What is your favorite YouTube channel?

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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2012
Houston Texas
List 2-3 good channels or people you are subscribed to that has to do with prepping.

Although I watch a gazillion youtube vids,the two I enjoy following their channels are MainePrepper and SouthernPrepper.Two great guys that will keep you on your toes and they give you plenty of things to think about,along with providing tons of great info (especially on stuff you may have never given a second thought to).

Out of the two,MainePrepper is my fav,he has a golden voice that I can listen to for hours to along with the gift to gab and with topics anywhere from crooked politics to planting a garden,it's hard not to listen to him.I also like the way he works despite his disabilities which in return gives me more motivation working with my disabilities.Boy,that guy does love his coffee though,I hope he keeps plenty in his stores,I picture several 55gal drums of it,haha.

Now randomly,i've came across tons of great prep channels,however,I find most are just youtube big talkers with no real skill sets or a working knowledge of true survival.

For example,just last night I watched an 18 yr old or so give a review on a 12g 870,then proceeded to load it (he loaded a yellow shell,which is standard for 20g not 12g) and blew a hole in his ceiling and called it an accidental discharge,lol.There is no such thing as an accidental discharge with a loaded gun and your finger inside the trigger guard,but it did make me laugh.I just hope the dipsh!t can make it at least to his mid 20's,haha.
I watch SensiblePrepper some good videos there. And sigma3survivalschool they have a lot of useful info there. Not so much about prepping there but a good review of some survival skills that some may lose if we don't get to use often. If you don't use it you lose it!
The "accidental" shotgun is a fake video. He tried the same thing a few years ago with a handgun, but I know there are people out there like that. But that is true, about a lot of people who will buy the items, talk about how they will use them, and some of the advice is not very good. Or they have never been out and used the items. (such as myself). But at least some of the things are great to watch and use their ideas.
Fake? I wondered about that because I noticed there wasn't any drywall particles raining down like there should have been.I was right after all,he is a little dipsh!t.

And i'm guilty too of a few gadgets that I have but haven't used,and agree, after weeding out the posers,there is a ton of great prepping channels and information that can be found on youtube.I enjoy watching a bunch of stuff on there from funny movies to gardening tips and tricks and anything in between.

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