What Might Happen?

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Mar 18, 2012
Southern California
the mayans believed that everything came around in full circle, that by examining the stars (with a damn close exactness), and by judging what has happened in history, they could make predictions. they used this chart(wheel's') for everything from planting their crops to when it was best to go to war, but also what the future might bring. everything was marked in cycles, 5 to be exact. they didnt have a number for 6. 4 cycles have already passed and at the end of each cycle something devestating happened. their 5th cycle ends 12/21/12.
on this date all planets will align that in itself to me will be a miraculas sight!
now if we take these things in, remember this, at none of the other cycles did human kind get wiped out, or we wouldnt be here today. and take in that they had no number 6, so maybe they didnt make a 6th cycle because they didnt know of numbers past 5. know one knows for sure, we'll just have to wait till 12/21/12 to find out. thats why we prep, if nothing happens, that will be awesome, but if something does, i want my family/friends as safe as possable!
what do i thinks gonna happen? i think when the planets align, it will cause a gravitational pull, somewhat like the moon does at night, and will raise sea level far above where it is now, causing major flooding on coastal (pacific and atlantic indian etc) and river regions (like mississippi, amazon, nile etc)
what do you think may or may not happen?
Good theory! I dont think there will be a devastating end to the world where all of mankind will perish. What I do think IS happening is, there are a series of events going on now leading up to a disaster. What I mean by that is...look at the tsunami in Indonesha, the tsunami in China, September 11th, and all the devastating things that are in the NOW. When I was growing up (I'm 38) a Tsunami was unheard of. Now they are becoming more popular. All these events are killing thousands of beings, slowly changing mankind. It is true, there COULD be a significant situation in december, maybe a tsunami in NYC, That would kill tens of thousands, or a major volcano, that disrupts the earth, but I don't think the world will end on this day? Just my ¢2, but who am I? Lol
I am on the earthquake theory myself, so that's where my efforts tend to go, Its just a matter of time before one hits. How bad things get who knows. That's why we prep, to be a little better off than the rest.
well, they have found another Myan calendar that goes 7000 years psst the december 21, 2012 deal.
TBH, if you want my opinion, we're heading into the biblical Revelations. too much of the prophecies are coming to pass, like Syria for example.
well, they have found another Myan calendar that goes 7000 years psst the december 21, 2012 deal.
TBH, if you want my opinion, we're heading into the biblical Revelations. too much of the prophecies are coming to pass, like Syria for example.
WE wont see it in our life time.
WE wont see it in our life time.
we're already in the middle of it.
i could give plenty of scripture to back it up if need be fro Daniel, Isaiah and Revelations.
Pass on that, not sure i buy it. Please don't take that the wrong way !!
np, i take no offence at all.
just that if you read the bibles end day prophecies, you'll find that alot are happening atm.
I am on the earthquake theory myself, so that's where my efforts tend to go, Its just a matter of time before one hits. How bad things get who knows. That's why we prep, to be a little better off than the rest.
I too am on the earthquake watch myself.there is no telling how bad it may get after a big 8.0 or higher magnitude. I know i may not have to bug out, but i am sure if it is bad enough there will be looters and more home invasion robberies!
I also prepare for economic collapse.
I too am on the earthquake watch myself.there is no telling how bad it may get after a big 8.0 or higher magnitude. I know i may not have to bug out, but i am sure if it is bad enough there will be looters and more home invasion robberies!
I also prepare for economic collapse.
tbh, i prepp for any event. i cant predict exactly which cotastrphe might hit, if not all, so id like to pack a little something for any even that may occur.
lmao, i can say this in a post-shtf homrstead community, im sure as hell not gonna be the spelling teacher lol
tbh, i prepp for any event. i cant predict exactly which cotastrphe might hit, if not all, so id like to pack a little something for any even that may occur.
Very wise. I too prep for multiple scenarios. Because you never know.
No I mean actualy at sea level, like at high tides if it rose about 5 metres I'd b underwater lol
I just saw a special on the news about if the seas went up 5 feet how much of the US would be lost to the sea, and it was a huge amount of real estate! And my house happened to be gone, Houston would be in the ocean!
I just saw a special on the news about if the seas went up 5 feet how much of the US would be lost to the sea, and it was a huge amount of real estate! And my house happened to be gone, Houston would be in the ocean!
I sure hope where I am is far enough inland.
Krime, I know your safe!
I sure hope where I am is far enough inland.
Krime, I know your safe!
Lmao, ya im at about 3200 feet lol good luck with a sea flood reaching me.

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