Ok heres the sitation. We have been prepping our little hearts out. Right down to figuring out wither to leave or stay. But while doing this, a scarey thought came to mind.
My oldest daughter is a senor now in high school grade 10, age 16. Like a alot of places they have now set up things for emergances as well. Her school like many others will go into lock down. Doors locked, children line a wall away from the class door and windows. If they where to evac, no problem. She is fully aware of what to do from there.
Her issue is what do I do.... "If they wont let me out." She does carry her cell phone on her in school, it isnt allowed, but she does. Rules state that they are to be left in their lockers, but ok yeah well. Lets just say they dont. lol She says she keeps it on, and on vibrate there as well.
As her mom its all well and good for me to say. "Sit still, do as your told, and we'll be there asap."
In all honestly Iam bring this here, cause now.... She scared me!!
My oldest daughter is a senor now in high school grade 10, age 16. Like a alot of places they have now set up things for emergances as well. Her school like many others will go into lock down. Doors locked, children line a wall away from the class door and windows. If they where to evac, no problem. She is fully aware of what to do from there.
Her issue is what do I do.... "If they wont let me out." She does carry her cell phone on her in school, it isnt allowed, but she does. Rules state that they are to be left in their lockers, but ok yeah well. Lets just say they dont. lol She says she keeps it on, and on vibrate there as well.
As her mom its all well and good for me to say. "Sit still, do as your told, and we'll be there asap."
In all honestly Iam bring this here, cause now.... She scared me!!