I have NOT checked into a hospital in 47 years. I am building my (GTHMCH) "Going to the hospital might come home" BAG (actually a PELICAN 1560 Case).
Question: Do they inspect the stuff in your bag/case....??? What is NOT allowed..?? Same as TSA airline check-in.....??? Pocket knife (what size limit)..?? A bottle of Tequila, etc. A limit on conservative thinking books, or subjects, porn....???
No weapons period, No guns, ANY knife, and sometimes they whine about nail clippers.
DO NOT bring more than fifty dollars with you and be sure it's in small bills.
Only 1 credit card and 3 forms of ID.
Do not bring your food stamp card UNLESS your health care is on it.
NO jewelry.
No games. no tablets, no laptops.
ALL of this is subject to theft if you have to leave it somewhere, or just get "lost".
Only bring a minimum of clothing, 1 change max unless you know you're staying.
No outside food, unless you clear it with the Dr. Bottled water and protein bars, are generally OK. Try not to dress like you're headed to church, the more uninteresting you look the better.
DO bring:
Your medicare and insurance cards.
3 forms of ID+ proof of residence.
a pillow.
A list of meds you're on.
List of allergies.
self-contained snacks like chips or cliff bars all drinks must have a lid.
A book.
a zip lock bag with paper towels or tissues.
A face mask and rubber gloves. Waiting rooms are breeding grounds for disease!
Hand cleaner.