What You’re Concerned Most About For 2020 | The Results Are In

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Nov 26, 2017
US of A

What You’re Concerned Most About For 2020 | The Results Are In
by Ken Jorgustin | Updated Jan 2, 2020 | CURRENT EVENTS |


Recently I asked you to list your concerns for the upcoming year 2020 from a preparedness point of view.

2020 Predictions
Here’s a summary of what most of you said.

Losing Trust In Government
Lost trust in government. Corruption thereof. Congress and alphabet-agencies. Lack of DOJ indictments / prosecutions for high profile injustices (e.g. Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the rest of the Trump-takedown group). A commenter said “I don’t see the truth being released by the DOJ because the truth might just spark a complete overthrow of the corrupt system and possible civil war – like keeping the pressure cooker at less than 15 psi.”

Intensifying Anti-2A
The intensifying push towards disarmament (2A) by increasingly bold anti-2A government bodies (e.g. Virginia governor and state legislature). City politics forced upon the vast geographical regions where ideals are often different (e.g. most all VA counties have now become 2A sanctuaries in defiance).

2020 Election
The 2020 election results, and the repercussions before and afterwards.

Solar Minimum | Food Production Losses
Reaching ‘solar minimum’ in the current 11-yr cycle (and apparently 200-yr grand cycle). Potentially entering a “Maunder Minimum lookalike”. Resulting crop losses. Food prices will increase as a result of food production losses. Increasing scarcity.

Big Tech Censorship | 1A
Big tech going “all in” on censorship. Further erosion of 1st amendment. Someone described it as “digital death” of the 1st amendment by progressive/left big tech. It IS happening. All because, Trump. Must. Not. Win. 2020.

Destiny of the Economy
The monetary / financial system destined to crash. And therefore our way of life. Debt beyond imagination may finally be realized. Grossly overvalued markets. Massive propping up by the Fed (repo and QE injections) may fail to keep the balloon full of air.

For more, read the comments from the recent post, “2020 Predictions”

There were some opinions that were upbeat. Though most were not (due to the natural skepticism’s of being preparedness-minded).

Government & Economy
The majority of your comments focused on two over-arching topics of concern. Government and Economy.

The government has outgrown the people. The Economy is a propped-up blown-up debt balloon.

My Prediction
I believe that the biggest factor affecting tumultuous events that may unfold during 2020 will have to do with Trump / the November election. Many events and happenings will revolve around this. There’s a battle for the soul of America. Two diametrically opposed ideals are clashing. The masks have come off the entrenched “deep” side as they are now fighting with “no holds barred”. They’re all-in. There’s a great divide. There’s no compromise. There will be no quarter granted. And it all spells t u r m o i l.
I would add healthcare to that list. I sure hope some transparency and deregulation can start unwinding this mess of a system we have now. Hopefully my family and I will not have a need for it in 2020, but something's gotta give on this front soon. The premiums are just astounding!

I do think that November could be tricky. I think Trump will win, but the Dems will throw a fit. What that will look like.....I don't know.
  • The advancing polarization of society, which encompasses the American election as well as others around the world, will rock much of humanity in 2020 (regardless of who wins the US election). We can't seem to disagree without hatred anymore and the level of that hatred continues to grow and further divide us.
  • The mass migrations out of the 3rd World and the conflicts surrounding those migrations.
  • Climate change - not the "mankind is destroying the planet" stuff on the news, but the natural changing of weather patterns. Megafires, increase in hurricane frequency, drought.
The November elections are going to shake this country to the core. Trump wins the left goes even more insane. Trump loses the left goes even further left and even more insane.

Yep, this is gonna be kind of a "no win" situation even if Trump wins. You're right, the Dems/Left will go absolutely nutso.
I would add healthcare to that list. I sure hope some transparency and deregulation can start unwinding this mess of a system we have now. Hopefully my family and I will not have a need for it in 2020, but something's gotta give on this front soon. The premiums are just astounding!

I do think that November could be tricky. I think Trump will win, but the Dems will throw a fit. What that will look like.....I don't know.

Have been for years and the care is no better because of it. They charge mafia type premiums yet doctors don't benefit that much at all.
The biggest rip off in American history.
Not also being American I worry about -
- The latest in Iran situation and possible fuel shortages if the straight get shut down and massive rises in prices.
- Droughts and bush fires, crop failures and food shortages.
- Economic collapse which despite what they are saying here in Australia is definitely not rosy.
Not also being American I worry about -
- The latest in Iran situation and possible fuel shortages if the straight get shut down and massive rises in prices.
- Droughts and bush fires, crop failures and food shortages.
- Economic collapse which despite what they are saying here in Australia is definitely not rosy.

I agree with you and since things have developed even in the short time since I posted I've had to reassess and
the sitch with Iran has been added to my list and given top billing.

Time to fill the jerry cans.
VThil We hope for their success and pray for their safety. I do worry about our brave men who stand up to these liberal dictators.
Communication at a distance can be accomplished with missiles, and/or with words. The word 'liberal' has the same root meaning as does 'liberty'. The word 'liberty' is a synonym for 'freedom'. Meer, the people you call 'liberals' are addicted to a form of human servitude known as Socialism. They are not liberals in any true sense of that word.

Meer, the paragraph above is a plea to resist the urge to refer to those socialists as 'liberals'. They ain't; they are proponents of a form of government that is the human emulation of the anthill. AKA a system of government that takes cooperation way too far.
Communication at a distance can be accomplished with missiles, and/or with words. The word 'liberal' has the same root meaning as does 'liberty'. The word 'liberty' is a synonym for 'freedom'. Meer, the people you call 'liberals' are addicted to a form of human servitude known as Socialism. They are not liberals in any true sense of that word.

Meer, the paragraph above is a plea to resist the urge to refer to those socialists as 'liberals'. They ain't; they are proponents of a form of government that is the human emulation of the anthill. AKA a system of government that takes cooperation way too far.

:thumbs: your right VThil so from now on its commie or socialist. :I agree:
I read the article, and agreed with the assessment. While I agree with the author's take, and all of the posts here, my concerns for 2020 are a little more personal. I hope that I am gainfully employed throughout 2020. April 1 begins a new fiscal year, so late March is usually when a blood-letting occurs. I would like to work at least another year to 18 months before I hang up my spurs for good. How the economy goes will be a big part of that. I hope 2020 brings better health to my wife. We may be able to take another medical deduction on our taxes with all of her time spent in doctors' offices and hospitals.

IMHO the country is upside down. It is astonishing to me how people can be so blind to the direction we are going, and how wrong it is. I would consider myself to be in a fortunate position of being able to ignore the stupidity, and live my own life in moderate comfort. Not that I don't care. I still vote and try to stay current with politics. The Democratic Party has gone so far left Harry Truman and John Kennedy wouldn't even be considered Democrats anymore. The have completely abandoned the Rule of Law, and are only interested in power. Pure absolute power over everybody. Their hypocrisy, and the media that support them is beyond belief. They hate rich, old, racist, white men, yet three of their top candidates are exactly that; Biden, Sanders, and Bloomberg.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at other countries in the world that have gone down this path. Why we seem obsessed with following is beyond me. I do hope that Trump gets reelected. I hope he can appoint another Supreme Court Justice or two. I don't know what it will take to have the pendulum swing to the right, and I have serious doubts about seeing it in my lifetime.
i'm not really sure at the moment.
Iran yes, but they seem to have pulled their horns in at the moment.
North Korea, little Rocket Man is so unpredictable anything could happen.
Climate Change, despite what Trump said at Davos this is still a worry, maybe not for my generation but it will affect step grand children.
Pandemics, they can travel across the globe in not much more than a day due to modern travel systems.
anything that affects the supply chain, especially stuff that is shipped in from far away.
Economic collapse is always possible.