What Kind of Premade emergency kits would you like?

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Awesome Friend
Feb 4, 2013
I know many here are the DIY type, but I am curious what kind of fully stocked, ready made emergency kits you would like to see.

What is not on the market that should be?

What is on the market but always missing something vital?
Never do first aid kits yourself. You need to craft one to your families needs. Need certain meds? Put that in there. Got kids? Put children's dosed Tylenol and so forth in there.
I like to have "kits". I keep each catagory together for easy retreival. I dont like store bought kits. The few I have seen usually have cheap stuff, not enough stuff and the stuff you get is way over priced. Some of the kits I have:
Food + Water
First Aid
Never do first aid kits yourself. You need to craft one to your families needs. Need certain meds? Put that in there. Got kids? Put children's dosed Tylenol and so forth in there.

Sorry meant "do first aid kits yourself" not never do yourself. Oops
The main reason you see overpriced and poor quality pre-made kits is because putting together a well thought out and good quality kit is expensive and very personal. People see the big sticker price and freak out. So if you do it the way you are thinking I think it would work out well. Break the entire kit down into sections (like how I have mine).

Start them off with a beginners kit, this is what they buy to immediately have some preps on hand. Make it a good bag, and a small survival kit. They choose a size of bag to fit them, and a survival kit based on where they are located.

Next is the shelter kit. Once they have the money after buying the Starter Kit, this would be the next kit to buy.

Then the water kit.

Food Kit.

Fire Kit.

Tools Kit.

And so on and so on....

That way they can break the purchase up over many multiple smaller purchases that will be easier to swallow. Give them options within each kit, and a small manual in each kit. The options let them customize the kit to their needs and environment, the manual teaches them how to go out and use the items. It should also emphasize the need to go out and actually use the items before a SHTF situation. By the time they buy all the kits they should have a very well put together bug out bag.

Just my two cents on the entire subject.... :p
I would like an alien invasion kit, but depending on the aliens, we won't know what to put in them. Are they allergic to water?(Signs) What about germs? (War of the worlds, E.T.) yodeling music?(Mars Attacks) or maybe if we can find a way to hack their computers to lower their shields and send a big bomb at them? (Independence Day)
I'm developing a line of kits that I do not see on the market right now or see really cheap poorly made versions only.

personal hygeine and sanitation kit
Laundry kit
water distiller kit
Infectious disease kit
Faraday cage kit
entertainment kit
First aid kit, (much more complete than your average kit)


I haven't priced kits in many years. Back in '99 I had looked at kits online and found that most of the things were things I could put together myself, because I had the time and inclination to do so. From what I can remember when I did look at kits, you are providing some that are really needed - the laundry is one that some people might not think of. Just today while hanging out laundry, I thought of clothespins and wondered how many people include them when prepping. They're not a necessity, but they're certainly something that would make life just a bit easier.

When it comes to the personal hygiene and sanitation kits... have you thought about including these? There are many sites like them out there that give the directions on how to make them. I think they'd be great post-SHTF, since once you have them, you don't dispose of them. In case you're interested, here is another site that lists many links for directions on making them.
Hello gentlemen, I personally like to build my own, everyone is different and live in different climates so the kits have to very. As for the debate....... I didn't really see anything wrong with Chickenlittles question, what is done with the info gathered could be of benefit to a lot of people. Trapper you are right also, people are stealing are ideas left and right from this site. I guess it just come's with territory.
:D OK... I'm a bit embarrassed here... LOL

Sorry ChickenLittle - I just made an awful newbie mistake... Without looking, I assumed you were a woman... or I would have phrased my previous post a bit differently...

(walks away shyly, while blushing).... :rolleyes:
The only kits I really buy are suture kits, drainage and irrigation kits, ringers, things like that. I get most of what I need through my vet and most of it transfers nicely to humans.
Bubba I really like your idea and that was one of the reasons we went the direction that we did. Too many expensive "complete" kits out there that can never be "complete" for everyone. We started a business to help people build kits on a budget.
the only kit i really like are the long term storage food kits. And only because its cheaper to buy in a kit rather than individual packs.

After doing some research and looking at my environment, I already have some better ideas on what I want in my own kit. Hence, assembling my own kit is more practical than a store bought one. I think everyone here also has different ideas on what to keep. For most here you have

- Bug in Preps (stuff to have coz you are not going _anywhere_)
- BOB (coz you gotta run away)
- GHB (coz you might be away from home and need to get home to your main preps)
- Survival Kit (altoids tin, Gazrock's laptop bag etc) which lets u get back to your truck, get to your GHB or BOB
- EDC (which may or may not include your survival kit)

I read a mantra here which I really believe in. "Two is one and one is none" hence redundancies in quantities that you can afford is best. so having Bug in Preps + BOB + GHB + EDC is quite normal. If you buy a kit for each. Think you'll go broke.

Making your own is best. :) Because you know yourself, your family members best.
I sometimes like getting a store kit as a starter, and then enhancing from there. Mostly, because such a kit will have a bag or container. Best one I ever found is a road emergency kit.

In a plastic molded case, about the size of a briefcase, it had a full socket set and ratchet, pliers, socket screwdriver set, siphon pump, collapsing water jug, jumper cables, road flares, glow sticks, bungees and ties, spare fuses, a thermal blanket, etc. I added in some specific fuses to my truck, and some spare bulbs of various kinds, and a pen LED flashlight, but other than that, was a well put together kit.

Most cheap first aid kits are a pretty good start, but you usually have to add a tube of antibacterial ointment, some butterfly bandages, and an Ace bandage, as well as some OTC (Over The Counter) and other meds.
I like the Military surplus first aid kits but I add to them The other premade kits I use are the Government issue FLU kits . I got them from Sportsmans Guide in a 2 pk .

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