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Robin, please try to post news articles instead of Tweets. Use a search engine.

Tweets like that one are hard to understand and have no context. Although it is factually correct, it is not very informative.

From that Tweet I gathered that it was from a story on Fox35 about Orlando Health, so I did a DuckDuckGo search on "Fox35 Orlando Health" and found the article right away.

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Here Robin. I copied it for you. There are other articles with the Governor getting involved because over a 100 testing places reported 100% positive.

The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.
The report also showed that the Orlando Veteran’s Medical Center had a positivity rate of 76 percent. A spokesperson for the VA told FOX 35 News on Tuesday that this does not reflect their numbers and that the positivity rate for the center is actually 6 percent.
“The Department immediately began working with those labs to ensure that all results were being reported in order to provide comprehensive and transparent data,” a spokesperson for the Florida Department of Health said. “As the state continues to receive results from various labs, the Department will continue educating these labs on proper protocol for reporting COVID-19 test results.”
My freaking neighbor is crazy! Hunny has been working on the four wheeler today and got it to where it is not overheating so he wanted to take it out to do a teast run. Getting on I saw where the neighbor was out burning his trash. He doesnt do it by his house and has set up his burn barrel right outside our gate where our propety line borders. On our way out, hunny operates our front gate and then I drive out scoot back for him to drive. Neighbor walks up with his hand extended to my hunny. Neighbor had someone with him so probably wanted to make the good impression was my thinking. Hunny tells him I dont want to shake your hand and then we take off down the road and then turn off down a muddy trail into the woods where we normally go with the four wheeler. It takes us on the the backside of cow pastures, down a pipe line and boarders the LNVA canal. The neighbor comes barreling down the muddy trail stopping right in front of us saying something about throwing rocks. I told hunny to just keep going. . . . Neighbor hopped back into his car to follow us but hunny went down a trail that he was not able to go down. Holy Crap! If anything happens to one of us it is going to be his doing I swear. Same neighbor who tried to flood us daming up the ditches. Same a@@hole who keeps exposing himself to all the females around here. His a@@ was demoted and finally canned from the sheriff's department due sexual harassment. Can only guess it is the same reason he got fired from selling cars and is now supporting himself mowing lawns. Every time we deal with him he seems more unstable.
We have more ground squirrels this year than I've ever seen before. Some of these squirrels are supposedly "endangered". They look more like prairie dogs and dig big holes in the meadows. I made a repeater cage trap for squirrels. It'll catch up to 6 squirrels at a time.
The biggest problem that I have here is with chipmunks. I made a repeater cage trap for them too. I also keep about a dozen of my ermine traps set around the place. It's basically a wooden box about a foot long with a 1-1/2" hole drilled in one end and a trap set inside baited with grain.
I told the family today that we would never go hungry for meat because we are overrun with squirrels. I got about 30 acorns out of the pool today because they drop them. They have taken over a large birdhouse too.
I feel your pain, I worked on a air conditioner and air handler in an attic today . First of all I don’t mind doing my part to keep everyone safe but the homeowner went full OCD on us, we had to spray our shoes with Lysol wear shoe covers , mask and rubber gloves and spray our shoes every time we had to go out to cool down. Rubber gloves are the worst in hot weather.
Got up early and did my watering and am going to take a day off. No canning and no gardening until late this evening. My knee is bothering me a bit so I think I will just stay out of the heat. My county is up to 30 cases so far. Highest it has been. The large cities like Nashville have some scary numbers though. It does seem to be trickling more out into the outlying communities now. Got 2 cloth masks yesterday in the mail from my health insurance company. That wasn't subtle ;)
This is what we've got going on here right now. We missed the first wave almost completely which got people thinking it was no big deal. So they quit being careful.
This is what we've got going on here right now. We missed the first wave almost completely which got people thinking it was no big deal. So they quit being careful.

I am seeing lots of that in my community too. People here think because they are rural that they missed the bullet and are careless. I have a funny feeling sooner or later Covid is gonna find rural too and put a whooping on some people if they are not careful. I think people who live in very rural areas think what happens in the outside world does not apply to them. I hope they are right. I am in the "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" camp myself.
I checked the Nashville News this morning. It has been a couple days. Holy crap! 2500 increase in positive cases 24 hours statewide. Just another day in the neighborhood.....

Williamson Medical Center suspends elective surgeries as COVID-19 cases surge

https://www.newschannel5.com/news/n...hospitalizations-in-tennessee-set-new-recordsCOVID-19 hospitalizations in Tennessee set new records

Tenn. doctors say reopening schools is 'insane' and 'irresponsible'
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Hindsight being 20/20, I almost feel like all the safety measures we took in the first couple months were a waste. The numbers were so low that the odds were greatly against anyone rural coming into contact with the virus. Now however, this crap is everywhere and with its transmission rate we are more likely to encounter it than ever. I had a 12 hr day yesterday and had that itchy, hot and generally uncomfortable mask on thru all of it. Definitely worth it now.
I made myself feel guilty so I went out and started watering bees and chickens. That let to pitiful wilted plants etc. Ended up doing enough so I don't feel guilty.
I’m about to go out and pick blue and blackberries. Need to mow too, and weed eat. it’s just still hot as hades out there.
I picked about half the blueberries and the blackberries tonight. Got 1 1/2 gallons of blueberries and about a gallon of blackberries. I was drenched in sweat so rinsed and dove in the pool. Mowing is on tap for tomorrow morning along with the other half of the blueberries. Weed eating will hopefully get done tomorrow night. I’m taking a ride up to the mountains during the heat of the day. I’m thinking of take out to a stream somewhere.
I picked about half the blueberries and the blackberries tonight. Got 1 1/2 gallons of blueberries and about a gallon of blackberries. I was drenched in sweat so rinsed and dove in the pool. Mowing is on tap for tomorrow morning along with the other half of the blueberries. Weed eating will hopefully get done tomorrow night. I’m taking a ride up to the mountains during the heat of the day. I’m thinking of take out to a stream somewhere.
The other day the wife and I and the dog did the same thing. We picked up some chicken at the store and drove down to the river. The river isn't very far from here, but it's a 4,000 foot drop in elevation from our house. It was 96 there and 75 at home. It was perfect swimming weather.
I mowed and picked another round of blueberries. Got another gallon and a half and still have more than half the berries not ripe. This was by far the best crop I’ve ever Had of them. The bushes are about 7’ tall now and got lots of extra rain earlier in the season so am sure that made a difference. I got berries on the young plants but for them to produce well they need time to mature. Tonight I will pick tomatoes and apples Then weed eat. Right now I’m too tired to go for that drive today... Maybe tomorrow.