no other reason than that they intend to be the "Last man standing"... Sad state of affairs if you ask me...