What's everybody doing today?

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Mountaintrapper, I hope your hand doesn't have permanent damage and that it will heal up quickly.

Mo, I'm so sorry you are grieving so much. It's only natural. I'm glad you have people to offer support though.

I just had dinner and am about to try to get to sleep.
The last 2 months have been a blur. I woke up this morning and realized that today is the first day in forever that I don't have half-dozen deliverables at work hanging fire... The house work is piled up but I honestly haven't had time to look around to see what needs done, it's raining today so I will be limited on what I can do. It feels good to just be able to sit down and read what everyone has been doing. Have a great day...
Wow Urban, there you are. I hope things quiet down for you, that's alot.
I've got the chiropractor this morning, a couple hours of animal chores afterwards, then dishwasher repair guy sometime, husband's IV meds get delivered before lunch, and to the bigger town to get a bump near my elbow froze off. Hopefully some cleaning in between. Dave the fixit guy won't be back till next week, so I have some clean up time without sawdust flying. Rowdy the pup has some pills I need to get down him this morning.
The last 2 months have been a blur. I woke up this morning and realized that today is the first day in forever that I don't have half-dozen deliverables at work hanging fire... The house work is piled up but I honestly haven't had time to look around to see what needs done, it's raining today so I will be limited on what I can do. It feels good to just be able to sit down and read what everyone has been doing. Have a great day...
Hope life calms down a little and gives you some breathing room!! Always glad to see you!!
Did not sleep well last night, it was pouring so much it was loud on the metal roof. I woke up late. Looked at weather, flash flood warming, already had 2 inches in one night and will have 2 more days of rain. I guess after months of nothing we are all getting it at one time now. Hopefully we will be able to get to our festival ( and people going to it also!) wow, I don't even want to go look at our road. Water is of course dirty also, but that's normal for so much rain in a short time. I should have gone and unplugged one of the spring lines. Usually do that but there was almost no flow in it when I checked so I left it alone.

So today we are going to rotate animals around in the barn and clean. Maybe the sheep will go out in the rain for a little while, they don't usually mind too much getting wet, but they also mind if it is pouring and will huddle under the little shelter
No other plans for today it will take a while just to take care of the animals and clean
We had some high winds last night, with just a few drops of rain. I had a stack of corrugated metal roofing out in the back yard for a project I'm working on. The wind blew it all over the yard. I went outside moved it and re-stacked it. Haven't seen any damage yet. It cleaned out the dead pine needles from the trees.
Got a doctor's appointment later today. It's about a 2 hour drive from here so we'll have dinner down there before coming home.
Woke up and went to see if Mom wanted breakfast and got her something. I made myself some eggs and grilled cheese sammich.
Took a nap and then kitties started demanding food. 11 of them were in the kitchen hollering at me. Rupert, who slept curled up against me, was still sleeping on my bed. Got back into the bed and pulled him onto my lap. He's warm and happy.

Gonna try to do some cleaning today once I wake up more.
Got up, went to the fitness center to work out, got cleaned up, did a little dirty work for the firm, put a camera up in the hallway outside the apartment, did some reorganizing in the kitchen, sharpened the outrageously expensive Shun knives in the wood block, ran to the store for some additional seasonings, went down and grilled some chicken breasts and now I am really just waiting to finish making dinner. The daughter is going to help me again, which is good because she needs more practice chopping and dicing things. Then we are all going to either watch a movie or play some cards.
Had to talk to Amazon CS because something I ordered to detect leaks in AC refrigerant lines (some kind of blue spray) was saying it couldn't be delivered because the package was damaged but they didn't cancel the order and I wanted it replaced. It wouldn't let me get it replaced unless I agreed to return it but I never got it bc USPS refused to deliver it. CS lady apologized and agreed that it was stupid that the option I needed wasn't available. But she issued a refund and confirmed that I ordered a new one. It will just have to take longer now.

Been trying to teach the cats and dogs how to use the pet door Bethesda somehow got out but couldn't figure out how to get in. I have to hold the flap open for her.

I saw that Rupert wasn't on my bed after I walked out of the bathroom. Found him in the kitchen next to the waterer. Asked him if he was hungry and he walked over to me. I poured a packet of the bisque into a bowl for him and he could smell it. Itsy tried to jump on top of it but I caught her and set her back on the floor. I picked Rupert up and sat down with him and held the bowl so he could eat. He cleaned that thing out. Then he headed back to the kitchen. Presumably to get water.

Going to meet my friend in town later. Have to get some sweet feed for moocows and see if the hardware store has door & window spray foam.
Today, I noticed a neighbor kid playing outside... I have been seeing a white and gray chicken in their flower bed and was trying to figure out how they were keeping the chicken so close to the house without a pen. Anyway, I was watching the kid playing outside and it started to rain, the kid and the chicken ran in the house... I'm a little fuzzy on chickens as a house pet?
Today, I noticed a neighbor kid playing outside... I have been seeing a white and gray chicken in their flower bed and was trying to figure out how they were keeping the chicken so close to the house without a pen. Anyway, I was watching the kid playing outside and it started to rain, the kid and the chicken ran in the house... I'm a little fuzzy on chickens as a house pet?
Some people keep them as "pets", I don't like random chicken 💩on my furniture :p
Been very busy week at work so far. People are starting to schedule their flu and COVID vaccines an I started the immunizations. My first victims were three pharmacists that I work with. All survived. All still have use of their arms. Of the 20 or so shots I’ve given only 1 person was a “problem”. She flinched just as the needle pierced her skin. She’s a regular customer who annoys me on a good day. I felt bad so at least I haven’t lost my humanity totally. Most everyone else said I was very gentle and they wouldn’t have known I gave them a shot if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes.

I had a lot of anxiety going into this and also I’ll admit I had an issue with it morally. Not the flu shot but that other one. We have patients who were damaged by the early ones and I questioned my conscience in participating in it. My wise counselors reminded me it is no different than any of the other pharmaceuticals I hand over to them.

I will, however, never give a vaccine to a child. That is above my pay grade.

Probably should have put this in the rants
My poor brother came down with a horrible case of poison ivy after helping me run the rented trencher through my yard. I completely forgot that we were going past the area where I had a tree taken down that was infested with the nasty stuff. We had to fight to get a couple of large roots out of the trench and I bet they were roots of that vine. He's been out of commission for over a week now.
I've always been immune to poison ivy, and didn't have any trouble. Until yesterday, suddenly I have a rash popping up on my arms. The delayed reaction really puzzles me; I haven't touched anything we were working with that day.
I just got prescribed bifocals, why not get poison ivy too? My body is simply wearing out and breaking down.
Called yet another contractor to come do the gas line connections. He's supposed to come look at the job to give me a quote. The first two contractors have ghosted me and I got frustrated, hence renting the trencher and buying the gas line and just getting it done myself. I would like a professional to actually do the connections and run the pipe in the basement. But I don't know, if this guy ends up treating me the same way, maybe I'll have to learn how to run black pipe and connect to a gas meter.
I finally got the mantel installed over my woodstove. It's a beam 4" x 8" x 6' that was part of a rafter in an early 1800s house in southern Michigan. It's amazingly heavy. I drilled into the mortar between the fieldstones that make up the fireplace wall and epoxied the bracket bolts into place. Managed to get it level, which was a bit of a trick doing it by myself. Very pleased with how it turned out.
Been sitting here watch Ryan Hall Y'all and praying for the folks in the path of this storm. I'm glad to live where we get blizzards instead of hurricanes.
Just got home from my doctor appointment. We left home at 10 this morning. It makes for a long day. I see that the diesel was delivered, but he didn’t mix it. So I got a tank of regular summer diesel. I'll give him a call tomorrow and have him come back up and pump out about 150 gallons of regular diesel, then add 150 gallons of stove oil. Usually by mid October it's cold enough that I need the winter diesel.
Thought the dermatologist was just going to spritz the bump near my elbow with that nitro stuff, but nope. Shot of lidacaine in it, took some to send to the lab, and dug the root out. Have an impressive bandaid to show for it, and no getting it wet till tomorrow afternoon. Checked in with Florida sis and she's still sitting cozy. Power out, but she's a prepper, so has lights, a fan, and tv going. Lots of food and water. She's good. As long as a tree doesn't fall on her roof. Her son has a big house near hers, and all his spare rooms are filled up tonight with friends that had to evacuate from further south. She's worried about Tallahasee.
My poor brother came down with a horrible case of poison ivy after helping me run the rented trencher through my yard. I completely forgot that we were going past the area where I had a tree taken down that was infested with the nasty stuff. We had to fight to get a couple of large roots out of the trench and I bet they were roots of that vine. He's been out of commission for over a week now.
I've always been immune to poison ivy, and didn't have any trouble. Until yesterday, suddenly I have a rash popping up on my arms. The delayed reaction really puzzles me; I haven't touched anything we were working with that day.
I just got prescribed bifocals, why not get poison ivy too? My body is simply wearing out and breaking down.
Called yet another contractor to come do the gas line connections. He's supposed to come look at the job to give me a quote. The first two contractors have ghosted me and I got frustrated, hence renting the trencher and buying the gas line and just getting it done myself. I would like a professional to actually do the connections and run the pipe in the basement. But I don't know, if this guy ends up treating me the same way, maybe I'll have to learn how to run black pipe and connect to a gas meter.
I finally got the mantel installed over my woodstove. It's a beam 4" x 8" x 6' that was part of a rafter in an early 1800s house in southern Michigan. It's amazingly heavy. I drilled into the mortar between the fieldstones that make up the fireplace wall and epoxied the bracket bolts into place. Managed to get it level, which was a bit of a trick doing it by myself. Very pleased with how it turned out.
Been sitting here watch Ryan Hall Y'all and praying for the folks in the path of this storm. I'm glad to live where we get blizzards instead of hurricanes.
I hope your brother is feeling better! Sorry you got it too! Hope all goes well with the gas meter! And yes, prayers for all dealing with this already deadly storm!!
The last 2 months have been a blur. I woke up this morning and realized that today is the first day in forever that I don't have half-dozen deliverables at work hanging fire... The house work is piled up but I honestly haven't had time to look around to see what needs done, it's raining today so I will be limited on what I can do. It feels good to just be able to sit down and read what everyone has been doing. Have a great day...
How many days until retirement? It’s hunting season you know.
I wished it was light out and we could take care of the animals before the worst of the storm hits. It is very windy out already and still raining but not pouring. But the worst is coming in a few hours.
We are supposed to drive to town today to help set up for the festival tomorrow plus I need to do some shopping. Will wait until the worst is passed and then look at the road conditions before we go anywhere. I don't think the festival will be cancelled since the weather is supposed to be ok tomorrow
How many days until retirement? It’s hunting season you know.
That has become a complicated question:

At the current rate my new truck will be paid off in March (18 months total). This morning, I put in for my vacation time (I had 20 days of it at risk), so I am finishing out the year working 3 day weeks. I think hunting 2 days a week, 1 day for doing house chores, and 1 day for Church is a reasonable plan to finish out the year.

Today is a short day, just doing training. I put in for the supervisors position in my office back in June (I have been acting in that role for 18 months ) but they have not done anything other than say they received my application. After I get off today, I have an interview with another office (they saw my application too); if I got either position it would be a promotion but I would be signing up for another 3 years, no real obligation just to be considerate... To complicate matters, if I work another 21 months I will get a 10% raise in my pension.

So the honest answer is, it depends. Any where from 6 months to 3 years, the most likely date will be in about 2 years.

But, my wife says that I'm healthy so maybe I should work a while longer (beyond 3 years) to buy some important things before I retire....

She is still kicking, but our medical insurance runs just over $800/month, so I need to work just to pay for that.
She has been making a list of things the house needs:
New Sleeper Sofa,
New front room Recliner,
New pots and pans,
New shoes,

She wants new carpeting or hard wood floors installed on the main floor,
And she is reminding me that I installed the roof 18 years ago, so I should plan on doing that again.

I had looked into buying a new car, I specked out exactly what I wanted, but the dealerships couldn't deliver. I debated another option, but my current car is only 9 years old, runs fine and only need a few maintenance type things, so to heck with it. I'll keep it, pay off the truck, save my cash, and watch the used car market for something that matches my specks....

So I guess the real answer is sometime between now and my 75th birthday.... :)
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I wished it was light out and we could take care of the animals before the worst of the storm hits. It is very windy out already and still raining but not pouring. But the worst is coming in a few hours.
We are supposed to drive to town today to help set up for the festival tomorrow plus I need to do some shopping. Will wait until the worst is passed and then look at the road conditions before we go anywhere. I don't think the festival will be cancelled since the weather is supposed to be ok tomorrow
Hope it moves by you quickly and you can get out safely!!

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