What would you do if there was an alien invasion?

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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2013
Mishawaka, IN
If we had enough of a heads ups before they reached earth I would get my stuff and bug out. I would bug out to a secret BOL. If the aliens attack I would prepare a idea I have to create a treaty with the aliens or save the human race.
If I didn't know better I would say you'd just watched "Mars Attacks" or that you're trolling.
I'd stop reading Sci-Fi magazines if I was you, if there are space aliens they have superior intelligence than humans and wouldn't come within 100 light years of this place seeing what a mess we've made of it so far.
I'd stop reading Sci-Fi magazines if I was you, if there are space aliens they have superior intelligence than humans and wouldn't come within 100 light years of this place seeing what a mess we've made of it so far.
Hey I like to ponder things because of my ADHD and this happened to be one of those things. I know that there is a statistical number that aliens won't visit but I find it fun to do “what if” scenarios. We all do “what if” scenarios like “What if I lose my job?”, “What if there is a economic collapse?”, etc., etc.
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if you want a "what if", have a think what you would do if the power went off? have you any spare food? how would you cook it with no electric? what if the tap/faucet went dry..where would you get water? just have a think. and that's just the start.
if i had warning.id let them know ahead of time,thatd id help them destroy the so called gov..then id take over their ship.and bring my friends on board..lol
I have to see it this way.

The reason we war, is for control of resources.

Any being capable of interstellar flight, no longer has to worry about resources. Simply put, anything they need could be obtained from millions of uninhabited planets and other celestial bodies. (or cultivated on such worlds).

Therefore, logically, it stands to reason that warfare would NOT be the goal of any alien being capable of reaching us (they don't need our resources). So I think the chances of alien conquest are pretty slim to none. Simply put, there's no motive for it, unless they were genocidal, and simply wanted to exterminate all other sentient beings...but that's kind of a stretch.
I would go to the top of a really tall building to welcome them...no hang on that would be risky.

I would write a computer virus in a few hours that is so good it can destroy all systems on an alien ship, systems that I could not even conceive of but that I'm sure would be close enough to Windows XP for me to find and exploit the appropriate weekness, then I'd fly into the bowels of said ship and go looking for a USB port.
One of my favorite alien flicks, even though you could drive a few semi trucks through the plot holes in it, hehe. Just a feel-good popcorn movie.

Assuming there are aliens, and that they've come here, I can't help but think that if anything, they're just observing us (and possibly trying to contain us). My guess is that maybe other sentient races advanced in a more linear fashion, so by the time they were branching out into space, they were less warlike, etc. We're like the bad neighbor that they just want us to stay in our own yard for a bit. Only reason I can come up with as to why (if they are visiting), they don't drop in for introductions.

For the record, I used to be a pretty avid UFOlogist, so I've really delved deep into it. If you see a guy on a TV show talking about aliens, chances are, I've met and spoke with them at some point. Thing is, I think by now that the system in place is effective enough to pretty much ensure any such claims will be ridiculed. It's actually a pretty genius move by the governments, to be honest. The real good stuff is in the old cases (for that reason, prior to the policy of ridicule, when it was seen as an honest threat). You'd be amazed at some of the evidence there. Sure convinced me, and I went in as a complete skeptic. Roswell is still a great example. I went into it expecting to defend the Mogul explanation, but the more I researched, the more the government's explanation simply fell apart. (on at least three different main points, you can even prove outright lies in the investigation papers).

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