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Super Friend
Jun 4, 2013
Newfoundland, Canada
Ok heres the sitation. We have been prepping our little hearts out. Right down to figuring out wither to leave or stay. But while doing this, a scarey thought came to mind.

My oldest daughter is a senor now in high school grade 10, age 16. Like a alot of places they have now set up things for emergances as well. Her school like many others will go into lock down. Doors locked, children line a wall away from the class door and windows. If they where to evac, no problem. She is fully aware of what to do from there.

Her issue is what do I do.... "If they wont let me out." She does carry her cell phone on her in school, it isnt allowed, but she does. Rules state that they are to be left in their lockers, but ok yeah well. Lets just say they dont. lol She says she keeps it on, and on vibrate there as well.
As her mom its all well and good for me to say. "Sit still, do as your told, and we'll be there asap."
In all honestly Iam bring this here, cause now.... She scared me!!
This is the basic set up of her school. To the left behind the school is a large parking lot. This is where the students board school buses daily, as well as it leads her home. For the most part she is on the second level 90 % of her time there as well.
Mom knows best , Sit still, do as your told, do not bring attention to yourself , and mom will be there ASAP. If a small high-school in Canada goes on lock-down , its probably due to a Sandy Hook type situation. Otherwise , I would think you have no trouble getting your girl out of school.
That pretty much our plan in a lock down,wait it out and be there to get him out.My son's school allows ipods/smart phones for different school work activities they do,so at least we can keep in contact with him during a lock down.

Edit-last year,my son's small high school was put on lock down 3 times due to bomb threats.Turned out it was a prankster that got in a ton of trouble,but of course,they had to take each threat very serious until the buildings were cleared by the bomb squad.
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Yeah i am not a big fan of the lock down, I told my son to stay put and do as told till i get there, there is a no cell phone policy but screw that, he has one. My big concern is earthquakes and the time it will take to get to him. So the little guy carry's a little GHB. How cool is that and it was his idea.
i dont have any children of my own..but i beleave this is a great topic all the same..you and your wilfe might want to try going to the school,where the 2 of sit down with the princaple and (her) teachers.and maybe 3-5 other teachers as well.where the 2 of you let them know that mom or you will come and get her if possible.and agree on a certain entrance which will be where she goes from the door(s) stright to the vehicale.then yall leave to go home or where ever from there..
Realize if there is a lockdown for an active shooter you will not get near the school much less allowed to find your daughter. I would develop a plan A and B scenario as to where to find her outside of the school. Try to keep at least texts between you ongoing. She will need to follow the herd mentality of the school but at some point make her own decisions depending on the danger level. Talk to her about how to exit the school even if it means using a window to do so. I realize she maybe on a 2nd story and she needs to think about how she can move to do so.

Here is a video you can share with her. Sit down together and watch it and plan with her. Don't get caught up in the active shooter scenario, talk about several different things that may happen.

Thank you all for your input on this, it really helps. And Trapper Thanks bunchs That video helps her in more ways then one. She is one of those visual learners
Im a mom. I'm also an LEO. We have had our share of school shootings, bomb threats, fatal stabbing, and worse SRO involved shooting where the student died after attacking the SRO with a sword. Our schools go on lockdown a lot. My oldest daughter is 9 and goes to an elementary school that has to buzz you in if you properly identify yourself and reasons for being there. They have a phone in every classroom. They have a color coded window system. If the SHTF she knows how to get home if need be, on foot since its two miles away from home. Should an active shooter take up residence in the school, she knows to make herself small and invisible. She knows the difference between cover and concealment. Teach your children the difference.
Im a mom. I'm also an LEO. We have had our share of school shootings, bomb threats, fatal stabbing, and worse SRO involved shooting where the student died after attacking the SRO with a sword. Our schools go on lockdown a lot. My oldest daughter is 9 and goes to an elementary school that has to buzz you in if you properly identify yourself and reasons for being there. They have a phone in every classroom. They have a color coded window system. If the SHTF she knows how to get home if need be, on foot since its two miles away from home. Should an active shooter take up residence in the school, she knows to make herself small and invisible. She knows the difference between cover and concealment. Teach your children the difference.

Wow thats quite a bit to handle. Ok so not to be rude....What is LEO and SRO?
Sorry :oops: law enforcement officer and school resource officer.
*Hugs* Thank you Sbrosky1.
My daughter has no problem once outside the doors of the school. She has that set out for us. Its the getting out part that bothered her. Her fear is that if the Island we live on has to evac, would the military come in and lock the students down, to get there parents to leave willingly. I know I can sit back and tell her naa dont worry about that. But there is always that.....But Mom?
Kids are the best "what if" theorists. My nine year old is great at it. She studying the whole government shutting down and at the end of it, has a global economic meltdown in her mind. Then tells me we should go raid the neighbors houses while they are out at the grocery stores. She's already thought this out. I bet your daughter has already planned it out and is simply bouncing her ideas off you for input.
This is all good advice. I don't have any kids but that doesn't mean I'm not concerned. If locked down, follow the teachers, make yourself invisible, control fear (easy to say at any age) and keep thinking. If they can communicate do so- once this starts, I suggest either vibrate if phone cannot be kept in hand or just off if they can keep it in hand- avoid any disturbance possible. However, if they are cornered, grabbed, about to be executed/raped- FIGHT! If the shooter's intent on killing then the decision is already made. This must be understood that it is an option, to be avoided as best as possible but it must be discussed as well. I mean do not reenact Die Hard, but it is a possibility, no matter the age.

Also, I am ignorant of something and I wonder if anyone else has looked into this: GPS locators that they can carry. More for weather disasters like floods, hurricanes or tornadoes.
Many of my teachers have made clear their intent in a lockdown.. If theres a real threat, were goin out the window (provided were on the first floor) Most teachers understand the problem with standard lockdown procedure, if there was a real threat IN the school, then why stay IN the school lined up against the wall in a dark room....

Anyway, to hit on the SHTF deal, im not sure what the schools policy is. Id assume that if youre 18, you could leave by your own decision. Younger students would probably have to wait for parents. Sadly.. im still in the younger category :( I do drive to school though, so if i can get to my car or truck, i have a quick way home. If the roads are bad, i know how to get home and stay out of sight through wooded areas. Its around a 3 mile walk for me. I figure if its a SHTF/doomsday situation lockdown, I would be left to reason with my teacher to get me released. Im not going to sit in a school with a bunch of kids that are terrified if i dont have to, im going to do everything i can to leave. Luckily ive gotten to know most of my teachers, and they know im a rational guy. I only hope that if something does happen, i can use logic and reason to negotiate my release. Id probably end it with "I know what im getting into, and this is the choice i want to make. I dont want you to be responsible for me, i can handle myself. Take care of the kids who need it." Kinda corny, but it gets the point across that I know what im doing, and it is the choice i want to make. I know its not a solid plan to leave, but otherwise, i guess im riding it out or leavin without the teachers blessing(discretely)... Situation dependent.

Im normally all for following rules, but in extraneous circumstances, I understand I might have to go against them to do what is best for me.

EDIT: I am actually a junior in high school, I hope i could provide a few more things to think about.
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Just today my son's school had another bomb threat and they went into what they are calling a "soft lock down",only evacuating a small area and not the whole building in question which has me more than a little furious.Luckily,we let him play hooky today to go a few places with my wife and I,but the reason i'm upset is-this is a first,the schools (both jr high and senior) are a series of buildings,some connected,some not.

They have several lock down plans depending on the situation,but most usually involves getting the kids removed from the building(s) in question and getting them to one considered safe.

My anger is that a soft lock down seemed as though it wasn't taken all that serious as they suspected it a joke.I know it's very common for schools to get threats of different types all the time,but in this day and age,I just think that ANY bomb threat should be taken very serious until proven other wise by the bomb squad.I also realize 99% of the time (at least with the schools in my area) it is usually a hoax by one of the students.Now if the prankster is found,they do deal quite harshly with them,which i'm in favor of,but it just upsets me,like they knew it was "just another prank" before it was verified.Or are they gonna wait far another Sandy Hook situation to believe it as a serious threat?

I usually don't let him skip,but he hasn't missed any days this year and his grades are ok,so we let him and now i'm glad we did.What if it wasn't a hoax and they didn't know till it was too late?

Anyway,heres a link to the story from our local news-http://www.whiznews.com/content/new...reat-at-maysville-middle-school-nothing-found
I am just glad that all four boys are out of school now, but these are some great comments to learn from. Grandkids will be coming eventually. But then again, maybe they will choose to homeschool. I know Josh loved the fact he was.