What's everybody doing today?

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Got the lawn mowed, reseeded some green beans and Lima beans that didn’t come up, threw in some laundry (winter bedding for dad). While next door I did some jar reclamation from the way back of the pantry.

Got the live cam from the brigde up at the cabin on watching a freighter go down the river.
Been working on the B-O-A-T got it running good turn key and let go runs like new.

The blower to evacuate the engine bay is not working so no trying to start it without the rear deck up and no gas smell.

The fan motor runs so it has to be somewhere else, Thinking of doing a return ground style switch system and putting it on a timer before it can be started, so many igmos don't run the things to clear the bilge and engine bay.

This thing has a carb and that is a NO GO for me unless it has a working system.

Doing some stay cool things today so many projects one big one is doing some burning, Sonny is over here and Baby girl is working so gonna be some napping and house cleaning in the AC for today.
Have a happy Fathers day and Sunday.

I remember the GREAT FATHER too HE has two days today to be honored.
I have new Bathroom vanity, have it for a few months now, I sealed the Bottom of the walls(ParticleBoard crap), put a set of 4 Super Sliders near the corners raising it up another 1/4 - 5/16th of an " in Hope that no water splashes up and make it swell up and even break...!!! It's in the Laundry Room outside by the carport, Thinking about bringing it inside to a bedroom as I soon will 🐝 doing a Bathroom Do-Over...!! Got some more Royal Poinciana Seeds to get started and might just get a Load of Towels and more going to hang out in the afternoon Sun...?!?
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Don't 4get to clean the vents on the Outside Unit...
I do cleanup on all of the inside and outside HVAC coils every 6 months or so since it is so humid here they will get a lot of condensation it is like a running hose and if you do not run bleach and water through the drains they will clog.

I have a two filter system so we do not have to dust often, but it has to be changed often to keep the airflow at full force.

On The outside I usually wash out and cut the screening hedges back about every month.

That is another of the very soon cooler day tasks I am trying to hide from HEHEHEHEH.
Daughter and I got home at 8:50pm last night. I was sad to leave Florida and my uncle but I am glad to be home. I'm doing laundry and daughter is taking a walk down to Dollar General to get a birthday card for her friend. After noon, I'll run her back to her mom's. Daughter's Corolla is still at the shop. Mechanic replaced another wheel bearing, and since it's the weekend we can't pick it up until Monday, when I'm gone for work. I'll leave her a check to take to the shop to pay so she can get it on Monday.

I'll spend this afternoon with Laura and Ruby the dog. It'll be hot and neither of them tolerate heat well so I imagine we'll be inside most of the day. I'll still enjoy seeing them.
I'm pretty tired n sore..
Two weeks on nights with mostly 10 hour days and yesterday I got up early 8am and didnt stop going n doing till 10pm.

I took a shower, sat down with half a leftover enchilada and a cup of top raman..stumpled into bed and crashed hard.

Today I will walk the dogs and I have to make a dump run..but that's it.
I need ibuprofen just to get going today ..everything hurts.
Maybe I need a hot spring soak later...
That sounds awesome..
I need coffee now since I forgot it yesterday..
These don't work for me.
But thank you for the information just the same
As I said before If I misunderstood what he wrote?
Then I apologize.
I also said many of us if not all of us is still learning each other's style and thought process.
The last line before the attachment "Berry Berry Good".
I will make two replies, with separations between my remarks instead of my normal answers.
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Today agenda:
2 loads of laundry washed and dried and put away.
Third load in dryer now.
Fourth load in washer.
My shirts hung up to drip dry.
Picked up my CSA box on Friday, been working through that.
Made up 6 pans of venison cabbage rolls 1 was cooked the other 8x8 pans are in the freezer.
Made up 5 venison miniature meatloaves, ate one for lunch.
Others are in the freezer.
Divided up 4 pounds of broccoli florets into portions sized meal for me.
Still got another bag to work up.
Shredded up 5 pounds of carrots, then divided it up in recipe portion sizes for me.
Still have another 10 pounds to work up.
Water bath canned 5 pints of carrot coins.
Have 2 quart bags of shredded carrots,broccoli,cabbage,rice made up into stir fry meals all I have to do is add meat.
Have broccoli,cauliflower cheese(separate bag) ready to make soup also in freezer.
Dishes is done.
Banana bread is in the oven now.
Still need to deal with 12 pound head of cabbage.
Got 3 bags probably 2 pounds a piece of coleslaw dressing to deal with.
Will get dehydrator out to help with part of that.
Will make up several more stir fry bags for the freezer.
Wednesday will make up vegetable fried rice too.
Resting, reading forums.
Happy Father's Day.

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Underhood Fuse block​

The underhood fuse/relay center is located in the rear of the engine compartment near the brake fluid reservoir.

GMC Yukon - fuse box - engine compartment

Thru that Link ^^^, pic can 🐝 Enlarged...!!!

Ok found it, there is the large one in the middle and the 40 A one above that to the left. It has the details on the bottom of the box. They don't look broken but I will try to get new ones and replace them and see what happens. It started right up no problem just now.
But LOL, I have a feeling nothing is THAT easy ....it will probably be something bad and expensive only the dealer can fix....( yes I am not an optimist....LOL) BUt thank you so much learned something new!
I have new Bathroom vanity, have it for a few months now, I sealed the Bottom of the walls(ParticleBoard crap), put a set of 4 Super Sliders near the corners raising it up another 1/4 - 5/16th of an " in Hope that no water splashes up and make it swell up and even break...!!! It's in the Laundry Room outside by the carport, Thinking about bringing it inside to a bedroom as I soon will 🐝 doing a Bathroom Do-Over...!! Got some more Royal Poinciana Seeds to get started and might just get a Load of Towels and more going to hang out in the afternoon Sun...?!?


Got it Inside the Bedroom as I still have to Seal the Top of the particle wood...!!! Took the Doors off and carried the sink in separately because of the weight...!!!

No Back Splash so I will probably end up putting some colorful Tiles at the back...?!?
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Ok found it, there is the large one in the middle and the 40 A one above that to the left. It has the details on the bottom of the box. They don't look broken but I will try to get new ones and replace them and see what happens. It started right up no problem just now.
But LOL, I have a feeling nothing is THAT easy ....it will probably be something bad and expensive only the dealer can fix....( yes I am not an optimist....LOL) BUt thank you so much learned something new!
Pull it out and look at those Contacts...!!! Might wanna have a small Finger-nail File Handy...?!?
Writing marathon, should be done with book 2 in a few days. Chugging black coffee and sugar while I listen to "I had some help" by Post Malone on loop for hours at a time.
While weeding the landscape at the rental house yesterday I noticed some poison ivy. So today The Princess brewed up 6 gal of Roundup and loaded up the side by side. I drove while she road shotgun spraying poison ivy and invasive species. It was fun. She used 5 of the 6 gal. It was fun.

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While weeding the landscape at the rental house yesterday I noticed some poison ivy. So today The Princess brewed up 6 gal of Roundup and loaded up the side by side. I drove while road shotgun spraying poison ivy and invasive species. It was fun. She used 5 of the 6 gal. It was fun.

Do You make Your own version or did She just water-down some of the Store Bought Stuff...?!? Inquiring Minds would Like 2 know...!! 😉
I was supposed to mowing grass ....but finally when I went in basement
I was just like...*OK time to rid of lot of crap I am in the mood for it*

So many things I did throw in garbage
and some other stuff going for recuperation

It never ends 🤪
You gotta do that stuff when you are in the mood! What a good feeling getting that kind of stuff done!!👍
Got the last of the winter stuff packed away and summer clothes put in the dresser and armoire. Did some cleaning at dad’s then cleaned in my place. Washed the bathroom rugs and towels. Heidi had a particularly tiring day. So tired she needed one of the towels as a bolster pillow. She’s snoring now

Went to a fun wedding reception last night, but overestimated my alcohol tolerance (Haven't been drinking much at all).
So today, I am relaxing, doing laundry, finishing up an emergency neuro cert I have to renew every 2 years, and making homemade pizza. Kids are coming over for dinner later, boys are working on the road into the property some more.
Trying to get everything done before my work week starts Tuesday.
Picnic at the big park in the bigger town. It's hot. We lasted a couple of hours. Little granddaughter got on husband's scooter and took the pup for a walk thru the park, ha. He follows her everywhere. Picked up our barbeque to have for supper for later. Husband just opened up a very strange decanter set from one of our daughters. It's hour glass shaped. Hmm.
I sat around doing nothing but the bare minimum (the normal stuff that I do) today & then started feeling guilty. So I'm washing 3 loads of clothes & I've already cleaned the back bathroom. Now I can kick back & enjoy drinking beer without feeling guilty.

PS: Don't use too much Pine o Pine because the smell is overpowering!!!! It's going to be days before we can use that bathroom.
Went to a fun wedding reception last night, but overestimated my alcohol tolerance (Haven't been drinking much at all).
So today, I am relaxing, doing laundry, finishing up an emergency neuro cert I have to renew every 2 years, and making homemade pizza. Kids are coming over for dinner later, boys are working on the road into the property some more.
Trying to get everything done before my work week starts Tuesday.
It's nice to see you again, Dr. Jenner.
Hope you are well?
Today agenda:
2 loads of laundry washed and dried and put away.
Third load in dryer now.
Fourth load in washer.
My shirts hung up to drip dry.
Picked up my CSA box on Friday, been working through that.
Made up 6 pans of venison cabbage rolls 1 was cooked the other 8x8 pans are in the freezer.
Made up 5 venison miniature meatloaves, ate one for lunch.
Others are in the freezer.
Divided up 4 pounds of broccoli florets into portions sized meal for me.
Still got another bag to work up.
Shredded up 5 pounds of carrots, then divided it up in recipe portion sizes for me.
Still have another 10 pounds to work up.
Water bath canned 5 pints of carrot coins.
Have 2 quart bags of shredded carrots,broccoli,cabbage,rice made up into stir fry meals all I have to do is add meat.
Have broccoli,cauliflower cheese(separate bag) ready to make soup also in freezer.
Dishes is done.
Banana bread is in the oven now.
Still need to deal with 12 pound head of cabbage.
Got 3 bags probably 2 pounds a piece of coleslaw dressing to deal with.
Will get dehydrator out to help with part of that.
Will make up several more stir fry bags for the freezer.
Wednesday will make up vegetable fried rice too.
Resting, reading forums.
Happy Father's Day.
I have Cancer Doctor Appointments this week.
So I prep when I have those, cause I don't know how I will feel when I get home.
Watching "I'maGettingOuttaHere" on the CW :

I think today was the first day of me being 100% back to normal. I just took a cold shower for the first time since we got back from the trip ( it's either that or I have to heat water and take a bucket shower since we have no hot water in summer)
After animal care I cleaned the entire house, made burritos ( husband's request for fathers day) and later egg salad since we still have a ton of eggs. Then we just got done planting some more tomatoes , well transfering them from pots to garden but they are still small. The garden is not awesome this year, oh well.

Talked to my brother on the phone, he thinks my vehicle problem is the starter solenoid , second most likely he thinks it's the ignition
I will still get that relay and fuse thingy , just to eliminate one thing for sure

oh and I made sourdough bread well, the dough, it's in the fridge now till tomorrow

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