In WI I can by wheat berries for the same amount as flour at Walmart and my local bulk food store. That is sacked and "food grade clean". If purchasing through the Feed & Seed the price is even cheaper by about 1/3. There has to be a place locally you can by wheat and avoid shipping costs. With a grain mill I can grind corn, beans and rice into flour. Its a very versatile piece of equipment.
I just think I found a great resource on seed, just a question of how much it costs to ship.
There is a government website called " Grain Seed Canada " that gives a list of liscended distributors of various types of seeds. I think part of the issue if finding wheatberry up here is that it isn't called wheatberry it is called whole wheat grain or wheat seed, not berry.
None the less I've contacted the local supplier about 150 miles away (300km) so I am hopeing I can get some sort of pricing back on their lowest quanity shipment. I have the feeling it will be a larger amount than I want, but perhaps I can make some sort of DIY grain mill?
This is a really good link though I may contact other distributors, but I'm geussing that they only do large bulk shipments, which would require me to pay high shipping costs meaning I'd have to get way more than I need.
I am in a very small community only about 1000 people up here and 5000 people year round in an area larger than may US states. There are no walmarts up here only one small grocery store with the floor space of a house.
I'm thinking though I could load up on wheat grain in my baggage next time I head down there and back, I figure I could bring back a years supply no problem. Also I'm considering for my next replacement vehcile to get a winnebago or other RV, and I can probably load that thing up pretty good with grain seed out of the closest city distrobution center and make my gas worth while. I think this will be next May, as I can get flour up here just not seed in bulk at a good rate.
Also the flour up here is enriched by law I think so it is relatively nutritional as long as it isn't all you are eating. I'd plant the stuff myself. I planted wheat grass last year and have some growing again this year. I use wild grasses to top my pan breads, and bake the husk and seed as a topper.